"Forget it, we are on the battlefield now, and I don't have time to argue with you. Irisviel, please heal me."

"I'm already doing it, Saber, but healing magic doesn't work!"

"Save your energy, that yellow pistol has a curse that makes the wounds it causes unhealable, and it won't work unless it's a miracle or a healing technique of the Noble Phantasm level." You said to Irisviel indifferently,"If you are willing to take that thing out of your body, you can remove the curse."

Irisviel was surprised when she heard that,"You-chan, how did you... no, how much do you know?"

You scratched his head,"Well, should I answer that I only know what I should know?"

"If you don’t want to tell me, then forget it.

But is there any other way to heal Saber’s injury?"Irisviel smiled bitterly and did not pursue the matter further.

Instead, she asked for other methods.

It was not that she was unwilling to help Saber, but the treasure in her body was indeed very important to her now.

It can be said that since she set foot on the land of Fuyuki City, this thing has been working.

She can now move like a normal person relying on this treasure - the isolated utopia, Avalon.


"scabbard" paired with the holy sword Excalibur. It can not only make the holder immortal, but also heal all wounds, let alone curses. After the real name is released, it can form a barrier that even the six major laws cannot interfere with, cutting off all physical interference from the real world, interference from parallel worlds, and mutual communication between multiple dimensions (up to the sixth dimension). It can be said that its existence itself is magic.

Only when the holy sword and the scabbard are collected can Saber be the complete King Arthur.

Yu was just mentioning it casually, and did not expect Irisviel to really take out this treasure that is very famous in the moon world.

"I can give it a try, but firstly, I have promised not to interfere in their fight; secondly, we haven't really started cooperation yet!"

During this period of time, the two people on the battlefield have realized each other's true identity.

After a round of mutual business boasting, they started fighting again, but the offensive and defensive situation has changed.

Saber, who is good at using her right hand but can't exert force, can only use defensive means to barely resist Lancer's violent attack.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the situation on the battlefield.

It is only a matter of time before she fails.

Her real master, Emiya Kiritsugu, has prepared to snipe Lancer's master Kenneth, intending to attack Wei to save Zhao.

On the other side, Irisviel gritted her teeth and planned to bypass her husband, Emiya Kiritsugu, and directly sign a cooperation contract with You. No matter what, Saber must be saved first.

Then You disappeared in front of her, a 40-yard big foot was printed on her face, and then she fell into the sea with a vertical 360-degree rotation posture.

"Arrrthurrrrrr!" Berserker roared and kicked her away.

Berserker's sudden entry into the scene stunned everyone. While they were stunned, Berserker knocked Irisviel unconscious with a knife, then quickly retreated to the periphery of the dock while holding her in one hand.

""Aili!" Saber's expression turned pale in an instant, and she immediately abandoned Lancer to chase Berserker.

Lancer was obviously very angry at Berserker's behavior of taking advantage of the opponent's Master, especially an unarmed woman. Instead of stopping Saber, he joined the blocking team with her. He threw his spear - the devil-breaking red rose as a javelin, aiming at Berserker's heart.

Sensing the strong wind coming from behind, Berserker turned around and slapped the spear head away with a palm, then caught the spear at the moment it passed by, and threw a gun flower and smashed it heavily at Saber who came over.


Saber raised her sword to block the attack, but she did not dare to launch a counterattack. Irisviel was still in the opponent's hand, and her moves were very open and closed. If the opponent directly used Irisviel's body to block during her attack, she was not confident that she could stop the attack in time.

"Be careful!

This guy seems to be able to take away other people's Noble Phantasms.

My Noble Phantasm lost contact after he caught it.

" Lancer also caught up at this time.

When he passed by Saber, he told her about Berserker's ability and reminded Saber to be careful.

Then he crossed Berserker and cut off his retreat.

At this time, Kenneth, who had been disguising himself with camouflage magic, also removed the magic and walked out.

"This is really the behavior of a rat in the gutter.

Berserker's Master actually let his Servant attack the Master behind the Servant who was fighting.

Do you still have the awareness and dignity of being a magician? The battle of the servants should be left to the servants.

If you still think of yourself as a magician, then accept the challenge of me, the head of the famous Archibald family of the Clock Tower - Lord El-Melloi.


