"Wow.——"Kenneth screamed and straightened up from the bed, covering his face with his hands, breathing heavily.

The pain caused by repairing the magic circuit was beyond his expectations, and he was overwhelmed by the feeling without any resistance. Even now, he still felt phantom pain all over his body.

"Your reflex neural circuit is really long. It took more than ten minutes for you to scream."

You's voice came from the side. Hearing this, Kenneth keenly noticed the four words"repair completed" and immediately started to activate the magic circuit to verify the result without bothering to thank the other party.

"Fervor, mei sanguis" (Fervor, mei sanguis)

His mercury-empowered Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid received the command and immediately surrounded Kenneth like a ribbon. Seeing this, he immediately became ecstatic.

"Haha, hahaha… It’s done, this feeling is right, the magic circuit has been completely repaired."

Kenneth manipulated the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid as if it were his own arm, and seeing himself return from a useless person to a genius in magic, he couldn’t help laughing wildly, completely losing the aristocratic demeanor he had when they first met.

""Hey, can you please stop laughing? You're laughing like a villain."

You mercilessly interrupted his laughter. Kenneth calmed down from his ecstasy, and then a trace of discomfort appeared on his face. Thinking of his behavior just now, he also felt that he was indeed a little out of control.

Kenneth tidied his appearance a little, repaired the damage on his clothes with magic, and washed the stains on them. He adjusted his body movements and resumed his demeanor as a noble.

"Thank you for your help. I, Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald, will always remember your kindness. The conditions I promised before will not change. I will accept the little girl you mentioned as my apprentice. No matter what her qualifications are, I promise to teach her to become an excellent magician, and give her eternal protection on behalf of the El-Melloi family."

"You don't have to worry about this. Sakura is very talented. Her attribute is imaginary number. She has more than seventy magic circuits, including more than forty main circuits and more than thirty auxiliary circuits. If the teacher's level is not enough, her talent will be buried. That's why I chose you, the prodigy of the Clock Tower, to be his teacher."

Kenneth raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

This was a surprise to him.

He pondered for a while.

Then he slowly said:"Indeed, with such qualifications, she can be ranked in the top 100 in the history of the Clock Tower, and her attribute is an extremely rare imaginary number.

I haven't touched on this aspect yet.

I have to study it carefully after returning.

I see, the pressure is on me as a teacher? It is indeed a challenge for me to teach her to become a talent while also bringing out this specialty.


Kenneth has regained his dignity and confidence as a monarch.

Even if it is a field he has never studied before, he believes that he can get results with just a little research.

As for teaching Sakura, if he originally wanted to repay a favor, now he just wants to take the initiative to try it himself.

You also jumped off the sofa at this moment, came to Kenneth's side, looked at his Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid, and then poked it with his finger.

With a crisp bang, the mercury ceremonial suit lost all power and turned into an ordinary pool of mercury on the ground.

Kenneth's expression changed, and You immediately explained:"This is not my fault. I didn't expect that the defense of your ceremonial suit is so fragile. It collapsed when it was touched."

Kenneth explained with a bitter smile on his face:"Your Excellency misunderstood. Mystery will fail in the face of a higher mystery. This is the iron rule of the magic world. This can only mean that your existence is unique. The magic ritual running in the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid will collapse directly when it encounters your breath."

Mystery will fail in the face of a higher mystery. Although Kenneth explained it this way, there is actually one thing he didn't mention, that is, this point is only true when the two are in opposition to each other, not that all low-mystery things will fail when the existence of a higher mystery stands there. If this is true, then magic cannot be passed down from the Age of Gods.

Kenneth realized that Yu's existence is not as simple as he originally thought.

Yu nodded. She also forgot this in a hurry, but looking at the mercury on the ground, out of a little guilt for damaging the other party's magic gift, she still added:"You should check if there is any problem with your magic circuit. I can provide you with a free after-sales service. Of course, it is only for these few days."

Kenneth rejected her kindness. In order to verify his guess, he tentatively said:"No, I have checked my magic circuit just now. It is exactly the same as before it was destroyed. There is no change. Did you really go back in time as you said? I wonder if you can discuss it with me. As a magician, I am very interested in the principle."

You looked at him in surprise and said,"Principle? I don't understand this myself, how can I discuss it with you? I just need to provide magic power and imagine the results. As for how the process works, I don't know.""

"How is this possible?"Kenneth was shocked when he heard it."Although magic is indeed a technology to realize imagination, there are strict requirements for the trajectory of magic power, the amount of magic power used, and the ritual spells. These are all things that predecessors have to study many times before they can figure out. If you can really achieve your goals just by thinking, then there would be no such thing as magic circuits. This is a power that only gods can master...……"

Kenneth was very excited at the beginning, but his voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, and his head lowered, until he even dared not look You in the eye.

Kenneth felt as if he had discovered something incredible, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he remained silent.

Seeing him like this, You shook her head helplessly, with an indifferent expression on her face. She herself didn't know whether she was a god in essence, but since her mother Tiamat had given her a body and intelligence, she could be considered a god for now.

"Ah, I've been discovered. You're worthy of being the prodigy of the Clock Tower, and you're the first human to notice this. But don't worry, I'm different from other gods. I have basic common sense in the human world. As long as you don't talk about it everywhere, I won't bother you."

Kenneth quickly performed a medieval kneeling ceremony,"Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Majesty. I will never talk about this matter anywhere. Do you need me to do anything else? The request you made earlier was too disproportionate to your efforts, which really frightened me. I don't know if there's anything else I can do for you?"

Looking at Kenneth, who had become humble, You felt bored. She still liked people to get along with her with the most genuine attitude. Kenneth's conceited and proud attitude just now was more pleasing to the eye, and she felt more comfortable when talking.

"The loser exits the game, that's the rule, since you've already lost, just go back, I don't need anyone's help."

After saying that, You chose to leave here, and finally turned back and said,"I will find a way to hand your badge to Sakura, and then I will ask her to find you in the clock tower, you just need to take good care of her."

After saying that, without waiting for Kenneth to answer, he soared into the sky and disappeared into the horizon.

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