Before arriving in the town, Yu changed back into her disguise from yesterday. After using magic to drive away a few precocious kids who came to chat with her, she fell into distress.

"Where should I go next? Places like video game arcades probably won't work.

That guy likes to go to places like this when he has nothing to do.

I'm not afraid if I really meet him, but he won't hesitate to attack.

The rules of the Holy Grail War don't apply to him.

If there is a conflict with him, I can already imagine him shouting that I am the rules while attacking with the King's Treasure.

By the way, the Heaven's Chain, which is not Enkidu's true form, shouldn't have much effect on me, right?"

I don't want to come into contact with the Hero King Gilgamesh too early, mainly because I don't want to fight him in broad daylight in front of everyone, so I passed the arcade tour. As for places outside the arcade, it seems that no matter which store you go to, there will be a red-haired man with his princess randomly refreshed - although it feels interesting to watch a two-person crosstalk on the spot, but today I still do some business.

"Now that we have seen the Lesser Holy Grail, it is time to see the Greater Holy Grail."You said to himself, and then walked towards Mount Enzo.

Remember that the Holy Grail's body is in the underground cave of Mount Enzo.

In the corner of the bushes that could not be observed by the eyes of the people on the side, a mosquito the size of a grain of rice left its original place and flew silently to an unknown distance.

Hyatt Hotel, the only designated five-star restaurant in Fuyuki City, Kenneth was scolding his servant.

The reason was very simple.

He was originally just expressing his dissatisfaction with Lancer for not quickly solving Saber in the battle at the dock last night, until his fiancée Sora Nazaire Sophia Li protected Lancer and openly sang against him, and attributed all the problems to his poor command, which made him jealous and began to find fault with the reason why Lancer responded to the summons - he was angry with Lancer.

Lancer Diarmuid Odinar, a famous hero in Celtic mythology, is the most elite warrior in the Knights of Fianna, and is known as the"Glorious Look". In addition to his handsome appearance, he also has a magical mole on his face that will make women fall in love with him unconditionally. His abilities are not under his control, so the moment he was summoned, Kenneth's fiancee had already fallen in love with him, but this only made him feel troubled.

Diarmuid would respond to the call of the Holy Grail for a simple reason, he just wanted to fulfill his loyalty to his master as a knight that he failed to fulfill during his lifetime.

He chose to elope with the fiancee of his monarch Finn during his lifetime.

Although he did not regret this act, he still felt regretful for not being able to be loyal to his monarch during his lifetime.

The only purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War was the hope He completed the duties that he failed to complete during his lifetime, and was loyal to a monarch until the end, but he had no pursuit of the Holy Grail itself.

But these were difficult for Kayneth to understand. How could a Servant respond to the call of the Holy Grail just to be loyal to the Master without his own wishes? Therefore, he believed that Diarmuid was hiding something from him. In addition, his fiancée Sora was obviously partial to him under the influence of Diarmuid's mole, which made Kayneth inevitably jealous. Suspicion and jealousy caused barriers in the two people's communication and became the fuse of this conflict.

Diarmuid accepted all of Kayneth's rebukes with a wry smile. He also noticed the feelings of his Master's fiancée for him. In addition to sighing that fate played tricks on him, he could only strengthen himself in his heart and not repeat the mistakes he made in his previous life.

Until a shrill fire alarm interrupted the meeting between the three.

"Is someone going to show up so soon?"Kenneth snorted coldly, and ended his reprimand for Lancer with a sense of unfulfilled desire. Perhaps others saw this as an alarm of a fire in the hotel, but he knew it was a warning of the enemy's arrival.

"Master, do you want me to fight?" Dimuduo volunteered.

"No, since the opponent's servant didn't come up, it proves that he wants to have a magic showdown with me. You just need to watch from the side and protect Sora. The upper three floors of this hotel have long been set up as magic workshops by me, and the bottom floor has almost become an artificial alien world. Even servants can only break in by force. No matter who comes, I will let him see the methods of Lord El-Melloi, and in the end, he will never come back.……"

Outside the hotel, Kiritsugu Emiya and Maiya Hisa had just avoided the hotel's surveillance and placed high explosives on the load-bearing columns of the underground garage, and then deliberately triggered the fire alarm.