He issued a challenge to the Master hiding behind Berserker in broad daylight. But who is Matou Zouken? How could he be provoked by a few words from him? So he stood alone in the middle of the dock for a long time.

"Is this guy an idiot?" Emiya Kiritsugu was very confused about Kenneth's way of removing his protection and putting himself in danger.

"Should we take care of him now?" Hisayu Maiya suggested.

"No, let's see the situation first. Lancer's Master may help us rescue Ai Li."

"Humph, is it really just a rat in the gutter?" Seeing that no one responded to him, Kenneth's face was a little ugly,"Lancer, what are you waiting for? Quickly cooperate with Saber to get rid of that mad dog"

"As you command, Master!" Lancer saluted Kenneth, then suggested to Saber,"Saber, you restrict his actions, and I will rescue your Master, is that ok?"

Because they were enemies before, Saber hesitated for a moment, but thinking that the other party was indeed more agile than herself and more suitable for rescuing people in this situation, she nodded and agreed to his suggestion.

The two were about to start the rescue operation,"Click...


"……"There were cracking sounds coming from the ground all around, and the two men who were about to charge paused.

Previously, they had suffered from not paying attention to the movements around them, which resulted in one of their masters being captured.

Now, both of them were paying special attention to the movements around them.

Lancer glanced at his master calmly and slightly adjusted his body movements.

This movement would allow him to run towards Kenneth faster in case of unexpected situations.

"Click...Click……"The sound became more and more intense, and then with a bang, seven water columns broke through the ground with Berserker as the center and rose up. Then they spun and intertwined, forming a huge water ball that enveloped the three of them.

"It was a successful sneak attack, but you made a mistake. The sea is my home turf."

Then You's calm voice came from the seashore,"Leave this guy to me. Don't worry, I will save Irisviel."

The voice was calm, but everyone could feel the anger hidden under it.

Everyone turned their heads and saw You standing on the sea as if she was standing on flat ground. She kept rubbing the half of her face that was kicked, staring at Berserker angrily with an expression as if her whole family had been killed.

She knew that Matou Zouken would take action, but she thought more that he would test herself by attacking Kariya and Sakura first, so she left Ugar Koarashi to watch the house before coming out. But he didn't expect that this old bug who had been cautious all his life would act so boldly this time and kidnap Irisviel, who was the container of the Lesser Holy Grail, right in front of him. All this was fine, but he actually dared to let Berserker kick him in the face.

This The kick did not hurt her, or rather, she, who also possessed all the abilities of Tiamat, had a very high resistance to attacks from human servants. Normal servants had no way of hurting her - but the damage was not great, and it was extremely insulting.

No normal person would remain calm after being slapped in the face, and Yu was no exception. What's more, Berserker used his foot, which made her even more unbearable.

She only wanted to kill Berserker now. After all, servants were shadows of famous figures in history, and the world copied the information they recorded in the realm record tapes. Strictly speaking, they were not the real people, and they were not even human beings. If she really killed him, even if Yu had never killed anyone, she would have no psychological burden.

"Just a reminder, you better get out quickly! Now this is just ordinary sea water, I will turn it into a Chaos Tide that has a strong corrosive power on spirits. Don't worry about Irisviel's safety, under my control, the Chaos Tide is just ordinary water to living people, it won't cause any effect - ah, just make sure she doesn't catch a cold when you go back."

"You... I'll leave it to you then." Saber wanted to say something, but in the end, considering Irisviel's safety, she decided to wait and see what Yu would do.

The two escaped from the encirclement of the water ball. During this time, Berserker had been trying to attack Saber, but was forced back by Yu who controlled the water flow and used water blades and water spikes.

At this moment, several kilometers away, Matou Zouken's insect familiar was observing everything at the scene."What a mistake. I didn't expect Saber to have such a big influence on Berserker. My order was to quickly leave the battlefield after catching the Holy Grail, but that guy wanted to fight to the death when he saw Saber, and he even ignored the order. Now there is no hope for the Holy Grail, but Berserker is still useful. Is it true that I can only use the Command Spell?""

"Arrr...thurrrrrr!" Berserker rushed towards Saber every time, but was forced back by Yu again and again, which made the two people outside the water ball realize that something was wrong.

"Saber, I didn't pay attention before and thought it was just the barking of a mad dog, but now I listen carefully, is this guy calling your name? And that guy seems to be very obsessed with you."

