On stage.

After the children recited in unison twice, Su Cheng continued to sing

"Gan Jiang sharpens his sword, making it sharp"

"The sky is blue, the earth is yellow"

"Even though there are thousands of years, there are still eight wastelands"

"The future is like the sea, and there is a long time to come!"

The voice is warm but firm, and every word is sonorous and powerful.

These lyrics are from Mr. Liang Qichao's"Young China", the original text.

Like the previous text, Su Cheng sang it in the form of singing.

""Gan Jiang Fashen", Gan Jiang is a legendary swordsmith, and Fashen is the action of sharpening a sword.

It symbolizes that young people are like sharpened swords, and they will eventually sharpen their edges.

The second sentence, one"sky" and one"earth", immediately opens up the vision and pattern, and also represents the image of a Chinese young man who stands tall and upright.

""Thousands of years" and"eight wastelands" unfold from the two dimensions of time and space, instantly raising the artistic conception and momentum of the whole paragraph.

In the end, it comes down to the young Chinese"The future is like the sea, and the future is long!"

Mr. Liang Qichao is worthy of being a pioneer in modern times.

Just a few heroic words are very inspiring and encouraging.

It fully expresses the praise and expectations for the young Chinese, and inspires the Chinese youth to work hard for the rise and development of the country.

WMG Organizing Committee.

Wood stared blankly at the young man in Zhongshan suit on the stage. He muttered to himself

"Is this what China really looks like?"

Although it has a history of 5,000 years, it still looks like a teenager.

Wood thought he had done sufficient research on Chinese civilization.

Before, he thought that this was an ancient civilization.

Just like other ancient civilizations, it will slowly be submerged in the long river of history.

Today's China is just a new country that has re-bloomed on the land of ancient China.

But today.

After listening to Su Cheng's singing, this old man who has a deep study of China suddenly felt that he was wrong.

Chinese civilization has never grown old.

The long river of history has not submerged it.

What stands today is still the Chinese civilization, ancient and young.

Wood once heard that a scholar put forward such a view.

He said: China is a civilization disguised as a country.

It is true!

This civilization has never been broken, it has continued, and it continues.

Just like the"The future is like the sea, and the future is long" in Su Cheng's singing!

There are only four words in his mind now:

Young China!

At the end of this paragraph, Su Cheng dragged a long tone again, and raised the momentum again.

"Youth has its own way, youth is wild"

"Your body is like mountains and rivers, and your spine is straight!"

"Dare to measure the sun and the moon again"

"Today, I am the only young man!"

After describing the image of a young Chinese, he once again returned to the Chinese young man.

It is precisely because of this land that there are such vigorous young people that young China is so vibrant.

In the contestant seat,

Vanxia was once again shocked by Su Cheng's breath control.

When she was in China, she had performed on the same stage with Su Cheng twice. She had heard him sing two songs,"The Hard Sutra" and"Shameless".

Those were two songs of completely different styles.

The first song was very fast and required extremely high breath control. Vanxia had tried it before, but couldn't sing it at all.

At first, she thought it was because she didn't understand Chinese.

Later, she specifically asked her friends who knew Chinese, and their singing skills were not inferior to hers.

But she still couldn't sing it.

The second song was rock, with high notes throughout.

High notes are her strong point.

However, Vanxia found that she couldn't replicate it either.

Today, Su Cheng's song"Young China" is in another style.

Su Cheng is sometimes gentle and firm, and sometimes majestic.

This change of style can be achieved with just a few lyrics.

Vanxia herself has songs that change from low to high notes, which is also her forte.

However, it is easy to change to high notes, but it is difficult to change the artistic conception.

But Su Cheng made such a smooth transition.

A second ago, Vanxia's mind was still filled with the vigor and vitality of an ancient civilization.

After Su Cheng uttered a long note, the picture changed to a group of vigorous young Chinese men.


Van Xia couldn't express this shock in her mother tongue, and thought silently in her heart.

Perhaps only the ancient Chinese civilization, which is still full of vigor and vitality, can express her complex emotions!

Van Xia looked at Su Cheng singing on the stage, and felt that he was more handsome than ever today.

Different from the unrestrained and unrestrained on"New Singer".

Tonight Su Cheng was wearing a Zhongshan suit.

It was particularly neat and tidy.

"Dare to ask the world, test your edge"

"Who can stop us from overcoming all obstacles?"

"People laugh at me, but I am strong"

"Live up to your youth!"

This chorus is even more magnificent.

At this time, Su Cheng represents the thousands of Chinese teenagers, and also represents the young Chinese who are ready to"test their edge".

A domineering aura burst out.

Then the infected audience......



An ordinary residential building.

Sun Lianjin was so excited that his eyes were filled with tears.

As the youngest principal in the history of Hangzhou Experimental Middle School, he was once a young man who was full of vigor and energy and ready to devote all his strength to the cause of education.

At that time, he was just like what Su Cheng sang in the song.

He was full of vigor and never afraid of difficulties. He also had a passion.

He vowed to cultivate outstanding talents for China.

However, I don’t know when it started.

I slowly lost that sharpness and forgot my previous ambitions.

I began to fear failure and became utilitarian.

I started to see whether the effort and reward were proportional before doing things.

Those things that were definitely right but could not see the effect in the short term, I no longer had the enthusiasm.

Even when Su Cheng came to the school to record the recitation.

I was still thinking about showing off in front of the leaders and whether the position under my butt could be moved up.

Sun Lianjin raised his hand, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes.

Looking at the wetness on the back of his hand, he was stunned.

What happened to me?

I am obviously only in my forties, and it is the time to do things and start a business.

Why am I so decadent?

Our great Chinese civilization has a history of 5,000 years. It has gone through so many hardships and difficulties. But it still looks young. It still exudes youthful vitality.

How can I become increasingly depressed?

I must regain the vigor and vitality of my youth!

Sun Lianjin took out his cell phone, found his college roommate's number, and dialed

"Hello! Lao Wang?"

"It's only eight o'clock and you're already asleep?"

At forty, you're still young. It's not good to develop old people's habits so early.

Young people should do young people's things!

When did you ever go to bed before twelve o'clock?

Thinking of this, Sun Lianjin shouted loudly into the phone:

"Sleep on it!"

"Let’s go! Let’s go downstairs and have some skewers!"

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