At this time, Irisviel was holding a slightly fantastical armor and pressing it against Altria, trying to push her into the fitting room. Altria pushed the door open while struggling, and the three of them met again.

Usually there would be a lot of people in the Cosplay Hall, but now, looking through the open door, there were only two people from the Saber team besides the clerk. It seemed that the rich woman Irisviel had reserved the whole place.

Yuu glanced at the Cosplay costume in Irisviel's hand, which was a bikini armor. She looked at Altria with a look of"where do you get the courage to wear such clothes?" Then he became curious. Hearing the previous noises of the two people fighting, this thing was actually considered"not so revealing" clothes in Irisviel's mouth - so before opening this"window" again, what exactly was the"roof" that Irisviel was going to lift?

"It's you, you bastard!" Artoria, who was still struggling with Irisviel, suddenly thought of something when she saw You, and jumped out of the door with a swish, pointing at her with a red face (angry), scolding,"You actually led me to read such obscene books and magazines before."

Hearing this, You avoided the question,"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?" He actually upgraded his name from guy to bastard, didn't he just trick her into reading an 18-rated book? Why is she so angry?

Artoria jumped up and said,"You are still quibbling! What do you mean don't read it if you don't have confidence in your mental strength? You are clearly using rhetoric to mislead me"

"I guess I didn't lie to you about the taboo, did I?" You explained with a guilty conscience.

"Those are not taboos, they are just pure filth!" When Artoria said this, she remembered something and became even angrier. She began to lecture You, but You always felt that she was venting and covering up something, so he asked Irisviel doubtfully,"What's wrong with her?"

Irisviel covered her mouth and chuckled,"Saber asked people as soon as she went in, and then made a lot of noise. You know, there are a lot of customers in the bookstore."

So that's how it is. I guess I know. No wonder this cosplay hall was booked by Irisviel. It is estimated that the knight has been exhausted by her princess during today's itinerary. I think Artoria must have refused in her heart when she was dragged to this door by Irisviel just now.

"Because the third time was socially dead, must the fourth time be cleared?"Strictly speaking, it's the fourth time, but Yu was not there the first time.

Altria stood there with a frown on her face, and Irisviel's backstab made it impossible for her to continue to trouble Yu.

"I didn't expect to meet for the third time today, it seems we are actually quite destined to meet."Then Alice took out a Gothic Lolita skirt with lace and pleats and gestured in front of You,"You-chan, do you want to try it on? This dress looks very suitable for you!"

A great sense of crisis surged from the bottom of You's heart. She had a premonition that as long as she nodded, her personal freedom would no longer be under her control - the passion bursting out of the pupils of the woman in front of her was too intense. If she didn't find a reason to quickly get out of her sight, then it would be her turn to replace Altria and become the dress-up doll in her hand.

"Ah, no, there is not much time left today, I have to go back, bye!" So You made up an excuse and quickly left the scene.

"Hey! Wait!……"Irisviel wanted to hold back Yu, but he ran away as if there was a monster chasing him."What a pity! I think if that child wore this dress, he would be as cute as Illya."……"

"I think it's because you have such thoughts, Elly, that guy ran away."Altria ruthlessly complained on the side, successfully attracting Irisviel's attention.

"That……"Irisviel threw away the lolita outfit in her hand and picked up the bikini armor from before,"Saber, let's continue. You will definitely look very charming in this!"

"Wait, Ellie! You haven't given up yet?"

"How could that be? I told you it’s the last one, you must wear it!"


"Hey, have you heard? Wasn't there a murderer who escaped to our place a while ago?"

"Well, there is such news, which has caused panic in many places recently. I heard that many places have implemented curfews, and people are not allowed to go out after 9 pm."

"These are not important. I tell you, you must not tell anyone. According to my brother’s friend who works in the public security agency, the murderer is already dead. I think his name was Ryunosuke Uesugi?"

"……"Yu, who had just escaped from Irisviel's clutches, was about to take a breath when a pair of high school girls passed by her while talking. Her inhuman hearing instantly caught a familiar name. Upon hearing the news of his death, she was slightly startled, her body paused for a moment, and followed them silently.

"Really? Isn't that good news? Why not publish it?"

"I heard that the scene was very tragic, and the killer seemed to be a cultist who specialized in killing people for sacrifice. I heard that the place where his body was found was full of magic circles drawn in blood."

"So disgusting! How did he die? Did he really summon a demon or something?"

"How could it be a demon? I heard that a little boy was left at the scene, but he didn't remember anything. They all said that the murderer didn't take the little boy seriously, so he was killed. But he was just an elementary school student after all, and he had lost his memory. Once this matter was made public, it would have a huge impact on his future life. Taking this into consideration, the higher-ups suppressed the news."

The Neon government is not so kind. The scene is probably already handled by the murderer. You thought to himself, could it be that the person summoned by Uryu Ryunosuke was not Gilles de Rais, the Bluebeard?