"……"Saber did not answer, which she also noticed. She began to guess Berserker's identity in her heart, but her memory was always like a layer of mist. She was very familiar with him, but she just couldn't remember who he was.

At this time, Yu also began to really exert her strength.

The colorless water ball quickly turned black along with her thoughts.

The moment the water ball turned black, Saber and Lancer both quickly leaped back a long distance.

The two of them originally had an attitude of giving it a try, and had no intention of standing idly by.

They both regarded themselves as backup and were ready to rush into the battlefield at any time.

But now they no longer doubt Yu's words - based on the sense of crisis that just emerged in their hearts, this thing is indeed a big threat to spirits.

"I know you are very skilled in martial arts. You can dodge even a barrage of golden treasures with a tiny gap. So, what will you do if the tide of chaos attacks you from all directions?"You said, and slowly crossed your hands in front of your chest and closed them.

As his hands closed gracefully, the water ball wrapped around Berserker also shrank. Berserker did not sit still and wait for death. He tried to break the water ball with the red rose he had snatched many times, but he could only create a gap of a centimeter in width at most, and it would soon be filled by the flow of the water ball itself.

So he stopped doing useless work and threw the red rose in his hand at You with all his strength.

The red rose turned into a scarlet missile in Berserker's hand, and attacked You's brow with bursts of piercing sonic booms.

""Nega Genesis" Yu murmured in a voice that no one could hear. A pale circular barrier with a diameter of about five meters, centered on her, enveloped her. The moment Berserker's spear completely entered the barrier, it seemed as if the law of inertia had failed. In an instant, it lost all its kinetic energy, turning from extreme movement to extreme stillness, and was deprived of its color. The originally bright red spear now lay in the barrier like a spear waiting to be attacked.���

Nega Genesis (Anti-Genesis) - A conceptual barrier that can overturn the existing theory of evolution, prophecies of the creation of the earth, etc.

, and has a strong resistance to the Noble Phantasms of servants born from the correct human history.

Tiamat, as the skill of the second beast, was also inherited by Yu.

This skill can refresh the entire world in the hands of her mother Tiamat.

Now she can only open this range, and at most it can expand a few centimeters outward.

With a thought, Yu put away the barrier, and the red rose returned to its original state and fell to the ground.

"Crash……"The sound of the water ball being broken was heard, and Berserker actually threw Irisviel in his hand as a weapon. Fortunately, he only threw it with a force that ordinary people could withstand. It is unknown whether it was Matou Zouken, the mastermind behind the scenes, who was worried about the damage to the small Holy Grail container and gave a special order, or whether it was the chivalry that still existed in Berserker's heart that was at work.

As a last resort, Yu could only catch Irisviel first, and Berserker took this opportunity to attack her.

He turned his palm into a knife and attacked Yu's heart.

Saber and Lancer both wanted to intercept his attack, but they stopped when they got close.

Because now Berserker was surrounded by water splashing, all of which were converted into chaos tide by Yu.

Berserker himself avoided most of the invasion by using Irisviel's body to block it, but some of it still fell on his body.

The places touched by the tide were like ordinary matter encountering aqua regia, and they quickly eroded and dissolved.

Saber and Lancer stopped their actions because they observed this phenomenon.

Yuu watched Berserker approach, and a light flashed in his eyes - there was really a light flashing, and Berserker fell from midair, as if the pause button was pressed. The

Blue Star Eye, Yuu inherited from Tiamat, can cast a curse that controls the actions of enemies in his eyes. In addition, there are Red Star Eye and Dark Star Eye, which can cast curses that affect life and energy respectively, and the form is determined by Yuu's heart.

Berserker's body was fixed by Yuu at this moment. No matter how he struggled at this time, he could not make any movement, because the nerve signals in his body were completely cut off. Even if he had infinite martial arts training, it would be useless - the signal can only occur in a single nerve and cannot be received by another nerve.

Irisviel floated in Yuu's hand, and she held Irisviel and handed her to Saber. Then she turned to look at Berserker, raised her right hand high, and the originally scattered tide of chaos immediately transformed into all kinds of swords, spears, swords and halberds, filling all the space around Berserker.

With a light wave of her hand, these swords, spears, swords and halberds shot out like sharp arrows from a bow.

With a bang, only a deep pit was left on the ground.

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