Diarmuid's upper body was almost cut apart by Altria's sword. He fell to the ground, blood flowing all over the ground. After a few breaths, the blood and his body began to emit a golden glow.

"A beautiful... strike, worthy of... the knight... king, with such... dazzling brilliance... You won, this battle... no regrets."

Artoria stood in front of Diarmuid, staring at this respectable enemy in front of her, witnessing his end.

"Do you have anything else to say?"Altria looked at Diarmuid, whose body had already become translucent, and asked him about his last wish.

At this time, Diarmuid had also entered the stage of last ray of light. His body dissipated faster, but his spirit became better and his tone became calmer.

"In this Holy Grail War, my wish has come true, although I feel a little sorry for my master for not being able to complete his orders." At this time, Diarmuid's limbs have become transparent, and they continue to spread to his body."I have one thing to ask of you. My current master, Kenneth, is very good in every aspect.���He is an excellent human being, but he is not a qualified warrior. He will probably lose this battle! If possible, I hope you can spare his life and give him a chance."

"I can give him a chance to live this time, but whether he can survive on his own after this will depend on his own luck."

"Is that so? That's all. My life in this Holy Grail War will be complete.……"

Diarmuid completely dissipated. Looking at the spots of light dancing in the sky in front of her, Artoria reached out her hand to catch one of them, looking at the last proof of existence left by this enemy in the Holy Grail War. When the light went out, Artoria tightened her palm and turned to rush to another battlefield.

Watching Artoria rushing towards Emiya Kiritsugu's battlefield, Irisviel was about to follow, but after less than two steps, she groaned and squatted down, holding her heart.

Irisviel forced herself to stand up and wanted to rush to the battlefield where her husband was, but before she started to take a step, her eyes suddenly went black and she fainted.

At this time, You came to Irisviel and looked at her lying on the ground after she fainted. He felt that it was a bit indecent, so he helped her turn over, cleaned up the dust with magic, and fiddled with it a little, posing like a sleeping princess.

"Well, well - it would be more appropriate if there was an apple with a bite taken out of it.

" Clapping his hands, You nodded with satisfaction, thinking about whether he should do the whole thing,"Should I leave a note at this time saying that if I want to wake up the sleeping princess, I have to ask the knight to kiss her deeply? After all, Irisviel has Altria's Avalon in her body.

Once Altria's magic power is exchanged with Irisviel, it is possible to activate Avalon's function and wake Irisviel up.


"Avalon can reduce the burden on Irisviel's body. I am doing this for her sake. I don't want to see Altria kissing the unconscious Irisviel deeply in front of Emiya Kiritsugu. Absolutely not!"

As she said this, Yu used the Chaos Tide to create a pen and a piece of paper, bit her lip and began to write.

Then she suddenly thought that she seemed to be unable to write Japanese. Although she could easily understand and read languages and characters with civilized meaning, she was blind when it came to writing.

"Damn it! Such a good idea, but it had to be shelved because of such a small matter.

"Forget it, thanks to me, Emiya Kiritsugu and Artoria are really careless, leaving Irisviel here alone, aren't they afraid that someone else will pick her up?"

The idea of doing something came and went quickly, and since there was no way to continue, You gave up directly. Looking at Irisviel lying alone on the ground, she muttered about their carelessness, and kindly set a barrier on her, and followed them into the woods to watch the show.

After she left, a black tentacle stretched out from the shadow in the corner, trying its best to suppress its breath, and without attracting anyone's attention, it slowly, like a flowing stream, spread towards the unconscious Irisviel.

"Snapped——"Before the tentacles touched Irisviel, a bolt of lightning struck the tentacles and bounced them away. After the shadows were bounced away, they immediately disintegrated and disappeared into the air in an instant, leaving no trace.

Yu looked back in confusion. She felt that her barrier seemed to have been touched. She was about to go back to check the reason, but at this time she saw Kayneth's fiancée Sora running towards the place where Diarmuid disappeared, and then she lay on the ground crying.

"Was she taking out her anger on Irisviel just now? Never mind. With her level, she will never be able to break my barrier. But Kayneth is really pitiful. He is fighting hard here, while his fiancée is crying and wailing where the retired servants disappeared."Attributing the reaction of the barrier to Sora's attack to vent his anger, Yu no longer paid attention to it.

At this time, the battle on Kiritsugu Emiya's side was also coming to an end. Kiritsugu Emiya used the Origin Bullet to hit the protective shield constructed by Kenneth with the spiritual marrow fluid, destroying the magic circuits on Kenneth's body who was using all his magic power. The runaway magic power ran rampant inside his body, and blood spurted out from all parts of his body. The whole person became a bloody man in an instant.

The so-called Origin Bullet is Kiritsugu Emiya's killer. This bullet can materialize his origin in the body of others, thereby achieving the purpose of killing.

Kiritsugu Emiya's origin is just like his name, Cut, Tsuku - after cutting off the connection points of the hit place, it is recombined, but this does not mean repair. The combination of the cut points is random, which will cause irreversible deterioration in that place. For example, a human body hit by an Origin Bullet will have neither wounds nor bleeding at the hit place , but the nerves and capillaries will be randomly spliced, leading to limb necrosis.

The threat to the magician is even more serious. Once the magician uses magic to contact the origin bullet, whether it is to deflect or resist, the magic circuit of the magician will be cut off and then randomly connected. The result is that the magic circuits of the whole body short-circuit and run wild. To use a less appropriate metaphor, it is like a gun exploding.

Kenneth is now like a gun exploding, and the blood in his body is shooting out like an arrow. He opened his mouth but could only make meaningless ah woo sounds. The pain that swept through his body made his mind blank. He lost the ability to speak, and then slowly fell to the ground, his whole body twitching.

Kenneth's condition is very miserable. Now even if Kiritsugu Emiya does nothing, the opponent will die in dozens of minutes, but he still raised the submachine gun and pointed it at Kenneth's head.

A sword wind blew over and cut off the barrel of the submachine gun. Altria slowly walked towards Kiritsugu Emiya.

"That's enough, Master. This guy has already been defeated, and you have completely destroyed him. There is no need to kill him."

"The Holy Grail War is not a game, but a life-and-death battle. As a king who has led an army, you should understand that being kind to the enemy on the battlefield is cruelty to yourself.

Emiya Kiritsugu was dissatisfied with Altria's meddling in his battle, and he frowned and rebuked her.

"I know, but I promised Lancer to spare his life, and a king's promise cannot be easily revoked." Artoria answered with her eyes closed,"But I don't care what happens to him afterwards, since you have hurt him so badly, then stop now. Otherwise, if you want me to give up, please use the Command Seals over there."

Emiya Kiritsugu thought for a while, because it was not cost-effective to use Command Seals for such a thing, and it would also create a rift with his own servants.

Kenneth was hit by his own Origin Bullet, and the whole person could be considered useless, both physically and in the sense of life as a magician.

In this state, he really no longer posed any threat to himself.

Moreover, as Saber said, even if he did nothing, he only had a dozen minutes left in his life, so it would be better to do him a favor and let him go.

There would be no harm in it.

"Well, since the battle is over, let's clean up the battlefield and leave." After saying that, he turned around to clean up some unused traps.

Altria looked down at Kenneth, sighed, and turned to walk towards Irisviel.

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