You returned to the imaginary space. Looking at the familiar environment around her, she began to recall how she escaped from this place.

"I remember that I seemed to be in a hurry to leave at the beginning, and I temporarily associated the Holy Grail with the Fourth World War and traveled through time. If memory is the coordinate, then thoughts and actions are the motivation. Although there is still some uncertainty, it is always worth a try."

As she said, You began to take action, and after a few minutes, her body began to radiate light.

You opened her eyes and looked at her glowing body, and said in surprise:"That's the feeling. I didn't expect that this method was right. In this way, I can be considered to have mastered the method of time travel. In the future, I can go to the world I want to go anytime and anywhere. However, let's solve the previous things first."

Then with a whoosh, You disappeared into the imaginary space again.

You returned to the castle gate again. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar scenery, as if everything she had just experienced was an illusion, but her body was gradually...���The fading light and the broken castle gate reminded her of the reality of the situation.

She glanced around and saw that the enemy had long disappeared. She looked up at the sky and saw the stars shining brightly and the moon hanging high in the sky. It was already midnight.

"I have only been in the imaginary space for a few minutes, and it is already dark here. Have several hours passed? Hmm... not necessarily, maybe longer. Anyway, let's find someone to check the situation first."

As she was talking, she found that there were flashes of fire in the direction of Yuanzang Mountain, as if someone was engaged in a fierce battle. With the mentality of exploring and watching the excitement, Yu flew quickly in the direction of Yuanzang Mountain.

Halfway through, she found that the two people fighting were actually the Hero King and Heroic Spirit Emiya.

Although the battle between the two seemed fierce, the violent movement was more caused by the attack of Heroic Spirit Emiya.

Endless projections, illusions collapsed, and Heroic Spirit Emiya could be said to have used all his means, but the Hero King was not in a hurry to add countless magic buffs to himself, and avoided most of Heroic Spirit Emiya's attacks.

Those that he couldn't avoid were directly chopped with an axe or knocked away with a magic wand.

In the end, after he cast all the status magic on himself, he used his body to resist all the attacks of Heroic Spirit Emiya impartially.

The last hand of the Hero King showed his flesh body to bear the projection treasure and the scene of the collapse of the fantasy made Heroic Spirit Emiya Everyone was stunned, and all the attacks stopped at that moment.

The Hero King was not polite, and took this opportunity to take out a stone tablet from the treasure house, and directly activated the magic of the stone tablet itself.

The space around Heroic Spirit Emiya floated out of time, and countless ribbons made of magic bound him tightly.

Except for his head and feet, the whole person looked like a mummy.

Those ribbons seemed to have the effect of sealing magic.

After being tied up, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free.

The Hero King took out another stone tablet at this time.

He pointed the stone tablet at Heroic Spirit Emiya and chanted an unknown spell.

Heroic Spirit Emiya's body turned into light particles and dispersed and left.

The scattered light particles did not dissipate, but poured into the stone tablet taken out by the Hero King.

At this time, Yu also came to the battlefield, but before she landed, the Hero King's magical laughter reached her ears.

"Huhahahaha… This is the biggest gain of this journey. This way, I can finally free up my finances from the Warcraft front, hahahaha……" excellent:⊙(・◇・)?……w(゚Д゚)w is dead, the hero king has robbed the people's man!!!

————————The dividing line of time————————

"In this way, the guys who are in the way will be out of the game."

Looking at the space crack in front of him that was dug and then began to repair under the action of the rules, Matou Zouken couldn't help but sneer.

After observing that You left the castle in the morning, he spent a day to make this trap. Now that he has exiled You back to the void, he is very proud of himself. He immediately ordered the two shadow servants beside him:"The Holy Grail War should be accelerated. You two should act according to the plan. I will be waiting for your good news in the Great Void."

After that, he sank into his own shadow and disappeared. The two shadow servants also turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

At night, under the Fuyuki Bridge, two figures, one big and one small, were standing in the cold wind.

"Rider, how long do we have to wait here?" Weber complained to his Servant while hugging his body and shivering.

The King of Conquerors slapped him on the back and laughed,"Boy, your body is still not good enough. This little breeze makes you shiver. Just think of it as exercise. As for how long we have to stay, I always keep my word. Since I said I will wait here for Saber to challenge me, then I will wait here. Well, don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to wait until dawn. If she doesn't come by midnight, we can go back."

Suddenly, the King of Conquerors' eyes became stern, and he summoned the Divine Wheel, grabbed Weber and put him on the back seat.

"Ah, the real owner didn't come, but an uninvited guest showed up. Sit tight, kid, there will be a fierce battle next."

Rustle, countless black figures crawled out of the water, some stood on two feet and staggered, some crawled on all fours, this scene was like a horror movie reenactment

"Rider, what are these? It's pitch black and I can't see anything." Waver asked in panic while hiding behind the frame. The scene was too creepy and he felt a chill rushing to his head.

The King of Conquerors said indifferently,"I don't know. Anyway, they are all uninvited guests, and it seems that they can't communicate with each other. Boy, the battle is about to begin." The King of Conquerors flicked the reins, making a loud sound. Lightning burst out around the wheels of the Divine Might, and it flew into the air, circled once, and rushed towards the shadows.

"The distant ravage dominates! AAAALaLaLa——"

The King of Conquerors roared, driving the thunderous God Wheel back and forth in the crowd of black shadows. Few of the black shadows could make a decent counterattack, and they retreated one by one under the impact of thunder and ox carts. In less than a minute, these black shadows lay on the shore in a mess, turning into black smoke and dissipating.

After that, the King of Conquerors and his master stayed in the same place for a few more minutes, but did not wait for the next wave of attacks.

"What on earth are these guys here for? They say it's a sneak attack, but they're all vulnerable. They say it's a test, but what can they test with just one wave of attacks?"After waiting for a long time without any movement, Weber couldn't help but complain about the inexplicable attack of the enemy.

"……"The Conqueror King also frowned.

He always had a bad feeling in his heart.

The enemy was too weak and his behavior was strange.

The whole battle process could be described as a one-sided massacre by him.

The opponent hardly put up any resistance, as if waiting to be killed by him.

What the Conqueror King did not notice was that after these shadows were killed, the black smoke that drifted out entered his body with his breath, and came to his soul core through the flow of magic power.

It clung to it tightly, casting a layer of shadow over the entire soul core.

At this time, the Conqueror King seemed to have noticed something. He looked up and saw a golden crescent streaking across the sky and disappearing into the distance like a meteor.

"That's Saber's Noble Phantasm, it looks like she has already dealt with Lancer. Since you've already recovered to your peak state, there's no need to wait, just go ahead and issue the challenge tomorrow."

The King of Conquerors said excitedly, and Waver behind him looked at him in confusion. Didn't he just say that he was going to wait for Saber to challenge him, why did he change his mind and issue the challenge now?

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