"Haha." Alice laughed dryly and whispered in a very unconfident tone,"Maybe, maybe Yu-chan just forgot to tell us the meeting place."

Altria was like those parents who were very disappointed with their children. She said helplessly,"Irisviel, don't be lucky. That guy was lying in ambush there before we got off the plane, and then he easily tricked me and made me lose the holy sword in my hand."

At this time, Alice explained with a wandering look,"That, maybe it was just a misunderstanding!" Can she say that she cooperated with her to trick her own knight because she saw that the other party was acting? In this way, she was also half an accomplice.

"Forget it, you know what happened next. That girl could even find out secrets that I had never told anyone. What else could she not know? We should always be cautious about possible enemies. In this way, when the final moment of battle comes, there will always be room for maneuver. This is the experience I have accumulated during the war."Irisviel couldn't say anything else at this time, so she had to ask Artoria:"So Saber, what should we do next? Should we just join Kiritsugu?"

Artoria hesitated and said nothing. She was thinking about the pros and cons.

"I see! Looks like we have to stop here today." Seeing that Altria didn't say anything, Irisviel thought she had acquiesced to her doubts. She looked a little depressed,"I thought I could experience the outside world after leaving Einzbern's castle, but it ended so soon. I was thinking about whether I could go see the sea!"

Altria was touched by Irisviel's lost expression,"No, there's no need to rush."

"Why?" Although it was a question, there was a hint of joy in Irisviel's tone that she herself could not detect, and a gleam in her eyes that she herself could not notice.

Seeing this, Artoria made up her mind, smiled and explained casually:"No matter what conspiracy or purpose she has in the end, at least at this stage she wants something from us. Since she wants something, she will not attack us in the near future. In addition, the Holy Grail War has not officially begun yet. If it is limited to today, we can still walk around."

Artoria's reason convinced her, or rather, no matter what flawed reason she came up with, it would convince Irisviel at this moment. At this moment, she was like a canary that had just escaped from the birdcage and was flying in the sky. How could she be willing to return to the cage so soon?

"I have so many places I want to visit and so many things I want to experience. I want to try all kinds of food in Kiritsugu's hometown, dress up in all kinds of clothing stores, and drive to an uninhabited mountain area... Finally, I want to see the sea. I heard that the sea is very beautiful under the moonlight at night." Irisviel said happily, opening her arms and spinning around.

"No problem, Ellie, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go today."

"Then, my safety is in your hands, noble knight." Irisviel said, extending her right hand to Altria.

""Okay, I'm very happy to spend this wonderful day with you, my beautiful princess." Altria took Irisviel's hand and kissed it in a standard way. The knight and the princess made a vow to accompany each other. They looked at each other with a smile, as if time would stop and engrave the scene into eternity.


"Snap, snap, snap……"There was a warm applause from all around. It turned out that at some point, the staff and guests of the cafe, as well as the pedestrians on the street, had gathered around. Although it was not a huge crowd, it had reached a double-digit scale. They clapped their hands enthusiastically and gave the two of them sincere blessings.

The two were originally women with delicate faces. Although one of them dressed as a man, she was still gentle and graceful in her boldness. Even if her chest was a little regrettable, people could tell at a glance that she was a beauty in men's clothing. As an artificial human of Einzbern and a living Holy Grail, Irisviel's appearance was designed with the golden ratio at the beginning of her birth, which of course attracted more attention.

Originally, it was nothing.

Even though the two looked delicate and beautiful, the people around them would at most glance at them out of politeness, and the bolder ones would sneak in the corner to admire them.

But when the two played the game of knight princess in public, that behavior immediately conveyed a message to the people around them that they should come and watch.

This cafe is located in a relatively remote place.

As mentioned before, there are only a few pedestrians.

People have a natural tendency to watch the fun.

When people gather in one place, those who pass by later will curiously watch unless there is something important going on.

Everyone knows that the atmosphere between Altria and Irisviel is a beautiful and sensational scene, whether in novels, comics or movies. But once it rises to the height of reality, especially in public - it is not just social death, it is social death!

The two of them were embarrassed by the people around them.

Altria was fine, after all, she was once a warrior, she was just a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Irisviel is different.

In order to recruit Emiya Kiritsugu, Einzbern designed her to be mentally more human from the beginning.

After living with Emiya Kiritsugu for several years, she was naturally taught to have the sense of shame that ordinary people have.

But unlike ordinary people, although she looks very mature, she is actually only nine years old.