The shrill alarm caused panic among the hotel guests, and they scrambled to escape outside the hotel. At this time, the hotel staff were confirming the guest list. When they finally confirmed whether Kenneth and his fiancée Sora had escaped, Kiritsugu Emiya stepped forward and impersonated Kenneth's name, and used hypnosis to guide the other party's judgment, making him think that the two had escaped.

Then he came to an unmanned corner far away from the restaurant, took out the intercom and asked,"Maiya, how are you doing over there?"

The voice of his assistant came from the intercom,"The hotel staff and guests have been evacuated, and it has been confirmed that the Master of Lancer is still on the top floor of the restaurant. I have also left the scene here."

"Really? That's good." After hanging up the call, he casually took out a remote control and pressed the button on it without hesitation.

With a loud bang, the deafening noise stunned the hotel staff and customers who were taking refuge. The restaurant began to collapse, and people were in a panic. Many people were pushed down and trampled in panic, or hit by falling objects when the restaurant collapsed. When Kiritsugu Emiya came back to check, the place was already in a mess.

Looking at everything in front of him, Kiritsugu Emiya felt neither sad nor happy. In order to fulfill his long-cherished wish, he told himself that these were inevitable sacrifices. Then he used the intercom to call his assistant to finish work, and then turned around and left without looking back.

Not long after Kiritsugu Emiya left, a red figure appeared where he had stood before.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him and the incoming wails, he hesitated for a moment and did not choose to continue following Kiritsugu Emiya.

, but joined the rescue team.

If Yu appeared at the scene, she would recognize at a glance that this person was Archer of the Fifth Holy Grail War, the appearance of Emiya Shirou, the adopted son of Emiya Kiritsugu in the future, after becoming the guardian, also known as Red A.

The Fourth Holy Grail War was no longer what she remembered, but turned to a different world line under a series of unknown influences.

Yu had just arrived at the foot of Mount Enzo, looking for the entrance to the underground cave where the Holy Grail ritual was located. But after wandering at the foot of Mount Enzo for a long time, Yu still couldn't find the entrance to the underground cave.

She knew that there was a big cave under Mount Enzo, but she had no idea where to enter this big cave.

After searching everywhere without success, Yu, who had no patience to continue looking, stretched out his hand with ten fingers and pointed at the ground under his feet,"Ah, trouble! Sure enough, at this time, the most direct method can only be used. Since we know that the big cave is under Mount Enzo, wouldn't it be more convenient to open a passage directly?"

You was full of aura, and the azure magic power gathered in her hands. As the light ball became more and more solid, the light on it became more and more dazzling.

Then she turned around without hesitation and attacked the air behind her. The light ball in her hand rushed like a torrent, hitting the Berserker behind her, holding the Indestructible Lake Light, and jumped up to chop at her.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Berserker did not put away the attack to dodge, because the magic light cannon in You's hand had already attacked in front of him. He chopped down the Indestructible Lake Light, and the magic flow was split in two by this sword, but his whole body was also The huge impact sent him flying.

But Berserker Lancelot was worthy of being the former head of the Round Table. Although he was thrown flying without any defense as a sensible Berserker, his body's instinct still drove him to use the force to complete a series of difficult aerial rotations in the air to find the right balance and release the force, and finally landed safely.

Infinite martial arts training, Lancelot had completely integrated his mind, skills and body through countless battles during his lifetime, and could exert powerful combat skills without any mental influence. This was the proof of his unparalleled martial arts in that era.

"……, should I say I'm not surprised? This is already the fourth time we've fought." Although she was almost attacked by a sudden attack, what emerged in Yu's heart at this moment was not surprise and anger, but a kind of helpless doubt. She held her forehead with her fingers and asked Matou Yuyan, who was hiding somewhere at the moment:"You almost sent this guy back to the Throne of Heroes the first three times. Where do you get the courage to attack me so many times with just a Berserker?"

The forest was silent, and the old insect did not echo, as if it was not here. After Berserker showed up and fought with Yu, the birds and insects quieted down, leaving only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the leaves and the roar of Berserker not far away.

