The singing subsided, the light column dissipated, and only a gully several meters wide and tens of meters long remained on the devastated land. Trees on both sides were burning and falling. You stood at the front of the gully, examining the damage he had caused.

"Although I have restrained my strength enough, it is just a drizzle compared to my mother's nuclear-level destructive power, but if I restrain myself, can I still cause such damage? Can I have a body of the same specifications as my mother? I thought it was words of comfort and encouragement. In this way, in this Holy Grail War, don't I feel like a king entering a pond to fry fish?"

Then You looked around and didn't find any strange aura, feeling a little confused.

"I didn't feel the old bug's breath from the beginning to the end, nor did I see him. Although it is very likely that the one who came here is a clone, is he really scared by me? I thought he would at least use his clone to run out and say a few trash words."

Then, You no longer cared about why the old bug didn't come, and continued his method of finding the entrance just now, commonly known as digging a hole in the ground.

In the large underground cavity of Yuanzang Mountain, where the main body of the Holy Grail War ritual is located, a huge magic circle lies in the center. It is the result of the continuous self-replication and value-added of the magic circuit sacrificed by the Winter Saint, Justisa Lizleich von Einzbern for two hundred years.

The ritual of the Holy Grail War was jointly constructed by the three major families in Fuyuki City, among which Einzbern provided the main body of the Holy Grail, the so-called Great Holy Grail, by sacrificing the Winter Saint.

However, it is not that there is a thing called the Great Holy Grail, and then the Saint is sacrificed to it.

Instead, the Winter Saint first exists, and then she becomes the Holy Grail.

Yes, the Great Holy Grail is a universal wish machine, but at the same time it is also to reproduce Einzbern.

The mysterious and huge magic circuit that Beren lost.

Matou Zouken just stood in front of the magic circle composed of magic circuits, his turbid eyes staring at the Holy Grail in front of him. Something seemed to flash in his memory, but he could not remember it.

Since it is a forgotten memory, it must not be very important. Matou Zouken thought about it and stopped thinking about it. Although he had a heart-wrenching feeling, he had no time to care about it now. Through the connection between the Command Spells, he knew the berserker exit.

With a bang, the dome of the big hole was pierced by a blue light cannon, and then You entered in the way of a slide. After spinning three times in the air, she opened her arms like a gymnast and landed on her feet. However, due to inertia and the corners of the top of her head, her upper body almost bent over and her face touched the ground. Fortunately, she stopped a few centimeters from the ground.

"Yo, I almost fell down." You shook his hands to regain his balance, straightened his body, and then put his hands on his waist and said with a good feeling:"Very good, perfect score!"

Matou Zouken ignored You's antics, but sighed softly, turned around and said to You who came to him:"Did the Berserker fail? In the end, he couldn't stop you from coming here. I thought he could at least lead you away."

"Hey, you're here, old bug! I was wondering why the Berserkers came to attack but I didn't see you."As he said that, Yuu looked at Matou Zouken carefully with his cross-eyed pupils,"It doesn't look like a clone, what's wrong, you don't want to escape?"


There were rustling sounds, and endless insects were pouring in from all directions. Matou Zouken was a ruthless man who didn't talk much. He showed with his actions that he didn't want to waste time talking to You, and started the battle directly.

Wing blades, poison needles, corrosive liquids, poisons, all kinds of attacks swept in at once.

Escape? Where can you escape to? The Holy Grail is behind you, and the hope of eternal life is behind you.

The lackeys of the inhibitory force have already found this place.

If you escape now, a hundred years of hard work will be wasted.

Once the Holy Grail is destroyed, you will never be able to pursue eternal life again.

Matou Zouken thought so in his heart, and his hands became more and more vicious - he always believed that You was sent by the inhibitory force to destroy the Holy Grail.

The overwhelming sea of insects and the dazzling attacks together submerged You in this large underground cave.

Although no human figures could be seen, Matou Zouken did not dare to relax and controlled the continuous attacks from the insects.

The opponent is a fantasy species that can defeat the servants.

His behavior is just the dying struggle of a desperate person.

Matou Zouken has this awareness.

If it is normal, he can slowly lay out the plan, lead her to oppose all the servants, or set a deadly trap for her to lure her to a dead end.

But now there is no time.

Yu's behavior of visiting the Holy Grail Ceremony in Yuanzang Mountain was regarded by Matou Zouken as her finding the center in just one day and rushing to disintegrate the Holy Grail.

