

The battle between Saber and Lancer was a clashing of spears and swords, and the earth was breaking apart. Every collision could generate a huge shock wave that shattered the earth. Every shot and every sword swing between them would leave deep scars and holes in the earth or the forest.

"As expected of the world-famous Knight King, you were able to fight me for such a long time even with only one hand left to fight."Diarmuid dodged a slash with his head turned sideways, but the vacuum blade of the sword also left a wound on his face. However, he was not afraid of this, but instead showed a sincere smile on his face, and his fighting spirit became more fierce.

"You are not bad either.

If you lived in my time, you would be a powerful knight who could compete with Lancelot.

" He swung his sword with one hand to deflect the red spear that was rushing towards him, but the opponent's other hand seized the opportunity with a yellow pistol and aimed it at the armpit of his left hand.

Artoria swung her sword to protect him, using the hilt of her sword as a hammer to hit the pistol, causing the attack to deviate from its trajectory and only draw a streak of fire on the armor on her chest.

The two of them talked while making fatal moves. There were back and forth in the battle between the two sides. You cut my forehead with a sword, and I will shoot you in the neck. The battle was extremely fierce, but both sides only suffered superficial injuries, which could be eliminated by the circulation of magic in a fierce battle.

Artoria was slightly at a disadvantage, but she relied on her excellent intuition to predict almost all of Diarmuid's attacks, and she always Being able to interrupt his battle plan at the critical moment, making it impossible for him to expand the victory by taking advantage of his slight advantage, the battle between the two was maintained in a delicate balance.

After another collision, both of them involuntarily chose to use the reaction force of the shock wave generated by the collision of weapons to distance themselves and confront each other again. At this time, Diarmuid was breathing slightly, while Artoria took a deep breath and recovered.

Although the opponent has the advantage in skills and offensive, she still has the advantage in endurance and strength. Artoria was so sure.

Not good, a long tug of war is not in my favor, I must find a way to decide the outcome with one blow. Diarmuid was thinking about how to end the battle quickly.

When both sides calmed down After calming down his disordered breath, a leaf was blown between the two of them by the breeze. When the leaf fell right between their sight lines, the battle began again.

On the other side, Kenneth encountered the first trap, a landmine modified and set up by Emiya Kiritsugu himself.

After these landmines were modified by Emiya Kiritsugu, they would explode automatically once they were hit violently. He covered an area with these landmines and set the detonator in the middle. Therefore, once the trap is hit, it will cause all the surrounding landmines to detonate in succession. Because the activation time is extremely short, the explosions will combine into a detonating sound, and Yu is awakened by it.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a mercury sphere was suspended in place, and its The surface was as smooth as a silver mirror. Emiya Kiritsugu was a ruthless man who didn't say much. He picked up a machine gun and fired at the mercury sphere.

After Emiya Kiritsugu fired for a few seconds, the mercury sphere changed, and a strand of silk thread turned into a sharp blade and swept across. Emiya Kiritsugu had bent over and dodged the attack before. But the surrounding trees suffered, and were directly split in two, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

Just as the mercury sphere was about to continue its attack, a bullet hit the surface of the sphere and bounced off, but the kinetic energy left behind still caused circles of intense shock waves on the surface of the mercury sphere. So the silk thread was quickly retracted and stopped attacking.

This was the second sniper bullet from Hisahi Maiya. Although it also caused fluctuations, it was not as violent as the first bullet.

"Maiya, how are you?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked through the intercom

"It's hard to break, but he can't let his guard down."The answer came from the intercom.

"Really? Then you just keep creating opportunities."

Emiya Kiritsugu started running, and while running around he fired at the back with his submachine gun. Kenneth, who was hiding in the ceremonial suit, really reacted, and once again controlled the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid to attack.

Bang - another sniper bullet. Kenneth looked at the bullet that had sunk in from inside the ceremonial suit, sweat on his forehead.

If he didn't concentrate on defense, the ceremonial suit might be broken. But if he only defended and didn't attack, he would be fixed in place without the ability to fight back. For the monarch, this was an unspeakable shame.

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't care what Kenneth was feeling now. His actions were being implemented step by step according to the plan. At this time, Saber sent a message through the contract.

"Master, give me the Command Seal to heal my wounds and release my Noble Phantasm."

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his hand without much hesitation,"In the name of the Command Seal, Saber, heal my wounds and release my Noble Phantasm."

After a few breaths, a golden light shot up into the sky, and then returned to calm.

"Since that's over, it's time to end this side too." Emiya Kiritsugu said to himself as he watched the beam of light rise and then subside.

"Maiya, do it." Emiya Kiritsugu gave the order into the intercom.