She is not yet able to ignore the outside world, let alone adjust her mentality at any time.

At this moment, she covered her face with her hands, lowered her head and dared not look around, and even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Altria had to pull her hand to break through, and the two escaped from the crowd in a rather embarrassed manner.

"Sir Knight, you must protect your Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Don’t forget to take the princess to see the sea!"


When the above words reached their ears, the backs of the two paused slightly, and then left with even more hurried steps.

Ah! By the way, probably because the location is a bit remote, and there are only three or two regular customers, the glass of the coffee shop is not soundproof.

After Artoria and Irisviel fled the crowd in embarrassment, they looked at each other for a long time, and finally both burst out laughing.

"On the plane, I looked at the guide map and remembered some interesting places. There happened to be a snack street not far away, so let's go there first!"Irisviel said to Altria with a smile.

"Really?" Altria's eyes sparkled brightly.

""What do you want to eat, Saber? I'll pay for the meal." Irisviel said generously, waving her hand.

"Anything is fine as long as it's not mashed potatoes"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go! A day is very short!" After saying that, Irisviel took Altria's hand and ran down the street.

"Wait, Ellie, it's dangerous for you to run like this.……"

"I see, is this what they call a single leaf blocking your view of the big picture? Because there are too many explanations about magic in my memory, I got stuck in a dead end. I should have noticed it clearly when I saved Matou Kariya yesterday.……"With his back to the sun, You looked up at the sky and said to himself,"Using magic is such a simple thing - magic is the result of imagination. The flow of magic power and the resonance of frequency are all bullshit. I just need to imagine it."

"Irasia Imaser (Welcome to visit us next time )"

Yu took the takoyaki handed over by the staff, stretched out his hand to take it, and snapped his fingers in front of him. The wave of magic power spread in all directions with the sound of the snap. All the people affected by the magic power paused for a moment, and then continued the action just now. Then Yu gave orders like a queen.

"I have already paid for the snacks, you can continue to do your own thing!"

Looking at the impact of his actions, You said with satisfaction:"Release the magic power, imagine the result, magic is so simple"

"You actually used magic to hypnotize ordinary people to eat for free. Don't you feel ashamed of doing this?" A righteous voice came from behind. Yu turned around with a disgusted expression as if trouble had come to his door. As expected, it was the Knight King Altria and Irisviel.��Altria accused herself righteously, like the embodiment of justice sent from heaven - if she didn't have a Coke in one hand and a hamburger in the other...

"I eat free food based on my own ability, what is there to be ashamed of?"You is not justified but also strong

"Where did you come from? Don't you know that the rules of the magic world are to hide and it is forbidden to perform magic in front of ordinary people?"

"Well, I know, so I took good care of it."

"Every time I eat free food, I will hypnotize everyone on the street, silently, to ensure that no one can detect it."You patted his chest and promised.

Irisviel looked like he wanted to say something but hesitated, while Altria was frowning,"That's not a cleanup, it's an escalation."

"And it's not good to do this to ordinary people. Some of them already have a hard life. If things go on like this, they will inevitably have more expenses than income.——"

"Do you like to catch a sheep and pull it to death?" In order to prevent a long speech, You interrupted directly.


"What if, I mean what if, someone in their family is seriously ill, or has an accident, and they urgently need the money to save their lives? You should know that your behavior may lead to the destruction of their family and the separation of their wives and children."

Yu looked at Altria as if she were a fool, causing her forehead and temple to throb, and when she was about to have a fit, he pointed at the empty box in his hand and said,"Just because of a bowl of takoyaki?"

"……"Altria was speechless. She also felt that she was stupid for making such an assumption.

"I think this kind of behavior will have a very bad impact on your future. You should know that if you do this kind of thing too much, you will——"

"Stop! Stop! Ok! I know what you want to say! Don't worry, I won't go in that direction, I promise! I usually don't do this to ordinary people, and before I started today, I confirmed again and again that no matter the type of food, the style of the store, or even the boss and his workers, they are all pure Japanese blood, and there will be no mistakes."

"Uh... does this have anything to do with you using magic to eat their free food?" Alice also interrupted with a puzzled look on her face.

"Because my conscience will not be guilty, and I will not be morally deficient, so the things you are worried about will not happen to me."



【Where did this evil way come from! 】X2

"You-chan, you are wrong. You should know that——"Irisviel wanted to correct Yu's moral perception, but Yu did not accept it.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-I don’t want to hear it, you bastard chanting sutras!"