"Arrr……"With a roar, Berserker rushed forward, blasting a deep pit in the ground with every step he took. The black mist emanating from his body became thicker with every step he took. After a few steps, he turned into a ball of black mist.

‘Swish——’,‘Swish——’,‘Swish——’Four ribbons stretched out from the black mist like a peacock spreading its tail, and continued to extend around You, not only cutting off her escape route, but also turning back like swords to attack her vital points behind her. Berserker, holding the treasure tightly with both hands, slashed right at You's neck, intending to behead her.

"What is this, a spiritual breakthrough?"At this critical moment, You seemed to completely ignore the danger he was facing, and turned a blind eye to the attacks in front of him and behind him. Instead, he complained about Berserker's changes. As soon as he finished speaking, the attacks from the front and back came at the same time, but both stopped at the magic barrier a few inches in front of You.

"Ar...thurrr……"Berserker roared and exerted his strength again. The indestructible lake-light blade of the treasure glowed with a faint light. The intersection of the magic barrier in front of the neck and the blade was like a chainsaw cutting, and sparks flew everywhere. In the blink of an eye, sounds like shattering porcelain continued to ring out, and Yu's magic barrier was actually a little shaky.

‘With a sound of"crack", the magic barrier was broken, and Berserker continued to charge forward with the Lake Light of No Regret in his hand, intending to behead him with one blow.

‘"Pah!" Berserker's Noble Phantasm continued to advance less than a centimeter before being blocked by the magic barrier again.

"Changjiang Electric Welding lives up to its reputation.

"You turned his eyes slightly, staring at the undestroyed lake light across his neck for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand to grasp the blade, exerting his strange power, and pressed the treasure tightly in his hand,"He actually condensed the magic power on the blade to perform high-frequency cutting, and the amazing control power makes it hard to imagine that this is a skill that a Berserker can use.

And if the magic power condensed on the blade of this attack is released, it will be more than enough to be used as a treasure against the city.

No wonder it can break my barrier.

Unfortunately, I referred to the chrysanthemum shield of a certain red Archer for this barrier, and I also strengthened it.

There are still twelve layers.

How about you try harder?"

No, you won't." You teased. Berserker drew his sword and tried to retreat, but the treasure was held tightly in You's hand, unable to move. So he decisively abandoned the sword, jumped back, kicked at You, and quickly distanced himself with the reaction force. But because of the height difference between You and him, the kick hit him right in the face.

"#"Because of the magic barrier, the kick didn't really hit her, but it made her recall bad memories, and veins on her forehead throbbed.

"���I almost forgot, you, are you so angry with me or what, you must use your feet to hit me in the face?"

The cross star pupil flashed, and the red star pupil, blue star pupil, and dark star pupil were activated at the same time, and Yu cast all the curses he could think of in a short period of time on Berserker.

"Ar...thurrr……"Berserker roared to the sky, then his legs went limp and he lay on the ground motionless.

"Arrr……"Berserker lay on the ground and tried to get up, but his fingers twitched a few times, and even the roar turned into a faint moan.

"It's over, Lancelot." You pushed her hands outward, and the magic power in her body formed a huge circular barrier with her as the center, covering Berserker."I don't know how to understand space, but fortunately, the so-called magic is very simple for me. This barrier is already filled with my magic power, and they will fix the entire space according to my will. You can no longer use the Command Spell to transfer and escape. The next attack will send you back to the Throne of Heroes."

"Laaa——"Yuu chanted in a low voice, and circles of magic rings of different sizes gathered in front of her, forming a cannon barrel (refer to the atomic breath of Singularity Godzilla). As the magic power continued to gather, the golden magic rings became more and more dazzling.

"Aaaa——"A high-pitched singing voice erupted, and a golden beam of light gushed out from these magic circles, drowning Berserker in the torrent of light.

Before his body dissipated, Lancelot's eyes regained clarity. He felt as if he was bathing in a golden ocean of light. His entire body was slowly dissipating, but he did not feel any pain, but instead felt warm.

Lancelot put his hand in front of his eyes, watching his hand dissipate in the golden light, and uttered a final sigh.

"This... light... is really……"Before he finished speaking, the whole person disappeared.

Berserker Lancelot, exit.

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