That's why he let the Berserker Lancelot attack Yu outside Yuanzang Mountain.

The purpose is not to repel her, but to lure her away.

But he didn't expect that the Berserker was sent back to the Throne of Heroes by Yu in less than five rounds, thus completely withdrawing from this Holy Grail War.

It can only be said that Yu's Star Eye ability is really awesome. Maybe it is not outstanding in direct attack power, but as a restrictive skill, it is superb. Not to mention the servants, even if the Heroic Spirit comes down, Yu can make them motionless and at the mercy of others-unless the opponent is completely immune to all abnormal curses or has a specification that is superior to Yu.

Matou Zouken continued to attack silently. He did not underestimate his opponent. While attacking, he was also on guard against a possible counterattack from You. But after a few minutes, there was no movement from You, which made him wonder why there seemed to be no movement at all.

But soon Matou Zouken realized that something was wrong. The insect swarm never stopped attacking, and the winged worms also attacked one after another, but the place where You was was like a bottomless pit, accepting everything. Both the insects themselves and their attacks were swallowed by the black hole without any sound, without causing any waves.


Just as Matou Zouken was about to stop the attack and gather some intelligence, a black tide turned into a fountain and shot up into the sky, hitting the dome of the large underground cavity, then splashed and scattered, turning into rain and falling down. Matou Zouken tapped the ground lightly with his cane, and quickly set up a barrier for himself to isolate the black rain.

But this black water seemed to be just ordinary water. He thought it would restrain his insects like the servants he saw at the dock, or it might be highly corrosive and corrode everything underground. However, he hid in the barrier and found that the insects he controlled were still following his original instructions to kill Yu, and even the insects that came into close contact with the black tide seemed to be safe and sound.

"What's the point of your attack that doesn't hurt you?" Although he knew there must be something fishy going on with this black tide, in order to save his life, Matou Zouken temporarily calmed his inner anxiety and asked with a calm and nonchalant look.

""It's a function. Does it count if I cut off your retreat?" Yu's voice came from the black tide column. She answered with a relaxed look on her face, not hiding her purpose.

Matou Zouken was shocked when he heard it, and looked back. It turned out that the dripping black tide did not return to the earth after landing, but continued to multiply itself, from a drop to a pool, and finally to a piece, exponentially exploding. In the short time he looked back, the underground cavity of Yuanzang Mountain turned into a vast ocean, and the underground waterway

"Do you have any last words to say?" Holding the winning ticket in hand, he expressed his last sympathy to Matou Zouken, as a respect for his first half of life.

"……, Do you think this is the end? No, I will not fall here, I still have wishes to fulfill and I have not yet obtained immortality, how can I fall here like this?"Matou Zouken became more and more excited, from the initial calm to the final hysteria, and finally the whole person exploded, turned into a flying insect and merged into the insect swarm, and then these insects that were still besieging You received new instructions and began to flee in all directions

"What an old-fashioned way of escaping. Your way of escaping has become so common in the online literature circles in recent years. You don't think you can escape from me this way, do you?"

You complained about the old-fashioned way of escaping of Matou Zouken, and snapped his fingers. The tide of chaos suddenly formed a spherical water curtain that enveloped the entire underground cavity.

The water curtain quickly shrank towards You's palm, and in the blink of an eye, the water curtain that originally covered the entire underground cavity became a floating bubble in You's hand.

"Didn't I say that? You can't escape." You stretched out his finger and flicked the bubble, saying to the bugs still running away inside.

Then he clenched his right hand suddenly, and the bubble burst with a snap as he moved, and the bugs inside disappeared without a trace as the bubble burst.

You stretched at this time, and said with relief as if he had finally accomplished a goal,"It's over, I finally got rid of this old bug. I've seen other time-travel novels where the protagonists always get rid of the old bug as soon as they travel through time, but he always manages to escape from me again and again. I'm almost losing confidence."

You came to the magic circle of the Holy Grail. The magic circle in front of him was filled with a purple light, rendering the entire underground space weird and beautiful.

You stretched his hand into the light, looking at his hand as if it was rendered with a purple halo, and said thoughtfully,"Although I can't feel any evil breath, this atmosphere doesn't look like a real Holy Grail. It seems that the world line I came to is just an ordinary four wars, not a world where human reason is burned."

