"Youth is always wild!"

This simple lyric perfectly shows the unique passion and unruliness of young men.

Yes, every young man is born with innate sharpness and confidence.

They dare to show themselves and are not afraid of the thorns and bumps on the road.

This is also the background of all of us.

But later, life polished away the edges and corners, and lost that sharpness.

Just as it is sung in"Young China".

Young people are the hope of the nation and the backbone of the future!

"Dare to measure the sun and the moon again. What a great ambition!

A simple line of lyrics fully shows the courage of the young man.

Dare to challenge and explore those seemingly impossible things, and treat the sun and the moon as objects that can be measured and conquered.

Not afraid of hardships and difficulties.

What a courage.

Contestant seat.

Kong Sijin sat behind Su Cheng's seat, in the second row.

At this time, his hands began to tremble slightly.

A few days before going abroad, Su Cheng had sent the complete song to himself.

Like���All kinds of international competitions that represent the country have requirements for songs and need to be filed.

Su Cheng's competition song is no exception. A long time ago, the requirements for song creation were issued.

They were all stopped by Kong Sijin.

They were not sent to Su Cheng.

In his opinion, Su Cheng was able to create so many excellent works, and there would never be a song that insults China.

Sure enough, this young man once again handed in a perfect answer.

Although this song is not the first time Kong Sijin has heard it.

However, the previous version was far less shocking than the one he heard live today.

The heroic sense of the Chinese young men, as well as the high-spirited and positive spirit of the young men were interpreted vividly by Su Cheng.

"Regardless of whether we can make it to the quarterfinals tonight, this song must be sung and remembered!" Kong Sijin couldn't suppress his excitement and murmured to himself in a trembling voice.

WMG Organizing Committee Seat

"I seem to have seen the lyrics of this song in historical documents!" Wood said thoughtfully.

Rihanna, who was standing next to him, heard what Wood said and asked in confusion,"Is it an ancient Chinese poem? The lyrics feel so beautiful!"

Rihanna is a black female singer, the singer of"We Found Love", and she is very popular in the United States.

Wood seemed to remember something at this time and said firmly,"No, Rihanna, it is an article by a modern Chinese scholar, which had a great influence at the time."

Rihanna hesitated slightly,"Modern, modern Chinese history is a special history."

She also studied history a little, unlike other people in the United States. She has misinterpreted and forgotten that period of history.

Now walking on the street, if you ask which country won the Second World War

, nine out of ten American people will say it was the United States.

They have no idea about other victorious countries that paid a greater price.

Some people even say that the United States defeated the Soviet Union in World War II.

It is really a tragedy.

On the stage.

Su Cheng continued to sing

"Dare to ask the world, test your edge"

"Who can stop us from overcoming all obstacles?"

"People laugh at me, but I am strong"

"Live up to your youth!"

The first three sentences are still majestic.

""Try your edge","Who can stop me","I will be strong", three consecutive words, once again showing the heroism of the young man, who is not afraid of difficulties and strives to be strong. In the fourth sentence, the tone suddenly dropped, slightly soft, but more contagious.

Under Su Cheng's singing, there is an inspiring power stirring.

"Chinese Kung Fu!" Yuri screamed,"Is this also a kind of Chinese Kung Fu?"

Yuri turned his head,"Weier, do you feel it? I feel full of power now!"

"Su Cheng can actually make me excited with a song!"

Wei Er turned around and was also excited,"Yuri, I also felt it. Not only that, but what's even more amazing is that I can actually understand the meaning of the lyrics."

"It's incredible, I can't speak a word of Chinese!"

Edward looked at Yuri, then at Wei'er. He was shocked beyond words.

He lost to Su Cheng in the WMG preliminaries and got the second place.

He was very unconvinced. He felt that Su Cheng won by showing Chinese Kung Fu in the MV.

Especially his friends around him showed him the martial arts moves they learned every day.

A singer who won by showing Kung Fu.

In his opinion, it was a crooked way!

《He listened to the song"Dragon Fist" carefully many times, and the tune was definitely excellent.

But he felt that the lyrics were just average, and kept repeating the sentence"I am the dragon". He also looked up the meaning of this sentence, and it seemed to be talking about the totem of China.

But why did this singer keep saying that he was the totem of China?

This made him very confused.

In general, Edward felt that Su Cheng's song was definitely excellent.

But it was unreasonable to beat himself with twice the advantage.

Edward was very unconvinced.

And he made up his mind to beat Su Cheng severely in the Global Music Storm Competition!

Let his friends know that he is the most powerful among the new generation of singers.

But tonight, this hope seems to be shattered.

Not only his friends praised Su Cheng with surprise.

Edward himself felt his heart surging.


This must be magic!"

Edward said to himself.

"No! Dear Edward, this is Kung Fu! Chinese Kung Fu!"Yuri continued excitedly,"I heard that if you practice Tai Chi well, you will have"internal strength", and Su Cheng obviously has this ability!"

The young singer has been obsessed with Chinese Kung Fu.

Hearing what Yuri said, Edward shook his head.

"This is the power of song, the magic of music!"

Yes, music has its own magic.

Someone once said,"���"Technology has no borders."

But later those politicians slapped them in the face, technology blockade, technology monopoly.

Can you say technology has no borders?

The real borderless thing is music!

It can transcend language, culture and geographical barriers, and touch everyone's soul.

Just like Su Cheng's singing tonight, few people present are proficient in Chinese.

But everyone feels the power of it.


So far, Su Cheng has finished singing the first paragraph.

Entering the interlude, the sound of the guzheng sounded.

A strong classical Chinese style emerged spontaneously.

The accompaniment sounded again, and the young men recited in unison

"If the youth are wise, the country will be wise; if the youth are rich, the country will be rich; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong; if the youth are free, the country will be free!"

With the momentum of Su Cheng's previous recitation.

Listening to this recitation, the vigor is even more obvious.

Sunny, confident, positive, and high-spirited!

Kong Sijin's lips trembled with excitement.

"This is what a Chinese boy should look like!"

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