Late at night, Artoria was kneeling beside Irisviel with her eyes closed.

Irisviel woke up many times during this time, and each time she would chat with her about Emiya Kiritsugu, and then she would fall asleep again soon.

In these conversations, Artoria also had a three-dimensional understanding of her master. Before this, she always thought that Emiya Kiritsugu was a ruthless person who would do anything to achieve his goals. Although many of the plans proposed by Emiya Kiritsugu were not liked by her, as a king who had been on the battlefield, she knew that being kind to the enemy on the battlefield was cruel to oneself, so she took a default attitude towards many of his methods.

Artoria had always seen Emiya Kiritsugu's tactical thinking and methods of doing things, so she had the impression that he was a person who would do anything and act ruthlessly. But Irisviel's confession made her understanding of Emiya Kiritsugu have a 180-degree reversal.

Irisviel confided Emiya Kiritsugu's ideals to her and told Altria about her husband's inner tenderness, which surprised Altria. She didn't expect that the seemingly cold-blooded Emiya Kiritsugu actually had the ideal of eliminating all disputes in the world.

In order to realize his ideal, Emiya Kiritsugu regarded human life as the only unit, regardless of gender, age, status, and status.

"One" was their only unit.

Put the two sides of the conflict on the scale, and in order to save even one more person, the side with fewer people will be abandoned.

As a result, the more people are saved, the more people are killed.

This is the way of survival for this man, Emiya Kiritsugu.

In the end, he found that he could not quell all the disputes, so he placed his hope on a miracle, that is, the omnipotent wish-granting machine, the Holy Grail, so he participated in this Holy Grail War.

Altria could not agree with this way of survival, but she also felt that she was not qualified to evaluate it. She thought of the villages and people she had abandoned on the battlefield. The legend of King Arthur's undefeated thirteen battles was so glorious, but only she knew how many sacrifices had been made and how many innocent lives had been buried.

Artoria realized that Emiya Kiritsugu was of the same kind as herself. Even though their philosophies of action and moral cognition were very different, their methods were so similar.

Artoria was determined to have a good talk with Emiya Kiritsugu the next time she saw him.

Just as Artoria was thinking this, a sharp sound of breaking through the air reached her ears, and then a spear pierced through the folding door and rushed towards her head.

Artoria deflected the attack with a sword, dodged and rushed in the direction of the attack, and in the process used magic to quickly put on her armor.

When Artoria rushed out of the house and came to the courtyard and saw the appearance of the attacker, her pupils couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although her whole body was like a ball of thick ink that could not be dissolved, it was easy to tell the identity of the opponent from the weapon and the way he held the gun. It was clearly the Lancer Diarmuid who was eliminated by him not long ago.

The black Diarmuid took advantage of Altria's moment of distraction and raised his hand to stab. Altria's head suddenly turned to the other side, avoiding the attack that was coming towards her forehead. Then he backhanded and chopped off the opponent's head.

"Lancer? No, too weak, and his movements are very rigid, more like a puppet following a fixed routine."Altonia originally thought that Lancer was resurrected, but looking at the shadow whose head was easily cut off by her, she keenly realized that something was wrong. Although these shadows have similar skills and habits to her, their physical fitness is quite low, and they are about the same level as traditional Assassins.

As Altria was wondering what these shadows were, there was a loud noise in the house.

""Oh no! Irisviel." Altria looked back and saw Irisviel being carried on the shoulders of another black shadow, jumping and running in the air. The familiar figure made her furious.

"Damn it, how dare you tarnish the image of my subordinates with such filthiness."She turned around and was about to release her magic power from her feet to chase him, but the headless black shadow grabbed her ankle tightly.

Not wanting to get entangled with this headless fake, Artoria pointed her sword at him, released the Wind King barrier, and at the same time lightly jumped. The violent gust of wind not only shattered the black Diarmuid on the ground into pieces, but the huge reaction force also ejected her like a rocket, quickly approaching the other fake Lancelot who kidnapped Irisviel.

"Excalibur!" Even though she reacted in time, there was still a long distance between them after a few seconds of delay. Seeing this, Altria did not hesitate and released the treasure.

In order to avoid accidentally hurting Irisviel, she suppressed the power of the release to the minimum. The attack was not a straight-line artillery sweep, but a crescent-shaped slash that split the opponent into two parts.

The black figure turned into black smoke and drifted in the air. Irisviel also slid off her shoulder and fell freely. Seeing this, Altria hurriedly accelerated and caught her before she landed.

""I'm sorry, Saber. I think I've caused you trouble." Such a violent action had already awakened Irisviel. Seeing Atoria saving her from the enemy, she apologized with a guilty heart.

"Please don't say that, Irisviel. It is my duty to protect you. You have nothing to apologize to me for. Instead, I should apologize to you. It was my fault for letting you be abducted by others. This place is no longer safe. We need to find a place to move as soon as possible."

"Sorry Saber, I can't move my body right now. I guess I can't move again until tomorrow noon.���"

Altria thought about it for a while, and felt that Irisviel's current physical condition was indeed not suitable for transfer, so she nodded and said,"I understand. Although I don't know who the enemy is, since the first attack has failed, there shouldn't be a second attack in a short time. During the day, the other party shouldn't attack you in a big way, so just focus on adjusting your body."

After that, she carried Irisviel back to the room in a princess hug, placed her in a still intact room, and guarded her again.

On the morning of the second day, Irisviel adjusted her condition earlier than she expected, and after getting up, she was able to run and jump like an ordinary person.

"Irisviel, is your body really okay? I hope you can answer seriously."Facing Irisviel who said that she had fully recovered her ability to move, Altria looked at her seriously and questioned her.

Thinking that Altria already knew about her situation, Irisviel couldn't help but smile bitterly,"To be honest, my physical condition is not too good now, but it's not too bad either. My sense of smell and taste are probably completely gone, but this is the best situation I can imagine. At least my sense of touch and vision are still there, and I can still move like a normal person."

"Alice……"Altria didn't know how to respond, but she finally comforted him,"The Master has already arranged for someone to find a way to save you. Since it's the method that guy said, it shouldn't be wrong. We just need to wait another day.""

""Thank you." Alice smiled and thanked him, but there was no joy in her expression. She covered her heart with both hands to suppress the palpitations that surged up in her heart. She always had a feeling that she might not be able to wait until that day came.

As Altonia and Alice were about to leave this place, the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Hey, good morning, Saber, you are here after all. I saw your attack last night. It was indeed a brilliant blow. Now that you have recovered to your full state, should we fulfill the agreement between you and me?"

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