That evening, Su Cheng and his two companions arrived in Shanghai.

Kong Sijin and his assistant transferred to Yanjing.

Originally, the two of them could take a direct flight to Yanjing.

But as a team escort, the player, that is, Su Cheng, should be the main one.

So they set out from Shanghai and returned to Shanghai.

Su Cheng once said that they would take different flights back to China.

But Kong Sijin refused.

The reason was the principle of procedure.

They needed to return by the original route, otherwise it would be difficult to reimburse.

Su Cheng naturally did not believe such a ridiculous reason.

He knew that the other party was respecting him.

So he didn't say anything else.

He just felt a little sorry for this senior who was over fifty years old.

He was on the plane for sixteen hours.

And he didn't sleep!

However, fortunately, it was night when he came back.

He didn't have to sleep because of changing beds when he got home.

Su Cheng took the high-speed rail directly from Shanghai to Hangzhou.

It only took a little more than an hour to get back to his home.......

I just got home and haven't had time to change clothes.

A phone call came in. It was Yanjing's number.

Su Cheng looked familiar, as if he had seen it recently, and said to himself:

"Could it be Mr. Wei?"

Thinking so, I answered the phone.

""Brother Su Cheng, it's me! Have you arrived home?" A resounding voice came from the phone.

In fact, Su Cheng only confirmed it was Wei Jianjun from the Ministry of Education after hearing the voice.......

"Mr. Wei, I just came back from Vienna. I just walked into the house and"

"The song"Young China Says" sung abroad was adapted well!"

When Su Cheng asked if he could find some students to help record the accompaniment.

Wei Jianjun hesitated. After all, it was not appropriate for him to directly contact the Hangzhou school.

At that time, Su Cheng did not make it clear what the content was to be recorded.

He thought that students were needed to sing!

Therefore, he did not agree immediately at that time, but thought of Su Cheng's previous songs.

They were all full of masculinity and positive energy.

In the end, he chose to trust.

Later, he directly contacted the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education and said"it is related to national honor."

This is not wrong. After all, Su Cheng participated in the Global Music Storm on behalf of the country.

"Thanks to Mr. Wei!" Su Cheng said with a smile,"Without the recitation of the students of Hangzhou Experimental Middle School, this song would lack soul."

Su Cheng was right. With the clear and confident voices of the children, we can more intuitively feel the vitality of Chinese teenagers.

""Hangzhou School has done a really good job this time!" Mr. Wei praised from the bottom of his heart.

When he heard the children reciting in unison, he felt a strong sense of pride and shouted three times:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"This is the vigor of Chinese youth!"

Su Cheng thought to himself when he heard what the other party said.

Since Mr. Wei has praised"Hangzhou School", he has also fulfilled the request of Sun Lianjin, the principal of Experimental Middle School, to"speak for Hangzhou".

""Mr. Wei, why did you call today?" Su Cheng asked.

He wouldn't call to praise himself, right?

"Haha, the Ministry of Education is considering adding the song"Young China" to the playlist, which is a list of popular songs used in education."

Wei Jianjun laughed,"I, an old man, specially called to ask for your opinion."

Su Cheng said in his heart, it turned out to be for this matter!

His main task now:

【Main mission: Be selected as the top eight in WMG and gain 90 million popularity points】

【Note 1: At least let 200 million viewers around the world feel the vigorous vitality and youthful energy of China】

【Note 2: Inspire 100,000 Chinese teenagers to strive for progress and have the courage to fight. 】

The top eight have been selected, and 90 million popularity should not be a problem.

At the end of the show, Su Cheng passed by the director team and asked casually.

It is said that the number of views has exceeded 500 million, and the maximum number of online users has exceeded 200 million.

So"let 200 million world audiences feel the vigorous vitality and youthful vitality of China", this is not a big problem.

Su Cheng has [God-level emotional resonance], and he can feel the emotions expressed in the song when he hears it.

200 million, easy.

Then there is only the second note left.

Inspire 100,000 Chinese teenagers!

Originally, this was difficult to complete.

After all, this song was sung overseas.

In addition, not many students listen to songs.

How can parents let their children listen to songs when they are busy doing homework!

However, it is different now.

If the Ministry of Education can include"Young China Says" in the list of educational songs.

150 million primary and secondary school students across the country.

Inspire 100,000, wouldn't it be easy.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng immediately said,"Of course I have no problem. This song is also very suitable for educating children."

After a pause, he added,"Learning this song will also help you memorize the text!"

This text requires you to memorize the entire text.

"but......"Su Cheng suddenly remembered something,"Hasn't it been decided that only ten pop songs will be selected?"

Wei Jianjun laughed heartily,"Hahaha, now it's eleven!"

Su Cheng suddenly realized that, yes, the Ministry of Education decided on ten songs.

They just asked for the opinions of the majority of netizens, but never said that only ten songs could be selected.

"That’s right!" Wei Jianjun continued,"Boy, do you have any similar songs?"

"Don’t wait for the Ministry of Education to announce a list of popular songs for educational purposes before you come up with an excellent song like"Young China Says"!"

"Are there any songs adapted from"The Memorial to the Emperor"?"

If Su Cheng's songs were all so patriotic and inspiring, wouldn't the list of the Ministry of Education be growing?

However, Wei Jianjun's imagination is also very big.

《"The Memorial to the Emperor on Leaving the Capital", he was the one who came up with it!

Was he trying to help the students memorize the text?

"I really don't have any of these." Su Cheng said helplessly,"Mr. Wei, I don't know if there are any other patriotic and inspirational songs for the time being." The previous task has not been completed yet.

Now I don't know what song to sing next.

"Well, inspiration is indeed elusive." Wei Jianjun said with a smile,"At worst, I can add a second or third batch later, hahahaha!"

"Mr. Wei, can you let the students listen to"Young China" in the next two days?"

Su Cheng hesitated and added,"Or let the students in Hangzhou listen to it first."

The official procedures are too slow.

It will take who knows when all the procedures will be completed.

There are nearly one million primary and secondary school students in Hangzhou.

If one tenth of them can be motivated, the task can be completed.

Otherwise, we can only rely on time to slowly grind.


Wei Jianguo's slightly dignified voice came

"There are so many children in Hangzhou!"

"Tomorrow students in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai will hear this song!"

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