"What is this? Is it a boundary change? Then who is the servant summoned by the killer?"You rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache. The development of things seemed to have taken a completely different route from his memory, that is to say, the advantage of foresight is gone.

No, you can't make a decision so arbitrarily. The intelligence advantage is still in your hands, and you originally planned to change the fate of some people in this Holy Grail War. The so-called plot became the pattern on the instant noodle package at the moment of your death - for reference only, wasn't the old bug Matou Zouken forced to end hastily by yourself?

A sudden gust of wind blew in the face, and the stray cats and dogs on the street became restless. The birds that were circling in the sky and resting in various places high up seemed to be frightened, flapping their wings and scattering in all directions.

You looked up at a place, and a sharp breath rushed into the sky. If my memory is correct, this is the brush, no, it is Lancer who is inviting you to fight.

"Lancer may not be a brush now, so it is better to make sure."Then You hurried towards the direction of the dock.

At this moment, at the dock.

The Saber group that arrived first has already started fighting.

The fight between the two is enough to be called a landslide in the eyes of ordinary people. The bricks and stones on the ground flew apart with a casual step, and the dust flew in the shadow of swords and sabers. That was the result of the earth being ravaged in the battle between the two. Every time the weapons of the two collided, there would be a roar, accompanied by a shock wave spreading out. At this moment, the dock was like thunder.

Saber swung his sword horizontally and attacked Lancer with the force of cutting in half, but the opponent jumped nimbly and dodged. The sword wind continued to move forward, leaving a several-meter-long gully on the ground."Opportunity!"A flash of light flashed in Saber's eyes. At this moment, the opponent was in mid-air and had no place to gain leverage, so he stepped forward, raised his treasure and slashed down.

Lancer crossed his two guns of different lengths and wanted to block the attack, but at the moment when the gun and sword intersected, his expression suddenly changed, and he used his strength to deflect the attack.

The invisible holy sword hit the ground heavily, raising dust several meters high. Saber's attack not only split the ground, but also split the warehouse ten meters away in two.

"call——"Saber regained her stance and took a deep breath. She felt a little regretful that she had not been able to defeat the enemy with her previous attack.

Facing the traces Saber left on the battlefield, Lancer's pupils shrank. Saber's power far exceeded his expectations.

‘However, I have the advantage in terms of skills.

Saber's swordsmanship focuses on strength and speed, and is a swordsmanship that pursues lethality on the battlefield.

As long as I can see through her sword, the advantage will return to me.

Lancer thought quietly during the confrontation, looking for a way to break through the current situation.

In the battle between the two, Lancer has always been on the defensive, because there is a barrier on X's sword that hides the blade, making it difficult for him to grasp the opponent's attack range and he is hesitant.

The same is true for Saber.

She is also afraid of���She looked at Lancer's double guns, wanting to know which one was his real weapon.

Because generally speaking, a Servant only has one Noble Phantasm, and the combat power they unleash when using the weapons they are good at is different.

Moreover, the usage of long spears and short guns is different, and the methods of dealing with them are also different.

Once you guess wrong and use the wrong method to deal with the opponent's attack, you will most likely face defeat.

It's not that there are no servants with multiple Noble Phantasms, but they are often of different types, and since the opponent has chosen to wrap all the weapons with cloth strips, he must have intended to hide his Noble Phantasm.

Before knowing the effect of Lancer's real Noble Phantasm, Saber didn't dare to really give it a try.

"Enough, Lancer, I allow you to use the treasure, hurry up and end the battle!"Lancer's disadvantage in the battle seemed to make his master Kenneth very dissatisfied, so he impatiently ordered Lancer to quickly end the battle.

‘Anxious Master, however, this situation is in my favor. Saber remained calm, so that she would not have to figure out which Noble Phantasm Lancer had.

""Yes, Master." Lancer smiled bitterly and said helplessly to Saber:"It seems that the test has ended here. Saber, I will get serious next." After that, he threw the pistol at his feet, stretched out his hand to untie the cloth wrapped around the long spear, revealing the red gun body, and took a stabbing posture,"Let's decide the outcome!"

Seeing through the opponent's posture, which was specially used for stabbing, Saber rehearsed the battle in her mind. She planned to sell a flaw to let Lancer attack her abdomen, use armor to resist this attack, and then chop off his head.

"That's exactly what I meant!" After making up her mind, Saber launched an attack.

However, the reality was different from what she expected. After the two passed each other, Saber covered her side abdomen. Lancer's attack directly penetrated the armor. If she had not moved her body at the last moment, she would have been pierced through the body by Lancer's spear before he cut off his head.

Lancer touched the wound on the side of his face and sighed,"I actually moved my body at the last moment. What an amazing intuition!""

"Saber, are you okay?"Seeing Saber injured, Irisviel asked worriedly, and quickly cast a healing magic on her.

"Thank you for your treatment. I am fine now, Alice." Signaling Alice to stop the magic, Saber once again focused all her energy on the battlefield.

