"Okay, now it's time to deal with Director Ken's affairs." Yu clapped his hands, turned his magic power into ribbons, tied them to Sora and Kenneth, pulled them together, and finally tied them back to back like a kidnapper, leaving only their heads outside, and dragged them to their resting place in the factory.

When Yu's figure disappeared outside the abandoned factory that was just a battlefield, a water snake-like shadow suddenly jumped out from the shadow of the corner of the wall under the sunlight, and swam towards the depths of the forest at lightning speed.

In the woods on the top of a hill, 'Matou Zouken' was looking down at the back of Emiya Kiritsugu's car that was gradually going away below.

Suddenly, there was a swish sound in the woods, and a snake-like shadow jumped up and got into his hand when it approached him.

Matou Zouken closed his eyes and carefully read the message from the shadow.

Then he chuckled.

The quiet forest, combined with his cold laughter, made the forest, which was originally a little quiet under the mottled sunlight in the afternoon, seem to have fallen into a den of Asura ghosts.

"This won't do. This bland ending doesn't fit the purpose of the Holy Grail War at all. Without pain and sacrifice, how can a perfect Holy Grail be born? Taking the container of the Holy Grail and running away is a foul, which is not allowed."As he spoke, the shadow under Matou Zouken's feet was like a quagmire, and his whole body began to slowly sink into it.

"Two days at the earliest? That's plenty of time. Let me speed up the Holy Grail War a bit!"

————————Scene dividing line————————

The sound of water dripping on stones echoed in the empty room. This sound seemed to make Kenneth feel a little irritated. Even in his coma, he frowned.

With a bang, there was a sound of explosion in his ears, and then the strong and hot afternoon sun hit him directly, burning his face. This sudden stimulation made him open his eyelids with difficulty.

"I am……"Kenneth sat up and covered his head. He felt a headache. He reached out and felt someone beside him. He looked again and saw his fiancée lying beside him. She looked like she was unconscious and had not yet woken up. He asked in confusion:"What happened?"——"

Just as he was trying to recall what had happened, his brain seemed to be stimulated by something, and the scenes of the battle replayed in his mind frame by frame.

After sorting out his memory, Kenneth instantly became furious.

"That hyena who had no dignity as a magician and only used despicable means dared to use——"

"I know you are very emotional now, but please don't get excited, especially don't use magic. Although I have cured your body and allowed you to move normally like a normal person, it is too troublesome to repair the magic circuit, so I don't care. If you use magic indiscriminately, your body will only become broken again, and I won't care about it then."

The sudden voice interrupted his venting, and Kenneth turned around and found that You was sitting on a chair blowing out the magic flame on his fingers.

"Your room is too dark, I opened a small hole to make it look brighter, do you mind?"

Kenneth looked at the 'skylight' that had just been opened above his head and said nothing. His magic attainments easily identified the destruction caused by pure magic power through the breath left behind. Such a simple and crude waste of natural resources stunned Kenneth, who had the standard of a modern magician who wanted to use every bit of magic power to the extreme.

After coming to his senses, he remembered what You had just said and hurriedly began to check his magic circuits. As the inspection went deeper, Kenneth's mood became heavier and heavier. In the end, he seemed to have lost his soul, and looked as distraught as an old man who was about to die.

"How could this happen? This must be a nightmare, this kind of thing should not happen."

Kenneth began to escape from reality. He had lived a smooth life since childhood, with no chance of failure or setbacks. After suffering an unimaginable failure for the first time, the confidence and pride that had been supported by glory, praise and flattery were torn into pieces. In terms of resistance to failure and setbacks, he was not even as good as an ordinary person.

You Ke didn't care about this.

She ruthlessly put the bloody reality in front of him again,"More than 90% of the magic circuits are damaged, and the less than 10% of the remaining magic circuits cannot operate independently.

It can be said that the entire magic circuit has been completely scrapped.

I remember that this thing is the foundation and foundation of a family inheritance in the magic world.

No matter how much you escape, the fact cannot be changed-the 800-year inheritance of the El-Melloi family has been broken in you.


Tears flowed from Kenneth's eyes. He knew very well that he was just deceiving himself and comforting himself just now, but the blow was too great and he really couldn't accept it for a while.

Now he had to face the reality.

Suddenly, Kenneth recalled what You just said, because it was too troublesome, so he only repaired his body and ignored the magic circuit?

Kenneth asked You anxiously as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw:"You can heal my magic circuit, right? Please, no matter what the cost, I am willing to pay it."

Yuu was swinging his feet on the sofa. He didn't directly answer Kenneth's question, but pretended to be deep in thought with his eyes closed.

Kenneth was waiting anxiously, afraid that Yuu would say no or reject it.

Yuu was not simply teasing the other party.

She was indeed thinking about whether to hand Sakura over to Kenneth for protection.

Theoretically speaking, with the El-Melloi family led by Kenneth intact, there would be no need to worry about Sakura's future safety, and her achievements would be much higher than the other plan in her mind, Edelfeldt.

But in Yuu's memory, in addition to the labels of"director" and"cuckold", this guy also has another label of"must die", because if this guy didn't die, there would be no so-called El-Melloi II Case Files later - of course, there is also the possibility that the protagonist will be replaced by him.

"I do have something I need you to do."After a long pause, You finally spoke. Kenneth felt relieved when he heard this. It was good that the other party had a need. No matter how difficult it was, it would not be worse than the current situation. There was hope as long as there was a deal.

"I know a kid named Matou Sakura here. I hope you can take him in as your apprentice and provide him with shelter."

