When Emiya Kiritsugu and his group left, Yu appeared in front of Kenneth, looking at the Clock Tower Lord lying half-dead on the ground in front of her. She stretched out her right hand and opened her palm to point at Kenneth. A blue light like water emanated from her hand and poured over Kenneth's whole body. After Yu's treatment was completed, all the scars on Kenneth's body disappeared, and he also went from coma to a deep sleep, out of danger.

"At least his life was saved. I didn't expect that the first use of healing magic would be so effective."After healing Kenneth to the point where he would not die, Yu let him go. She would negotiate with him next. She planned to use the restoration of Kenneth's damaged magic circuits as a bargaining chip.

Then Yu rushed towards the main gate of the abandoned factory. She had to check the situation. Kenneth's love-sick fiancée was still there crying and screaming for Diarmuid's exit. If she wanted to avenge her first love and go to fight the combination of Emiya Kiritsugu and Altria alone, she would be directly defeated.���Director Ken will probably collapse again after waking up, and then You's original plan will not be able to proceed.

She has no doubt about the brainlessness of this woman. This woman who is obsessed with love has no rationality at all.

Looking at Sora who was still kneeling on the ground and crying, You thought of Kenneth who was just dancing at the gates of hell, and suddenly felt pity for him.

"Is this what they call having a little cheating on your head if you want to live a decent life? Director Ken is really unlucky.

He was seriously injured and dying, and his life is in danger.

Not only did the person he like not come to save him, but he was also crying for another man who didn't like her.

If the emotional entanglement between these three people is written into a novel, there will be at least 300 chapters of content.


However, these things have nothing to do with her. You just sighed and said that she should be saved. If this woman died, it would cause great trouble for her next plan.

The two groups soon clashed. When Altria saw Irisviel fainted on the ground and Sora was beside her, she immediately believed that she had attacked Irisviel. Emiya Kiritsugu did not explain, thinking about whether to get rid of this woman in front of him who might cause trouble for him in the future.

"You, did you attack Irisviel? Why did you do that?" Altria pointed her sword at her and asked

"So what? I did what I wanted to do, what's it to you?" Seeing the murderer who killed her"lover", the string of reason in Sora's mind suddenly broke, and just to make Altria feel unhappy, she admitted it directly.

This brainless behavior made Emiya Kiritsugu on the side look at her with admiration.

When her life and death were not in her own hands, where did she get the courage to keep provoking the enemy who could decide her life and death at any time? Could this guy still think that she is the noble lady who can boss people around in the clock tower? At this time, Sora was still venting her emotions wantonly,"Lancer will never lose, he said he would win the Holy Grail for me.

How could you beat him, you must have used some despicable means, otherwise how could he lose.


Sora ignored the fact that Diarmuid was fighting for Kayneth, and automatically applied his promise to Kayneth to himself.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was just thinking about whether to solve this unnecessary trouble, decided to let Sora go at this time, because this woman was more brainless than he could imagine. If she really joined forces with other masters to deal with him in the future, he always felt that the damage she caused to her own allies would be far greater than the obstacles she would cause to himself. With a whoosh, a sword wind passed through her face, leaving a blood mark on Sora's face

"The duel between Lancer and I was fair and square. Both sides risked everything and had no regrets. Take back what you just said. It was not only a provocation to me, but also an insult to Lancer who had given his all."

Sora touched the wound on her face, looked at the blood on her hands, and finally a trace of fear emerged in her eyes. She seemed to finally realize that she was now in a state of being a fish on the chopping board.

Sora sat on the ground with a horrified look at Altria. She used her hands and feet to distance herself from her, and then shrank aside and trembled.

Seeing the woman in front of her was of this kind, Altria also lost the intention to continue to pursue the matter. At the same time, she was also sure that there must be another hidden reason for Alice's coma. This kind of young lady without any scheming would not normally do a sneak attack, and there was no sign of fighting around. With the level Sora showed, she could not knock Alice unconscious without resistance in a head-on battle.

"Saber, stop it, Irisviel fainted on her own." Yu also walked over slowly at this time,"In this situation, I think your Master should know better what is going on."

""When did you get here?"

Emiya Kiritsugu asked before Altria asked, trying to steer the topic in another direction. He didn't want his servant to know too much about Irisviel, especially the role Irisviel played in this Holy Grail War.

Yu glanced at him and said,"What, have you figured out my question? I suggest you urge Einzbern to give a response as soon as possible, otherwise no matter what the result of this Holy Grail War is, you will not be able to realize your wish with the Holy Grail. And I remind you that the guy's real name will be a surprise to you."

"What do you mean, Yuu?" At this time, Artoria also interrupted

"Which one are you referring to? The last Holy Grail War Servant's real name, or Alice's coma."You came to Sora and knocked her out, dragging her by the wrist on the ground, walking towards where Kayneth was unconscious, and when he reached Altria, he looked up at her and asked

"……"In fact, Altria is very concerned about both issues, but now she is more concerned about Irisviel's physical condition. It seems that both Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel are hiding something from her in this regard.

"What is going on with Irisviel? What do you mean my Master knows more about this?"

"Do you want to explain or should I?"Yuu did not answer Altria's question directly, but turned to look at Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu remained silent and did not answer.

"Silence can't solve any problems. Since you don't explain, let me explain it."You shook his head, turned around and looked at Altria and continued to explain.

"The Holy Grail in Fuyuki City is not the cup that held the blood of the Son of God as advertised by the church, but a magic ritual that borrowed its name. Although this is said, in fact, in terms of effect, the difference between the two is not big. Because the Fuyuki ritual involves magic - the third method: the cup of heaven"

"Does this have anything to do with Irisviel's coma?"

Altoli just wanted to find out the reason why Irisviel was unconscious, and she interrupted anxiously.

Hisahi Maiya's hand also quietly touched the gun handle at this moment.

In order to prevent more secrets from being exposed, she planned to attack You to stop her from continuing.

After realizing it, Emiya Kiritsugu pressed her hand and shook his head to stop Hisahi Maiya's action.

He was not against Hisahi Maiya's actions, but he knew in his heart that with the current equipment, he could not do anything to You, and there was no point in continuing this sneak attack.

Seeing this, Hisahi Maiya had to stop immediately.

"Because the purpose of the Holy Grail War is to collect the souls of the defeated servants, open the door to the outside world by the mechanism that the souls of the defeated servants will return to Valhalla, and then use the high-quality magic power of the servants' souls to fix the opened passage, so that magicians can go to explore the source.

Since the souls of the servants are to be collected, a container is definitely needed, and this container is called the Lesser Holy Grail.

The Lesser Holy Grail is not only a container for the souls of the servants, but also a key to the Greater Holy Grail, and the main body of the wish-making mechanism of this Holy Grail War.

Now that I have come to this, where do you think the Lesser Holy Grail, which is the container, is now?"

Hearing this, Altria slowly widened her eyes. She thought of Irisviel's abnormal nights recently. How could she not understand Yu's hint? She murmured in a low voice:"Irisviel,……"

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