"Your spear can invalidate everything woven by magic, right?"Although it was a question, Saber said it in a very affirmative tone.

"That's right! You are as naked as a dagger in front of my spear!"

"Phew——"A laugh rang out. You hurried along the way and finally arrived at the battlefield. As soon as he heard such an exciting sentence, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

""You-chan, how did you get here?" Because her attention was drawn to the battlefield, Irisviel didn't realize that You had come to her side until she heard laughter.

"The battle over here is so loud, normally everyone will come over to take a look! However, Master Ken's Servant is still Brush, it seems like nothing has changed. (Whispering)"

Yu's appearance attracted the attention of everyone present. After all, her unusual appearance could hardly fail to attract the attention of these Holy Grail War participants. Because they had been together for some time before, Saber was cautious and stopped paying attention. The most important thing now is the battle in front of them, but others were on high alert.

Kenneth"I can't see the panel. I'm not a Servant, but I'm not a Master either. But this appearance... are there still fantasy species in reality?"Thinking of this, his heart moved. If he could contract a fantasy seed from the Age of Gods and bring it back in this Holy Grail War, then his future life would surely shine.

He was already imagining how glorious he would be when he returned, and thinking about how to build a good relationship with Yu: Since she is on good terms with the Master of Einzbern, then it is not impossible to continue to cooperate with them after eliminating Saber. Since these country nobles value the Holy Grail so much, then use this as an exchange. Only they would take the gimmick of a universal wishing machine seriously. They have no idea what is the most important thing.

Emiya Kiritsugu aimed his sniper rifle at Yu,"What is that? Why are you with Ellie?"

Hisau Maiya,"I don't know, but it seems that he has a good relationship with the lady. Isn't she a Servant?"

Emiya Kiritsugu squinted his eyes and thought for a while,"……No, come to think of it, there seemed to be a battle at the Matou residence yesterday.

Because the battle took place in the opponent's magic workshop, the familiars were not allowed to get too close, and we don't know much about the situation.

We only know that Berserker was suppressed in the battle with a monster.

Now it seems that the monster should be related to her.

Maiya, I will continue to focus on the battlefield, you keep an eye on her, and don't actively provoke her, she is too close to Ai Li.


""Okay, but can you just watch me like this?" Although he asked her to watch him, Hisahi Maiya knew that it was no different from just leaving him alone.

"Since Ai Li and she have a good relationship, there will be no direct conflict of interest in the short term. Trust Ai Li, she should explain it to us later."

Tōsaka Tokiomi said excitedly:"My king, that is——"

"Impossible! Tokiomi, put away your thoughts, that is not something you magi can get your hands on, and I will never help you!"

"But why?"Tosaka Tokiomi was a little unwilling, he had the same idea as Kenneth.

"You are not qualified to know His identity. Please step down! I am tired."


"Mother, is that your last child?■■■Metropolis◆■●■▲◀"

Iskandar touched his chin and said,"Wow, I didn't expect that in this Dharma Ending Age, there is still such a fantasy being able to walk in the outside world. How did she do it?"

"Rider——Have you finished reading? Let me down now." Waver Velvet shivered while hugging the bridge of Fuyuki Bridge. He was brought to the top of the bridge by Rider. He was struck by the dizziness caused by the cold wind at night and the height of 100 meters. He was the only one among all the masters who had no intention of observing the battlefield.

"You!" Iskandar said helplessly, attracted by the new situation,"Another situation has occurred. I didn't expect so many servants to gather on the first day. Boy, get ready and go!"


On the battlefield, seeing Lancer staring at him warily, You spread his hands and said to him,"Don't look at me. I won't interfere in your fight. And even if I wanted to, Saber wouldn't allow it. You don't have to care too much about me."

Saber nodded and said,"Yes, this is a fight between the two of us. If she interferes, I will attack her together with you."

"Huh?" You turned to look at Altria.

""Hmph!" Lancer snorted in response.

Seeing this, Lancer felt relieved, but he still kept some attention on You.

""Small stomach!" You silently complained, and then pointedly reminded,"Be careful, this guy is really good at it."

""You don't need me to tell you, I know this already," Altria said calmly, then removed all the armor she had woven with magic power, pointed her sword at Lancer,"Wake up, Lancer, I have seen through your tricks. The next strike will decide the outcome." After that, she sprayed out the magic power she had saved and quickly approached Lancer.

"This is a decisive action, but Saber, you still lack consideration.——"Lancer kicked up the pistol that he had thrown at his feet, shattering the cloth wrapped around it. He caught the pistol with its yellow body exposed and stabbed it towards Saber's neck."Indeed, as you said, the outcome has been decided, Saber."

The sudden attack disrupted Saber's fighting steps, and she had to reach out to block the deadly pistol.

They passed by each other again, and this time, Saber's wrist was stabbed.

"I told you to be careful. That guy is really good, so how come you still got caught?"You said with some gloating.

"You might as well just tell me that guy has two weapons!"

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