Several gunshots were heard in succession. They were clearly using sniper rifles, but they were used like pistols, but the accuracy was incomparable. Each bullet landed at the same point as the previous one, and the depression on the surface of the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid became deeper and deeper.

Kenneth's forehead was bulging with veins. He was not feeling tired, but simply furious. He had said that he would accept the duel and settle the grudge, but from the beginning of the battle until now, he had been suppressed by the enemy and could not raise his head. This made Kenneth, whose life had been smooth sailing so far, a little unbalanced.

""You...you...you hyenas, don't be too--pushing!!!"

Kenneth roared, and burst out all his magic power, and in an instant, the sniper bullets were deflected. He also shot out mercury blades, trying to cut Emiya Kiritsugu into pieces.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu had been waiting for this opportunity, and before that, he had already raised his favorite gun Thompson Contender and used his trump card.

Time went back to a few minutes ago.

Artoria and Diarmuid fought again. Diarmuid strived for a quick victory, and every attack was a risky move, but after the lesson at the dock last time, Artoria became very cautious. She turned a blind eye to the flaws that Diarmuid deliberately revealed, and focused on the tug-of-war. She wanted to rely on her own endurance to seek a chance of victory.

"What's wrong, Saber? This fighting style is not like you. This timid fighting style is crying for the name of the Knight King."After a long time of attack, Diarmuid began to use words to provoke Artoria to confront him head-on.

"If you want to use provocation, that's not necessary. Before I became a knight, I was a king who had to consider the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers under my command. How could there be so many knightly rules to abide by on the battlefield?"

"I see. It seems that I underestimated your awareness. In that case, I will also show my own awareness!"

Diarmuid swung the spear in his hand heavily. Artoria was about to use the Sword of Promised Victory to deflect the attack as usual, but the force transmitted to her hand was far beyond her expectations.

Artoria knelt on one knee, used her gauntlet to hold the blade, and blocked the vertical chop. Then she was kicked in the chest by Diarmuid. After rolling on the ground for dozens of meters, she used the holy sword to insert into the ground to stop the charge.

Diarmuid's strength was more than doubled in an instant.

"You actually burned your own spiritual foundation in exchange for strength."Looking at the blue flames that continued to leak out of Diarmuid, Artoria understood in an instant how the other party's strength increased.

Artoria found it hard to understand. Even if the other party could defeat her after this battle, he would not be able to live for long. Maybe he would disappear directly after this battle. What on earth did Lancer want by doing this?

Diarmuid seemed to see the doubt in Artoria's eyes. After getting ready with his hands, he rushed over and explained the reason in the process,"I am different from you. I have no pursuit of the Holy Grail. I just hope to make up for the regrets of my life and be loyal to a monarch. Since my current monarch asked me to take your head, why not gamble my life for it?"

Artoria dodged Diarmuid's attack with difficulty. Every physical quality of the other party now surpassed her, so she could only avoid his edge and flee in embarrassment. But even so, she was entangled by the other party, and her injuries became more and more

"This is not good. If this continues, I will die in a few dozen rounds. I must fight back before my injuries become too severe."Altria was thinking about a way out of the situation. She gritted her teeth and made up her mind,"I can only take a risk and gamble."

When Diarmuid stabbed Altria's throat with a red rose in his hand, she glared and said to herself,"This is the time!" She raised her already half-disabled right hand.

The spear pierced Altria's palm and arm, but was stuck by her.

"Saber, you——"Diarmuid's face changed, and just as he was about to say something, Artoria raised the holy sword in her left hand and slashed at his face.

""The Wind King Hammer!" The barrier that bound the holy sword was untied, and violent wind gushed out in one direction, but it was not used as an attack, but to accelerate the slash of the holy sword.

Diarmuid had no choice but to let go of the red rose in his hand and use the yellow rose to resist this extremely powerful slash.

With a snap, the yellow rose was cut off by the holy sword, and a huge wound was cut on Diarmuid's body.

At the same time that Diarmuid let go of the red rose, Artoria roared in her heart:"Master, give me the Command Spell to recover from my injuries and release the Noble Phantasm."

She was betting on whether Kiritsugu Emiya could provide her with timely support in the battle, and fortunately she won the bet.

Artoria endured the severe pain and pulled out the red rose inserted in her right hand.

The injuries on her body were healed in an instant under the effect of the Command Spell.

At this time, the yellow rose had been destroyed by her, and the curse on her right hand was dissipated, and it was restored to a usable state.

She also used the remaining magic power of the Command Spell without hesitation to start the release of the Noble Phantasm.


The light gathered on his holy sword, and Artoria took a step forward, lowered her body and jumped under Diarmuid.

""calibur" slashed diagonally from the right to the top, and the holy sword was released at close range, marking the end of the battle.

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