"Matou? Isn't this one of the three Fuyuki families? Don't they have their own magic heritage? Do they still need my protection?"Kenneth was stunned when he heard the request. He originally thought there would be some harsh conditions, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter, so he asked in confusion.

"The Matou family does not have a magical heritage. The head of the family has been alone for hundreds of years. He has continued his life by parasitizing his offspring or other people with magical qualifications. The long-term parasitism has degraded his soul into a monster who only seeks immortality for the sake of living. I saved Sakura after I dealt with the old bug, but I can't stay here forever, so I have to find a family that can shelter her before I leave. You are the first choice."

After listening to the explanation, Kenny put aside his doubts. If it was just this level of request, it would not even be a piece of cake for him, but Yu's subsequent words made him feel nervous again.

"You are just one of the choices. I hope that my asylum is complete, which means that even if you die in an accident one day, Xiaoying will not lose her asylum. I need you to answer a question. Will the asylum you provide be interrupted because of your accident? I need a true answer. Lies will not work for me. Think it through before answering."

You stared at Kenneth's eyes closely, his cross-shaped pupils emitting a dazzling light. For a moment, Kenneth felt as if a hand was tightly grasping his heart. He couldn't help but cover his heart, gasping for breath and half-knelt down.

You did not release any momentum or magic power. Just the act of staring at him seriously made Kenneth feel a huge oppression. This oppression is not real, but more like a psychological behavior of naturally surrendering to a life form higher than one's own.

Realizing that Kenneth's current condition seemed to be caused by himself, You closed his eyes, then curled up his legs, bent his knees and hugged, waiting for Kenneth's answer.

Kenneth quickly adjusted himself after feeling the oppression disappear. He just thought that You had just performed an unknown mental coercion technique on him. Kenneth was not dissatisfied with this. Now he was the one who needed help, and he had no right to be picky about the other party's attitude.

Kenneth thought about it carefully, solemnly took out a badge from his clothes, and handed it to You.

"This is a badge that represents the promise of the El-Melloi family.

Its effect is similar to the contract of Atlas Academy.

Basically, every big family has something similar.

It has magic carvings and anti-counterfeiting marks that only the family can identify, and it cannot be copied.

It can be said that this represents the promise of the entire El-Melloi family.

In this way, whether the head of the family changes or not will not affect the promise I just made.

As long as the El-Melloi family heritage is still there, the promise will remain valid.


You played with it in your hand for a while. She saw that there were indeed traces of magic flow on it, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Thinking that Kenneth, as a true noble, would not lie even if he was desperate, he accepted the badge, which meant that the deal was done.

Seeing that You accepted his badge, Kenneth breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked nervously:"Is it really possible to repair my magic circuit?"

It's no wonder he's so careful. This is the 800-year-old heritage of the entire El-Melloi family. If it really ends in his hands, no matter how glorious he was in the past or how many achievements he made, he will only be known as the sinner of the El-Melloi family and the laughing stock of the entire magic world.

But Yu's answer made his heart skip a beat.

"I don't know, but it should be possible."

Hearing this perfunctory answer, Kenneth took a few deep breaths, forcibly suppressed his inner fear, anxiety and anger, and quickly asked:"How are you going to repair my magic circuit?"

He even changed his voice at the end.

"This one……"Yu stroked one side of his cheek with his hand, tapped his temple lightly with his index finger, and slowly replied:"I plan to trace back the time record of your body, and then trace back the magic circuit in your body to the state before the destruction."

Kenneth was stunned when he heard it, and even suspected that Yu was playing a trick on him.

The manipulation of time has always been a difficult problem in magic, and its difficulty is not much easier than exploring magic.

Those who have achieved something in this area can either only do some simple small-scale acceleration operations on themselves, or rely on the secret treasures or secret arts of the Age of Gods to achieve it.

The operation of pausing and retracing time still exists in human fantasy, and no one has yet achieved it.

Kenneth looked at Yu's appearance, with her azure shoulder-length hair, two waist-length curved horns on her head, and her sleepy cross-shaped pupils. He comforted himself and said:"The other party is a creature of the Age of Gods, and even has the highest level of dragon blood. Perhaps this operation is just commonplace for her."

Kenneth was silent for a while, but still couldn't help asking:"Are you sure?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've done this. But my heart tells me that this method can work, so I think I can give it a try."

Kenneth was stunned. He felt like he was being tricked. He sent out the badge that represented his family's promise, but got a less than ideal answer.

At this time, You stretched out his hand to Kenneth, and a dazzling blue light shone from his palm.

"Are you ready? I'm about to start."

Kenneth stretched out his hand to block the glaring light, a little surprised,"Now? You don't want to make any preparations?"

"I can think about this kind of thing, there is no need for so many fancy preparations and operations."

You continued to output magic power, wrapping Kenneth's entire body. Her magic power penetrated directly into Kenneth's body from the outside like water seeping into a sponge, and then disconnected the randomly spliced magic circuits that it came into contact with one by one, and then reconnected them to the correct position. You's magic power seemed to have self-awareness, faithfully following her ideas to implement the solution, even though she herself did not understand the principles.

However, Kenneth felt uncomfortable, and he felt the feeling of the magic circuit being torn apart again. You know, this thing exists as a pseudo-nerve in the human body, and the pain is doubled.

Kenneth did not last even a second. He opened his mouth and had no time to wail, but his eyes turned white and the corners of his mouth were drooping as he fell down.

With a plop, Kenneth fell straight to the ground face down. When You saw this situation, he knocked his head belatedly.

"I seem to have forgotten to anesthetize myself before I started, hey!"

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