Yu left the Enzo Mountain area and came to the streets of Fuyuki City.

""Hey! Good morning, little girl!" A rough voice called out from behind to Yu who was wandering around.

Turning around, he saw the master and servant of the Rider group, the Emperor and his queen (Weber). At this moment, the outfit of King of Conquerors Iskandar was really indescribable - he wore a short-sleeved T-shirt with a world map on his upper body, and fancy Hawaiian shorts on his lower body, which gave him a sense of incongruity. His Master, Weber Velvet, had both eyes turned into spiral eyes, and was held in his hands like a little chicken.

Ignoring the King of Conquerors' outfit, Yu looked at Weber in his hand and asked,"It's almost noon, it's not morning anymore, is it? By the way, what's wrong with your Master?"

"Well, don't be so fussy about a little difference. As for this kid, I saw that he was weak, so I wanted to train him, so I dragged him to run three laps around the city to warm up. As a result, this kid didn't even last 1/3 of the first lap and fell to the ground. I couldn't disrupt my own plan, but it was not safe to leave this kid there, so I had to carry him to run the remaining laps."

Listening to the explanation of the Conqueror King, You looked at Weber with pity. She felt that Weber would be in such a state. The explanation of the Conqueror King was only one aspect. The other aspect was that the Conqueror King carried him to run the remaining laps.

Being carried by the back of the neck by someone to run around the city for several laps, even if it was just a small town, was enough to make people drink a pot. That sour feeling was probably only slightly better than suffocation.

The Conqueror King looked You up and down and praised,"Little girl, your dress is a little different from when we met at the dock yesterday. Well, it gives people a refreshing feeling."

You touched the horn on his head that he had shrunk, and said in a slightly helpless tone:"I can't walk around the street in my original appearance! Although at most people will think I'm wearing strange clothes, I don't want to have a 100% turning head rate wherever I go. It's not a good thing to attract too many people's attention in this Holy Grail War."

The Conqueror King grasped the key point of You's words,"Oh, so you want to participate in this Holy Grail War, little girl? You are obviously not a Master or a Servant, but you want to snatch the Holy Grail from guys like us."

You shook his head to deny,"No, I'm not interested in the Holy Grail, I just want to simply end the Holy Grail War."

"So that's it. Never mind. Everyone has their own reasons for participating in the Holy Grail War. I won't ask about the reasons. Do you want to experience this era with me?"

"Well, if it was anyone else, I would think they were some weird uncles trying to flirt with me, but since it was the King of Conquerors’ invitation, I’ll accept it." Yu thought for a while, and thought that since she had nothing else to do, she might as well follow the King of Conquerors for a while, so she accepted his invitation—definitely not because she wanted to see the King of Conquerors and his Master flirting with each other up close.

Well, she admitted that this was one of the reasons, but he really didn’t have any other plans right now.

"Yoshi, then I will be your host today and take you to experience some interesting things I have discovered recently."The King of Conquerors said, waving his hand, carrying his Master on his shoulders like a sack, and strode towards a certain direction with You.

Behind him, You clearly saw that his Master Weber coughed as if he had been hit in the abdomen, and then his head drooped even lower.


Ah, he fainted. No, he seemed to have been unconscious from the beginning. Poor Waver. You showed symbolic sympathy and ignored Waver, following the King of Conquerors.

"Grand Strategy?" You looked at the game disc handed over by the Conqueror King with a little doubt.

"Yes, modern people are really amazing. They can condense the elements of a war into such a small disc. If I had this thing in my time, I wouldn't have to study so hard. How about playing a game with me?"The King of Conquerors laughed loudly. His magnificent and rough appearance and loud actions attracted all the customers in the store to stop and watch.

""Hey, sir, could you please stop making so much noise? You are disturbing other customers in the store." The clerk came over to remind the King of Conqueror that his voice was too loud.

"Ah, sorry, I was so excited that I couldn't control myself for a moment."The King of Conquerors didn't put on any airs at all. Facing the clerk's accusations, he scratched the back of his head with one big hand and apologized honestly.

""Hey~ I thought you would be like a tyrant, put on airs, laugh and slam the door." You looked at the King of Conquerors with some surprise. You know, in her memory, this guy took his master to a certain store at night to do some zero-dollar shopping. In her opinion, the King of Conquerors should be the kind of person who would disdain the laws and rules of reality.

"Wouldn't that make him a robber? The so-called conquest means to challenge a powerful enemy that is difficult to defeat or a task that is difficult to accomplish at the moment, to ravage, plunder, and finally trample underfoot, to not be arrogant when winning and not be humiliated when losing.

This is the real conquest.

Doing this in front of a weaker person who is far inferior to you is not called conquest, but simply a despicable act of bullying the weak.

There will be no such stain in my tyranny as the King of Conquerors.

"The King of Conquerors proudly explained his tyranny, but You looked at him with a new eye.

No wonder he was able to gather so many people to go on an expedition for his dream during his lifetime.

Yes, he was a royal family after all, and he received the highest level of aristocratic education during his lifetime.

It is hard to imagine that he would rob an ordinary convenience store before he fell into despair (referring to the presence of Weber's wallet).

If it is not that the different world lines lead to different personalities of the parties involved, then it is that the authors in my memory more or less mixed some of their own judgments when describing this character, resulting in differences in personality and behavior between the real him and the person in my memory.

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet, do you want to play a game with me?" The King of Conquerors invited You again, because his master in the base was not interested in these things and would not play with him. He really wanted to compete with someone in this area.

"There's no need for that.

I've never been exposed to strategic adjustments, deployment of troops, and the like, and I'm certainly not as good as you generals or kings who lead troops to fight in this regard.

If we really fight, I'm probably going to be bullied by you.

" You found a reason to reject the Conqueror's kindness, and then, as if he remembered something interesting, he said provocatively:"You have to know that I am the kind of person who can form an army by myself.

Rather than leading troops to fight others, I prefer others to lead troops to challenge me.

How about it, do you want to find a time to play a game with me?" The

Conqueror's King understood the meaning of You's words, but he did not accept the provocation."Well... there's no need for that. We don't have any conflicts in our goals. Besides, it's not a wise choice to make enemies everywhere when the situation is unclear."

The King of Conquerors himself suspected that You was a god, and the performance of the Flying Hoof Thunder Bull on the dock further confirmed his suspicion.

Later, the battle between You and the Berserker also allowed him to glimpse the tip of the iceberg of You's power.

Don't think he is a rough guy just because of his rough appearance.

In fact, he is very delicate and can always detect key information from some subtle details, otherwise he would not be remembered as a military strategist.

He is not so brainless to confront a god who has the power to restrain servants.

He will indeed challenge some powerful people who are difficult to defeat, but he will never challenge those things that are completely impossible.

He felt a little regretful that You refused to play against him in the game, and he did not put down the game disc called Grand Strategy. Instead, he put it in the shopping bag and came to Weber, who was resting on the chair he put.

The Conqueror gently patted his master's cheek twice, trying to wake him up.


Well, the so-called two light hits are only for the King of Conquerors himself, for ordinary people, it is two big cunts.

"Hey, kid, wake up, it's time to pay with your little card"

""Hey? What? Oh!" Weber was awakened by the King of Conquerors' two big pouches, but his mind was still hazy and confused, so he took out his card to pay like a hypnotized person, and then followed the two people out of the store in a daze.

"Rider, what have you done? Didn’t I tell you not to buy these useless things that have nothing to do with the holy war?"

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