"It seems that the matter of finding my mother has to be put aside for the time being. Really, he is a creator god after all, how can he be kidnapped in front of his own child? I didn't know that Goetia's so-called Holy Grail to guide Tiamat to leave the imaginary space was such a hardcore guidance method. Others are mothers looking for children, but I have to find a way to find my mother myself."

"Forget it, since everything that needs to be confirmed has been confirmed, let's leave here first!……"You looked at the magic circle in front of him and thought for a long time,"I remember that the evil of this world needs the complete descent of the Holy Grail to really appear in the real world. Even if it is destroyed now, it will not have any effect on it. Let's wait until the Holy Grail War is over before destroying it!"

You turned and left. What she didn't know was that when she said she wanted to destroy the evil of this world, the halo emitted by the magic circle vibrated slightly. After he left the underground cave, the halo of the entire underground space fluttered like a flame.

"Hehehe……"A rotten and dry voice once again floated in the empty underground."Although the girl is powerful, her experience is still too shallow. I have lived for five hundred years and have seen through everything. How could she give such a passionate speech before running away?"

On the rock wall underground, white threads as thin as hair gathered together and finally woven into a palm-sized silkworm.

"The little girl probably never knew that as an insect manipulator, I can manipulate more than just those insects that can be seen with the naked eye. Insects like these (nanoworms) that are invisible to the naked eye are the basis of my life."

It turns out that Matou Zouken's body is actually constructed with a brain worm composed of nanoworms as the core. What Yu killed was indeed the brain worm of the old worm's body, but who said that the core of the body can only have one

"This way, I will completely go from light to darkness. The little girl probably didn't expect me to be alive, and she probably won't come here again before the Holy Grail War is over."

Matou Zouken did not continue to construct his old man's body, but just crawled towards the direction of the Greater Holy Grail in the form of a worm.

"Next, just stay here���Just wait until the Holy Grail War is over. Others probably still think that the wish-making mechanism of the Holy Grail is controlled by the Lesser Holy Grail, but the authority to realize wishes lies with the Greater Holy Grail. After two hundred years of research, I already know how to bypass the Lesser Holy Grail through the operation of the ritual and make a wish to the Greater Holy Grail."

Matou Zouken in the insect state is particularly talkative, probably because he is depressed because he cannot tell others about the pleasure of his conspiracy, so he can only talk to himself to express his plan to make himself feel better.

"Just fight, grab, and then kill each other. I will be here waiting for you to deliver the fruits of victory to my mouth, hehe……"

Coming in front of the Greater Holy Grail, Matou Zouken in the brain worm state propped up his upper body, and looked at the misty magic circle in front of him with an intoxicated posture that no one could understand.

Matou Zouken felt himself becoming more and more intoxicated. Although he was clearly a worm body, he had a kind of pleasure of flying to the clouds.

Then, in the worm state, he could not see his current appearance, otherwise he would have noticed something was wrong and dodged away.

His insect body had already fallen into a black and red swamp that was very similar to Yu's Chaos Tide. The swamp kept attaching black and red silk threads to his body, pulling him down little by little and swallowing him.

Matou Zouken sank into this black and red swamp. The moment he was completely swallowed up, the swamp suddenly burst into thousands of silk threads waving wildly, until it suddenly stopped at a certain moment, and then quickly shrank and closed, weaving out Matou Zouken's old body.

"Oh, oh, oh... Is this... Is this the immortal body? So that's it, I have gained immortality, great, I finally got what I wanted! My hundreds of years of sad wish has finally been fulfilled!"

‘Matou Zouken cheered and sighed at this moment

"▲%●@▷◆……"A voice that was difficult to understand sounded directly beside his ears. Matou Zouken calmed down from his ecstasy and listened carefully to everything the voice said.

"So, I understand. You wanted to be born in this world, right? Hehehe... Since you and I are one, you have fulfilled my wish, so I will naturally fulfill your wish."


"You want to get rid of her before she attacks. This is a bit difficult, but it is not impossible. You just need to save it for the last."‘Matou Zouken didn't refuse all the requests made by the voice. Instead, he conjured up a cane and stomped it gently.

The swamp reappeared, and the figure of the Berserker crawled out of the swamp. But his appearance was a little different now. Although the original Berserker was also pitch black, at least if you looked closely, you could still see the outline and texture of his body. But the Berserker now was just a black mass, and no details could be seen.

"After all the Servants are dealt with, I will lead this army of Servants to meet her. Now let me speed up the Holy Grail War!"

Then, everything returned to calm again.

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