In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone through the window onto You's face, her eyelids moved first, and she stretched lazily under the stimulation of the light and got up from bed. Then the tide of chaos transformed into various objects to clean her face in the morning.

After cleaning, she looked around her room again, tilting her head slightly, and there seemed to be several question marks on her head.

"The atmosphere feels weird, is it my illusion?"

You always felt that the feeling coming from the room was different from when she stayed there yesterday, but when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't put the feeling into words. In the end, she just thought that she hadn't gotten used to the environment yet, put this feeling behind her, and went out.

"Once there are fewer people, the place that seemed quite luxurious suddenly becomes eerie and scary."

You activated his unique flight mode and said with a little emotion as he looked at the forest rolling in the breeze.

Before taking off, You looked back at the Einzbern Castle. The noise of the forest and the loneliness of the castle complemented each other, making him feel like he was in a suburban haunted house in a movie.

"I always feel that after Irisviel and the others left, there is a lack of people here. However, the phrase"an uninhabited castle in a suburban forest" sounds eerie and depressing, so it's no wonder it's like this."

While flying, Yu thought about today's schedule, and finally decided to look for Lancer and his Master Kenneth. If nothing unexpected happens, Emiya Kiritsugu should find a way to get rid of Lancer and his Master today. Diarmuid didn't care. His original purpose was to be loyal to his Master in this Holy Grail War. Dying in battle was an honor for him. But as for Kenneth, Yu wanted to try to save him from Emiya Kiritsugu. After all, this was one of the escape routes she arranged for Sakura.

Yu remembered that after the hotel where Kenneth lived was blown up by Emiya Kiritsugu, he chose an abandoned factory as a temporary base. In her impression, it seemed to be not far from the suburbs. Thinking of this, she reduced her flying speed and began to search nearby, trying to find Kenneth's trace first.

Yu disappeared in the sky of the Einzbern Castle, but not long after she left, another figure walked out of the castle gate.

‘Matou Zouken stared fearfully at the direction where You left for a long time, then turned into a pool of mud-like liquid, quickly wandering in the forest, and soon disappeared in another direction.

Emiya Kiritsugu arranged a new base, but they were separated. He and Hisau Maiya were in one base, and Irisviel and Altria were in another. In order to avoid the situation like yesterday where the archers found out the base and they didn't even know about it, they decided to change to a new base every day in the future.

Now they are communicating on the phone.

After Irisviel fumbled with the phone for a while, she pressed a few buttons rather unfamiliarly, and then she dialed the call according to the message left by Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu's low voice came from the phone,"Aili, is that you?"

"Yes, Kiritsugu, what are your plans for the future?"Irisviel asked about the next plan while holding her phone.

"I have already guessed the location of Lancer and his master's base based on yesterday's surveillance records, and I am now confirming it.

If the guess is correct, I will need some time to bury some mechanisms and traps near their base.

Listen, Ellie, the location is an abandoned factory in the eastern suburbs.

If I don't send you a special notice on this phone, then please bring Saber to challenge him at around noon.

At that time, you must lead Lancer away, as long as it is not to the west, it doesn't matter which direction you lead him to.


"I understand. I will avoid the west when fighting Lancer."

Altria agreed to Emiya Kiritsugu's plan. Servant to Servant, Master to Master, she had no objection.

"That's all I have to say..., Aili, please take care of yourself"

"I understand, Kiritsugu, you too, don't push yourself too hard."

Beep - Emiya Kiritsugu hung up the phone, Irisviel put away the phone and sighed deeply.

"Saber, it's still early for noon. You should take a break and conserve your energy for the next battle. Irisviel suggested to Altria with a slightly tired look on her face.

"I'm always in good shape, and I can always prepare for battle in the best condition. It doesn't matter whether I rest or not. But you look very tired, Elly. Are you sick? You really need to rest." Yesterday, Irisviel was able to drag herself around, but today, she only walked a few steps, and her expression showed visible fatigue, which made Altria wonder if Irisviel's body had encountered some problems.

"It's okay. I'm a human after all. It's normal for me to be uncomfortable with the outside environment. I just need to take some time to adjust myself and I'll be able to recover. Saber, don't worry too much. This situation is normal."

Irisviel explained to Altria with a smile, but only she knew that there was a bit of bitterness in that smile.

"But you are right, I can't help you in the next battle in this state, I'd better take a good rest."

After saying that, Irisviel lay down on the sofa and fell asleep in less than five seconds.


Altria frowned as she looked at Irisviel's sleeping face. Her intuition told her that something was wrong with Irisviel, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Irisviel's explanation. Because the education she received from Merlin did not involve knowledge about androids, she could only accept Irisviel's explanation and suppress her inner doubts.

So she found a stool and sat next to Irisviel with her eyes closed to rest. On the one hand, to protect her nearby, and on the other hand, to adjust her state and prepare for the next battle.

You came to the sky above an abandoned factory, staring at the unmanned factory with mottled walls and overgrown weeds below, thinking carefully,"There are many factories in the suburbs, but this is the only one near the abandoned factory. And this place is sparsely populated, which is in line with the concealment principle of magic. Kenneth and his servants are most likely here. Do you want to go down and say hello?"

"Hmm?"When You was about to descend from the sky, he noticed Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisau Maiya setting up a trap in the woods behind the abandoned factory. Because of the canopy of trees, they did not notice You coming above them.

"Are you going to make a move so soon? In that case, I'd better just watch the show from now on."

Yu gave up the idea of contacting Kenneth, and did not show up in front of Emiya Kiritsugu. Instead, she circled and hid in a tree with a good view in the distance, using the leaves to cover her figure, preparing to watch a real-life live broadcast.

After all, if a person like her who can easily deal with a berserker in a few moves shows up on the scene, both sides may not be able to fight.

With her inhuman eyesight, Yu can easily see all the movements of Emiya Kiritsugu several kilometers away. At first, it was quite interesting to watch him set up various modern traps, but later She gradually felt bored, so she took a nap and fell asleep on the branch like a koala. After an unknown amount of time, Yu was awakened by an explosion.

She rubbed her eyes and looked in the direction of the explosion. The battlefield was divided into two parts. On one side, Kenneth was turning his magic suit Moon Spirit Marrow into sharp blades, chasing Emiya Kiritsugu, and walking slowly towards the woods where he set a trap. On the other side, Saber and Lancer were fighting fiercely. The battlefield was full of rubble and light and shadows were dancing. The intensity was even greater than the other side.

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