Yu's low murmur did not attract the attention of others. After thinking for a long time without any results, she suppressed her doubts in her heart. She thought that it was useless to speculate too much now. It would be better to talk about other things when she met the assassin.

"Forget it, if you don't understand, don't try. When the time comes, we'll talk about the future later."

Yu patted his cheek and stopped speculating about the identity of the assassin, while Emiya Kiritsugu stood in front of her with an expressionless face, waiting for her answer.

"Archer is also in a masterless state now. The master who summoned him was a murderer. After he dealt with the murderer, he has been acting alone and has not signed a contract with anyone yet. Archer has the ability to act alone and can maintain autonomous action for about three days even without a master."

"That's right!"At this point, You suddenly had an interesting idea. If it were shown in the animation, it would be like a light suddenly lit up in her head.

"The reason why he is surrounding you is probably just to test you.

"This is pure nonsense, but the so-called intelligence is harmless if it is half true and half false.

"Don't you think you have a good compatibility? How about I help you to set up a connection so that you and Archer can re-sign a contract.

As for the problem that one person cannot bear the magic power of two servants, I can help you solve it.

I know someone who can separate the authority of the Command Spells from the authority of the magic supply.

I can ask him for this method, and let you let Irisviel be responsible for Saber's magic power supply.

In this way, the combat effectiveness can be improved, and the physical burden of Irisviel can be reduced, right?"

Yu just wanted to form a CP with an interesting attitude, but Emiya Kiritsugu was a little moved when he heard it.

"I——"Emiya Kiritsugu was about to agree, but he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling. This was not a foreknowledge of danger, but an inexplicable resistance. His heart was resisting the idea of acting together with Archer.

His rationality told him that this was a very good proposal, but his sensibility was resisting this rationality. For some reason, Emiya Kiritsugu, who always took rationality as the priority action program, chose to trust his sensibility this time.

"No need, that guy and I are the same kind of people, maybe we are compatible, but this also means that he is an extremely difficult person to deal with whether as an enemy or an ally. If he is an enemy, it's okay, you can just be on guard, but if he is an ally, you have to be careful of being stabbed at any time. In some cases, it is more dangerous to do so."Emiya Kiritsugu gave himself a reason and rejected the proposal.

Yu:"Did you scold yourself?"

Emiya Kiritsugu replied with an indifferent expression,"It's just an objective analysis."

"You are so objective that you don't even let yourself off." You was speechless, then turned around and walked towards his bedroom step by step.

"By the way, I have roughly confirmed the real name of the Servant summoned by Einzbern in the last Holy Grail War this morning.

"Halfway through the walk, Yu suddenly stopped and turned back to Emiya Kiritsugu and said,"I'll also provide you with a little knowledge about Servants.

Some Servants carry the wishes of all living beings during their lifetime.

When they are summoned by the Holy Grail, they are equivalent to a collection of wishes.

Once this kind of Servant is defeated and absorbed by the Holy Grail, it is equivalent to making a wish directly to the Holy Grail system.

The Servant summoned by Einzbern last time was of this type.

You'd better confirm his real name before the end of this Holy Grail War, otherwise no matter who wins the Holy Grail War, he may get nothing in the end.


When Emiya Kiritsugu heard what Yu said, his face turned a little ugly in an instant. The reason why he participated in this Holy Grail War was because of the Holy Grail's so-called universal wish-granting function. Now he was told that the wish had been processed inside the Holy Grail, and they fought to the death outside and got nothing in the end. How could he accept this?

Emiya Kiritsugu did not completely believe what Yu said, or did not want to believe the authenticity of the news, but on the one hand, Yu had no conflict of interest with them, and could not understand what purpose she had in lying about this matter. On the other hand, Einzbern was indeed secretive about this matter, which made him doubtful in his heart, and he became a little worried for a while..

Yu's purpose is actually very simple, which is to let Kiritsugu Emiya find the truth about the Holy Grail himself. After all, many people believe in the results of their own investigations more than the stories of others.

Hearing this news, Irisviel was a little overwhelmed. In order to support her husband's ideals, she was willing to bet her life and future. But if the result was destined to be in vain from the beginning, wouldn't all their efforts and sacrifices become meaningless from the beginning?

Even Saber frowned. She had something to ask for from the Holy Grail. If she got the Holy Grail in the end but couldn't make a wish, then what was the point of her participating in this Holy Grail War?

"This is just her one-sided statement, the truth of which is still to be discussed.

We can't give up the Holy Grail just because of this.

I will investigate the truth of this information.

Before that, we should focus on the Holy Grail War.

"Emiya Kiritsugu took a deep breath and suppressed his inner uneasiness for the time being.

Before confirming the truth of this news, he will not give up the fight for the Holy Grail.

After hearing what Emiya Kiritsugu said, Irisviel and Altria also calmed down.

They also accepted this statement in their hearts.

No matter what, they can't give up the fight for the Holy Grail just because of a piece of news whose truth is unknown.

��It was a nail that had already been set in my heart, how could it be so easy to pull it out?

The three of them left the castle just like that.

In the sea of forests, a castle stood in the dark night, surrounded by the rustling sound of leaves blowing in the wind. Although the castle was brightly lit, there was no human presence, which made it even more eerie and terrifying.

A black shadow meandered through the forest like a river and came to the front of the castle. Then it skillfully avoided the various detection barriers that were running autonomously around the castle.

It found the room where Yu was, flowed in through the crack of the door, and found Yu sleeping like a young sleeping beauty. After circling around her bed for a few times and finding that she was indeed asleep, it suddenly jumped up and turned into a curtain to devour her.

With a flash of sword light, the black curtain was split into two, and then a pale blue flame ignited from the cut, burning it to ashes. A tall Saber wearing a skeleton armor and holding a big sword appeared. The tall assassin held the sword in both hands and supported himself on the ground. The blue flames in the eyes of the skull mask suddenly exploded, and the whole body of"Matou Zouken" on the outskirts of the forest suddenly exploded, turning into a pool of flowing filth.

Then the assassin's whole body turned into blue flames and dissipated. When the last ray of fire dissipated, Yuya sat up from the bed.


But she didn't wake up. Instead, she fell back onto the pillow and continued to sleep.

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