Time went back to an hour ago.

Without an alarm clock, Irisviel woke up exactly one hour before noon. As soon as she opened her eyes, Altria opened her own eyes at the same time.

""Ally, are you awake? How does your body feel now?"

Alice smiled, holding up a finger,"It's completely healed, look!" Then she lifted the hem of her skirt and turned around, like an elf dancing at a ball."Is everything okay? I told you not to worry too much, this is just a normal response from your body's functions.""

"……"She had a feeling that something was not right, but after observing Irisviel carefully, she was indeed rosy-cheeked, full of energy, and her movements were light and agile. She was in the healthiest state possible, and she was a little undecided for a moment.

Altria was an intuitive person. Although this intuition could only play a huge role in combat, it could also help her notice some unnoticed details in daily life. She had this feeling now. Irisviel's body gave her a feeling of disharmony, but she couldn't clearly point out what this disharmony was. In addition, Irisviel's current behavior was normal, so she could only classify this feeling as her concern being out of control.

Although she thought so, Altria couldn't help but give Irisviel a warning.

"Irisviel, if you feel unwell during the trip, please let me know and I will try to get you to the hospital as quickly as possible."

""Hmm... Saber, you are just too worried. I've already told you that I'm fine now. Don't worry, I won't hold you back later. Saber, let's go, it's almost time for the appointment with Kiritsugu."

Irisviel took Altria's hand and ran, dragging her to the sedan. Altria ran helplessly with her strength, and then sat on the passenger seat of the sedan.

On the way, seeing Irisviel humming a little tune while driving, Altria's mood was also infected, and she said silently in her heart:"It seems that I am indeed too worried. It is probably because the news I heard in the past two days was quite shocking, so I worried too much."

They drove to the abandoned factory in the eastern suburbs. Looking at the scene in front of them, which could be called ruins, Irisviel was a little confused.

"Would Lord El-Melloi really be in this place? Given his pride as a noble, it was hard to imagine him using this place as a base."

"No, they are indeed here." Artoria swung her left hand, materialized the Sword of Promised Victory, and gave an affirmative answer."I have already sensed Lancer's aura and fighting spirit, and vice versa, they have also sensed us."

"Welcome to my temporary base.

For some reason, I have to stay here.

I am ashamed to make you laugh.

……"Kenneth walked out with Lancer in a brisk manner.

Even though the surroundings looked so desolate, he still had a noble demeanor and temperament.

It was obvious that even in this situation, he did not give up the strict requirements of his own cultivation.

While saying the welcome words, Kenneth looked at Irisviel with a sharp gaze,"Why did I fall to this point? The Master of Einzbern standing over there should know it very well, right?"

"I'm sorry, Kiritsugu has explained this to me before I came here. I have no intention of shirking my responsibility, but I was indeed unaware of Kiritsugu's decision."Irisviel smiled bitterly and apologized to Kenneth in a very sincere tone.

"Oh... So, you are here to ask for forgiveness?"

Facing Kenneth's arrogant question, Irisviel's expression became serious instead.

"I'm here to ask you to leave!"

This answer was expected, and Kenneth was not surprised. He narrowed his eyes and released his murderous aura,"Well, since you have such courage, I will accept your challenge. Lancer, go and get rid of Saber."

"As you command, Master." Diarmuid first saluted Kenneth with a knight's salute, then pointed his gun at Saber,"Saber, we can finally finish the unfinished decisive battle at the dock. It seems that no one will disturb us now, so let's settle our grudge here."

Artoria's left hand also pointed the sword at Diarmuid."I couldn't ask for more, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for both of us to be distracted by other things in this battle. For the safety of each other's masters, let's move the battlefield further away."

With that, Artoria jumped up and ran quickly to the back. Diarmuid glanced at Kenneth, and when he saw that he nodded, he quickly followed.

""Well, our respective servants have left. Are you going to challenge me to a magic duel?" Kenneth opened his arms seemingly defenseless, and asked Irisviel arrogantly.

Irisviel shook her head.

"No, your opponent is not me. The Einzbern family is not good at fighting because we have invested all our energy in updating and improving the technology of artificial humans and cannot be distracted by other things. After the failure of the previous three Holy Grail Wars, we finally decided to leave professional matters to professionals."

"Magician killer?"Kenneth thought of the destroyed restaurant where he lived, the many rare materials he had to transform it into a magic workshop, and the three magic furnace cores he had rented at the cost of a huge debt. His mouth twitched.

"I have no intention of criticizing your decision.

In my opinion, playing to one's strengths and avoiding one's weaknesses, and being self-aware are also manifestations of a magician's good moral character.

But your mistake is that you chose the Magician Killer, who has no dignity as a magician and abuses magic for money.

He has no shame and morality.

Well, forget it.

Whether you made this choice intentionally or unintentionally, having a magic duel with a puppet that has no fighting ability does indeed undermine the dignity of my Clock Tower monarch.

Okay, I will accept your proxy duel.

Now tell me, where is the Master of Einzbern, the Magician Killer?"

"boom——"A dull sound echoed in the sky, and a large pit suddenly appeared at Kenneth's feet.

"Hmm? Is this a warning shot to me? No, should it be a statement of invitation to fight? It's just right, let me settle the old accounts."

After saying that, Kenneth no longer paid attention to Irisviel and walked straight to the woods where Emiya Kiritsugu had set the trap.

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