Two days have passed since the first round of the Global Music Competition.

More and more singing bloggers on Douyin are singing"Young China".

But none of them can sing with the youthful feeling of Su Cheng.

【[God-level vocal skills] allows Su Cheng to sing in various tones while retaining a part of his own unique voice.

Without this skill, it is too difficult to sing with a sense of youth.

Moreover, it is necessary to show the invincible and fearless momentum at the same time.

However, no matter who it is, as long as they cover"Youthful China" or use this song as background music.

The number of views of this video will be very high.

Likes and comments are also rising exponentially.

"Su Cheng's songs really don't leave any room for others. This song sounds easy, but it's too difficult to sing out that feeling!"

"I just tried singing in bed, and the mites laughed......."

"My Su Su shines on any stage, and no matter where I go, I can turn my singing into a solo concert!"

"I was so passionate and suddenly wanted to study, but my strong self-control suppressed this thought!"

"It is recommended that all Chinese schools play this song during morning exercises, or simply use it as a wake-up call!"

"Goodbye, no matter how good a song is, once it is used as an alarm clock, you will hate it!"

"Did you notice the shot of the WMG players' booth? The yellow-haired guy was practicing Tai Chi. I suddenly realized that"Young China Says" and Tai Chi go well together!"

"It's true, this song goes really well with martial arts!"

Perhaps inspired by this message

, several martial arts action videos appeared on Douyin soon, using"Young China" as background music.

The number of likes was very high.

Come to think of it, Su Cheng's grasp of rhythm is simply perfect.

And the force of martial arts movements can also be clocked.

There are so many cover videos on Douyin.

What is surprising is that the one with the highest number of likes was actually sung by a primary school student.

The title of the video is:"Little brother, singing"Young China" to comfort classmates."

The video recorded is a primary school student crying sadly. His classmates saw that he was crying too sadly.

They sang behind him:

"Young people are naturally wild, their bodies are like mountains and rivers, they stand tall and straight! I dare to measure the sun and the moon again, and I am a young man today!"

Then the little boy gradually stopped crying.

Then his deskmate saw that singing to comfort him worked, so he sang"Wujiapo"》

"Recalling the past, tears never dry, the colorful pavilion and embroidered balls are a perfect match!"

Netizens left comments below:

"Brother Xiao is awesome!"

"Are all your classes music therapy?"

"Social Death......I'll probably slap myself twice when I recall this later."

"Coaxing Brothers: 10% of laughs; Wujiapo: 100% of laughs; Immediately Copying Homework: 100,000 of laughs%"

"From now on, whenever my friend cries, I will sing this!"

"Who would have thought that this song could become the exclusive BGM for comforting little brother!"

"In the past, I comforted people by saying,"Don't cry, don't be sad." Now, I say,"Young people are always young and crazy.""

"The Lone Brave Man: I have a feeling that I will have a colleague soon!"

After the video went viral, imitation videos of singing"Young China Says" to a crying child immediately appeared.

It really works!

Before the song was finished, the crying child stopped crying.

I don't know if it was because of the boy's aura or because he was scared.

However, the follow-up came soon.

The boy who sang"Young China Says" to comfort his classmates was a left-behind child.

A few days ago, when he missed his mother, his teacher sang this song to him.

Now, this song is his spiritual pillar.

That's why he thought of using this song to comfort his classmates.

Then, the netizens who played the meme returned to the original video to repent.

"He sang this song to comfort his classmates because it inspired him. I am so damn stupid!"

"If you are playing with memes, slap yourself!"

"Next time I encounter this kind of thing, please explain the whole story to me clearly. You always make me a bitch."

"You are a good child, I am a good boy."

"You guys came up with the meme, so I have to take the blame!"

"I am the big cargo on the bottom floor of Cainiao Station......"

"I'm just a self-righteous adult in the end."......

Under the official account of Mango TV, netizens are fiercely discussing the next cast members.

"Will the person who announces the results this time still be a Grammy contestant?"

"In the last episode, Shantimo was unbeatable. Sun Nan was good at high notes, but he was still a little bit behind her."

"It’s time for Vanxia to be back in this episode. Could it be that foreign players will take the top two spots again?"

"Not only Vanxia is coming back, Su Cheng will come back too, right?"

"Although Su Cheng won first place in the first two episodes, he didn't win by pure high notes."

"That’s right! There is no one who can beat the high-pitched singer in the Chinese music scene, not even Sun Nan!"

Su Cheng was watching everyone playing memes and was having fun.

Suddenly he saw these comments.

"Is there no one who can beat the high notes in the Chinese music scene?"

Su Cheng smiled disdainfully.

It seems that netizens really don't understand!

Although pure high notes are difficult, like Shantimo's dolphin sound. But that is pure showmanship, and it has no other use except to shock people. Just like Su Cheng's previous singing of"Hard to Read Sutra" and"Shame", the high notes are not really high. But if you let Shantimo, a top singer with dolphin sound, sing it, even if she knows Chinese, she may not be able to sing it.

【Ding! The main task has been completed】

【Mission rewards will be issued soon, please wait......】

The mission was completed. Actually, there were many conditions to complete this mission.

Entering the top eight, gaining 90 million popularity points, and letting 200 million viewers around the world feel the vigor and vitality of China.

The most difficult part was to inspire 100,000 Chinese teenagers to work hard and fight.

Now it has been completed.���It seems that Wei Jianjun has started promoting it in schools.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-level suona. Su Cheng was stunned.......

This artifact was finally unlocked.

If this song had been included in the Hero Song, wouldn't it have immediately shocked the audience?

【Main quest is being updated......】

【Main mission: Win the fifth"New Singer" championship and gain 50 million popularity points】

【Note: Is it difficult to suppress the whole audience with high notes, dolphin sounds, etc.?】


Su Cheng recited a sentence.

In Chinese songs, pure high notes don't seem to have an advantage.

For example, Han Hong's"Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".

It is considered very competitive.

But when competing with foreign players, pure high notes cannot guarantee an overwhelming advantage to win the championship.

"Or adapt a foreign song?"

However, it's meaningless to just sing the high notes. It's better to make the audience feel and think.

At this time, Su Cheng thought of a world famous song.

It was a Russian song.

It expressed the exploration of the meaning of life and the desire for dreams, and the emotions were sincere and profound.

The high notes of the original singer Vitas added a bit of appeal to the song.

The name of this song is


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