
The top trending search was originally:

#Nayoung, out of tune#

After CCTV Music released Su Cheng's competition video in Vienna, it quickly occupied the top three of the hot search list

#Su Cheng won the title of"Best Singer" in the Global Music Competition#

#A song"Young China" shocked the world#

#Su Cheng has already gone to steal the house, so it doesn’t matter if the national border is not guarded!#

"The" Best Singer" refers to the contestant with the highest votes in the first round of WMG.

There are two more rounds to come, and each round will produce a best singer.

Of course, if a singer performs very well all the time, he or she may repeatedly win the title of"Best Singer".

Especially the contestant who won the championship in the end.

In previous years, there was a precedent of a contestant winning the"Best Singer" twice.

However, under normal circumstances, three singers will win this title every year.

As the popularity of"Young China Says" increases, more and more people have heard this song that travels through time and space.

Netizens have expressed their thoughts

"The blood boils, Su Cheng's singing is majestic and magnificent, singing out the youthful vigor and the power to forge ahead that a young man should have!"

"I hope all Chinese youth can get rid of their coldness and just move forward. They don’t need to listen to the words of those who give up on themselves. They can shine with their own heat and don’t need to wait for the torch! If there is no torch in the future, I will be the only light!"

"I feel that Su Cheng has changed his voice again, which has a particularly clear and youthful feeling. It is inspiring, sunny, and full of emotions. It is perfect!"

"The rhyme throughout is ang, and the high notes are very majestic. It must be said that this is a collision across time and space, which has created exciting sparks."

"The sky is high and the sea is vast, and the young people of China are full of vigor and vitality!"

"Beautiful! My young China, as old as the sky; magnificent! My young Chinese, as boundless as the country! A sudden sense of mission. No more words, I'm going to do some questions"

"The world is yours, and it is ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours. You young people are full of vigor and vitality, and are in your prime, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope rests on you!"

"When people have faith, the country has strength and the nation has hope. Young people are the backbone of the country. They must be able to shoulder heavy responsibilities and have a bright heart."

"May we have a bright future, walk out half of our lives, and still be young when we return!"......

There is something that has caused a stir in the Chinese music scene these days.

That is, Liu Huan, a veteran who hasn't released an album for many years, released a new song.

《Thousands of times》

"Thousands of miles, I am chasing you."

Under Liu Huan's affectionate singing, he expressed his profound thoughts on life, love and existence.

In addition to Su Cheng's songs, this is the most popular one.

Major music bloggers on Douyin have sung it one after another.

This song is the kind that can be sung very high, but can still be sung even if you can't sing high notes.

It fits Liu Huan's style very well.

Liu Huan uploaded this song on major music platforms simultaneously.

And publicly stated on his Weibo account.

His songs will never be charged again in the future, and everyone can listen to and download them for free!

Obviously, he learned this from Su Cheng.

However, when he reached his position, he really had no economic pursuits.

Economic conditions determine the superstructure.

When people have no material worries, they will turn to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

Liu Huan is at this stage now.

He wants to go one step further on the road of music.

Therefore, he used to spend a lot of money to buy songs from Su Cheng to pursue what he wanted.

Netizens also left messages

"The ups and downs of life are sung vividly!"

"It seems I am destined to walk alone in this life, oh, stabbing you in the back!"

"I didn’t expect that I could hear Teacher Liu Huan’s new song again. Looking at Nayoung still working hard on the stage, it turns out that the best age to start a business is when you are nearly 60!"

"Teacher Liu Huan, Yingzi is in danger again, go and save her!"

"Liu Huan: I can't save you at all"

"This song is really nice, it carries thoughts about life, and it cannot be written by people without some life experience. Teacher Liu Huan is back to rejuvenate the youth!"

"The person above, didn’t you see that the lyrics and music were all written by Su Cheng?"

""Fuck, it's Su Shen's work."

Hua Chenyu also saw that Liu Huan released a new song.

Originally, he clicked in with a learning attitude.

He wanted to see why this senior in the music industry, who was about to fade out of the music scene, released a new song?

Then, he saw it.

Lyrics: Su Cheng.

Composition: Su Cheng.

Hua Chenyu's hands were shaking, and he almost dropped his phone.

He remembered the song"Ode to the First Emperor" that he spent 500,000 yuan to buy.》

"The great emperor Qin Shi Huang, the power to create the world......"

This is a very good style of shouting.

Look at the excellent lyrics and music of Liu Huan's song"Ask Ten Thousand Times".

There is simply no comparison.

After a long time, Hua Chenyu calmed down the surging blood in his heart.

"If it doesn't work, just ask your dad. It doesn't matter if it costs a little more. The important thing is the quality. My singing and composing skills are all fine. I just lack good lyrics!"

His family still has some money.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the program team of the next"New Singer" seemed to have invited Su Cheng again.

Hua Chenyu thought of this and looked at the song on the table.

That was a new song that he spent a lot of effort and polished for several months.

He sneered,"Leave the defense of the national border to me!"

"With this song, I will beat you fair and square and trample you under my feet!"

The song title is written at the top of the song:

《I'm drunk alone》!......

An ordinary residential building.

Wang Haoyu is an ordinary senior high school student.

Tomorrow is the day of the college entrance examination and the school has been closed.

He is at home now, doing the final review.

As early as two months ago, he heard Su Cheng singing"Loyalty to the Country" and ignited his fighting spirit. He decided to apply for the Wuhu Military Academy.

Then he studied passionately for a month.

Just when he was a little discouraged, he heard Su Cheng's song"A Man Should Be Self-reliant".

His fighting spirit was ignited again.

He has been working hard until now.

His ranking has also jumped from more than 20 in the class to the top ten in the final test.

Several little fans in their class who like Su Cheng's songs have set up a QQ group.

Specially share Su Cheng's new songs.

In the evening, CCTV Music released the song"Young China" sung by Su Cheng.

They forwarded it to the group immediately.

"Listen now! Su Shen's new song made my blood boil! I got up overnight to finish a set of papers!"

Wang Haoyu also listened to the song excitedly and was deeply shocked. He played it dozens of times in a loop.

He exclaimed repeatedly,"Su Shen is worthy of his name. His voice is so powerful and exciting!"

"Now I want to buy a new set of five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulations and do it again!"

I feel that there is no place to release the passion in my heart.

I took out the excerpt book and wrote down

""Fine clothes and a strong horse, live up to your youth!"

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