Then he ran away quickly.

"You are not my mother, why do you care so much?"

""Alas!" Altria sighed heavily.

"Saber, your behavior just now was not like you. I almost thought you were replaced by someone else. Irisviel waved her hand in front of Altria, as if���To confirm whether she is the Saber he is familiar with

"Why do you have such an idea?"

Alice explained with a puzzled look on her face:"Even if I am not familiar with the world and have never experienced the cruelty of war, I also know that King Arthur, who has gone through thirteen battles without being defeated, cannot be so——"She gestured with her hands, as if she couldn't think of any appropriate words to describe it, and finally forced to add,"A loving person."

Altria thought silently for a while, and then explained:"Maybe it's because of the influence of blood!"


"She has a more advanced dragon bloodline than me, so according to my past experiences, I subconsciously feel that she should be more correct than me in all aspects!" Then she sighed again,"I was indeed abrupt in my behavior just now."

Alice comforted,"It's okay, as long as you know the reason, just be careful to control yourself next time you meet. I don't think You-chan is the kind of person who will hold a grudge." Then she changed the subject,"What should we do next? Continue shopping?"

Altria looked at the food in her hands and said in a low voice:"Forget it, I have no appetite, let's go to the next place!"——

He wolfed down the burger in his hand and drank the milk tea in one gulp.

""Burp~~" He burped for a long time.

"Seven Dragons O. It's such a distant memory - but it also seems not too far away."You flipped through the comic book magazine in her hand. She had memories of many of the famous comics in it, and she even knew the endings of some of them."Well, there were only a few famous comics before 1995, so let's just take it as a review to learn something new!"

I don't know how long it took.

"Look, Saber, it's over here, there really is one!" This voice sounded quite familiar.

"Ellie, I understand the carousel, but sitting in the middle of a group of children is really uncomfortable, but I can bear it; the haunted house is easy, I can still distinguish between real supernatural and ordinary people, so I can handle it (I still beat him up); I believe that you have planned a normal place, but before entering the door, you have to tell me what is stored in this library?"Confirmed, it's an acquaintance!

"Hmm - the fruit of human fantasy!" (Serious)

"Can humans already collect materials for divine or even star-made treasures on their own?" (Exclaimed)

Put down the book, return to your original position, leave the chair, turn the door handle, and open the door.

Altria"It's you! What are you doing here?"

Yu (holding his elbow and touching his chin)"Refer to human fantasies and create new moves."

Altria"There are actually crystallizations of human fantasies in it."

Yu (covering the corners of his mouth with his hands)"Well, that's right, but please remember one thing, everything marked with R18+ in the classification is a forbidden fantasy. If you are not confident in your mental endurance, don't flip through it!"

Altria (frown)"Thank you, I received your advice, I will be careful!"

Yu"You're welcome, I hope you won't take back what you said in the future." (Run away)

"Huh——Escaped." You let out a long breath,"They probably won't come to this place."

You is now in an underground block that sells otaku culture. All kinds of ACGs gather here. It can be regarded as a small Akihabara.

Although it is only the size of a street, it has all kinds of elements. Figures, maid cafes, cosplay halls, game halls, big posters, and audio-visual clubs marked with R18+ are all there.

"Anyway, this is the kind of place that princesses and knights disdain, and it's underground. As a Servant participating in the Holy Grail War, I shouldn't come to such a place."

Looking around, I finally found that the only place that seemed to be able to kill time was the game hall.

However, I was stopped

"Sorry, minors under 18 are not allowed to enter here"

"Snap your fingers

"Yilaxiayi Masai (Welcome)!"

Two hours later, the gate

"It's boring! They're all old games, and the latency is so high." You pushed open the curtains and walked out

"No! Absolutely not! I won't wear such shameless clothes even if you kill me."

"Just try it on! Saber, there's no one else here, no one will gossip about you."

"Irisviel, please stop! As a knight, how can I be so depraved? Anyway, I will never agree to it."

"Hey! Saber, don't go! One more! Just one! How about this one? It's not that revealing, right?"

"Didn't you swear to me this morning that you would accompany me all day? How could this happen? You broke your promise so soon! Cry, cry……"

"This..., you..., I... Okay! This is the last time, there will definitely not be a next time"

"Yeah! Great, Saber, let me put it on for you."

"Wait - please don't do this, Irisviel……"


" Pah" the door was pushed open from the inside."……"



"How old are you?

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