It is said that a day passes when you close your eyes and open them again.

You didn’t know whether a day had passed or not, but when a bright light flashed across her eyes, when she opened her eyes again, the world in front of her had completely changed.

She was now standing on a magic circle, in front of her was a man with a half-ruined face, who looked malnourished, with short gray hair and wrinkled cheeks. Combined with the dark basement, it looked like a cult ritual scene.

She reached out and touched the horn on her head, feeling as if she had just bumped into something, so she asked her pet beast,"Did I just bump into something?"

How could it know? It could only respond with a confused expression.


"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask and you can't say anything"

"I ask you, are you the Servant I summoned?" The man next to her seemed to be unable to wait any longer and hurried forward to ask Daoyou's identity.

Only then did she take a good look at the man in front of her.

It would have been better if she hadn't looked at him.

She���She regretted her powerful eyes for once.

They looked fine on the outside, but they were a mess on the inside.

She was almost nauseated to the point of vomiting.

The neural circuit network in his body was made up of wriggling worms.

While replacing his neural functions, these worms were also gnawing at his flesh and blood.

Even if he did nothing, he would not survive the next month.

Matou Kariya, after a brief thought, she determined the identity of the man in front of her.

"The Fourth Holy Grail War? So memory is the coordinate?" Yu is not stupid.

She only needs to think about it for a moment to know that the current situation is related to her previous abnormality.

She only thought of the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then she suddenly became abnormal and sent herself to the scene of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

It can only be said that the sudden accident was related to her ability.

From this, she also glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of her own ability that she herself did not know.

Then it is easy to explain why she appeared in the Matou mansion. It can only be said that everyone who travels through the Fourth War has a dream of killing insects.

Seeing that Yu looked around and ignored him, Matou Kariya frowned, but it was also within his expectations that the servant would be disobedient, but he still forced himself to bear the discomfort inside his body, raised his hand to show the holy mark on his hand and asked again:"I ask you as a master, are you the servant I summoned?"

After looking around for a week and not seeing the old bug Matou Zouken, Yu turned his head again when he saw Matou Kariya asking again.

Ugh~~ She regretted it again. This time she regretted not being able to shut off her perspective. If she could shut off her perspective, she wouldn't be able to see the bugs wriggling inside the human body.

"Ah, no." Turning his eyes away from Matou Kariya, Yu still answered his question and scratched his cheek with his fingers," should I put it, I'm actually not a Servant. In a sense, your summoning has failed."

"How, how is it possible... then Sakura……"Yu's answer shocked Matou Kariya. If the summoning failed, wouldn't he be unable to rescue Sakura from Matou's devil's den? Wouldn't he have no chance to question or take revenge on Tōsaka Tokiomi?

He was unwilling to accept his failure and tried to grab Yu as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw, but Yu dodged him lightly.

"You clearly appeared from the summoning circle, how could you not be the right Servant that I summoned?"

Matou Kariya loudly refuted, denying the facts that Yu said. He was about to say something when a voice interrupted him.

"How ugly, Kariya! You were toyed with by a mere Servant, and lost the dominant position in the master-servant relationship. I wanted to see how ugly you would be in the Holy Grail War, but you couldn't even pass the first level? Although you are the only one of my surviving descendants with the talent of the mage, a waste is still a waste after all, hehe... The coward who betrayed the mage back then is now betrayed by the mage he despised but had to rely on?"

Matou Kariya once escaped from the Matou family, the former Majili family, and now the Matou family.

After five hundred years of migration, they were not able to adapt to the local climate, which caused the magical qualifications of their descendants to gradually disappear.

Matou Kariya can be said to be the last person in the Matou family with the qualifications of a magician, but at this moment, because of the corruption of Matou Zouken, the magic inheritance of the Matou family has long degenerated from the elegant and beautiful butterfly magic to the ugly and evil insect magic.

Matou Kariya regards his own magic as an anti-human evil and refuses to inherit the Matou family, mainly because he discovered that the names of several generations above him in his family tree were all written as Matou Zouken. His father was Matou Zouken, his grandfather was also Matou Zouken, and even his grandfather and great-grandfather were all Matou Zouken.

Ordinary people might think that this is the inheritance of the name, but Matou Kariya knows very well that this is not a What kind of inheritance name? These people have been referring to one person from beginning to end, an old immortal who has lived for five hundred years and whose heart has long been rotten but still refuses to die.

As for where did the tribesmen who were supposed to have these identities go in the end? Matou Kariya had some guesses, so in the end he escaped, escaped from this devil's cave called Matou.

For this, he also gave up his first love, his childhood sweetheart Zenjo Aoi, and pushed her into the arms of his rival Toosaka Tokiomi.

The reason was that he didn't want her to become the breeding ground for the old bug to breed bug magic.

Matou Kariya still didn't completely let go of this feeling.

Maybe it was because he loved the house and loved the dog too.

Zenjo Aoi gave birth to two daughters after marrying Toosaka Tokiomi.

In order to protect the happiness of his first love, Matou Kariya also treated these two children as his own.

This time, the reason why he returned to Matou, whom he once avoided, was because of...

The reason for going to the Holy Grail War, where life and death are uncertain, is to save Sakura Tousaka, the youngest daughter of Zenjo Aoi, who was adopted by the old worm a year ago in the name of inheriting the magic of the Matou family.

But now her name has been changed to Sakura Matou.


Matou Kariya attaches great importance to this Holy Grail War and regards it as the only means to redeem Sakura, Matou Zouken obviously does not care much about the outcome of this Holy Grail War.

He placed his chips on the fifth Holy Grail War sixty years later, and taking in the youngest daughter of the Tousaka family was also a plan for this purpose.

Therefore, he does not care about the ownership of the Holy Grail this time.

The reason why he made an agreement with Kariya to release Sakura if he won the Holy Grail was not because of a change of conscience.

He simply wanted to see Matou Kariya go from hope to despair, from doing his best to protect others to being incompetent in the end.

The attitude that changed from regret to power - this old bug's heart has long been rotten, don't expect him to have any good intentions.

Not to mention whether he will fulfill his promise, even if Matou Kariya can really hold the Holy Grail, the result will not change at all.

When he transformed Kariya's body, he did not care about the impact on the other party's lifespan.

If Matou Kariya can really bring him the Holy Grail, he might also fulfill his promise - Kariya, who will not live long, cannot give Sakura long-term protection, and she will return to him in the end.

Giving people a brief hope and then pulling them back to hell again, Matou Zouken has always enjoyed this behavior.

Kariya wanted to save Sakura, and Matou Zouken originally planned to give him a little hope first, and then crush her hope and give her despair after Kariya struggled desperately, but he did not expect Kariya to be so disappointing.

In his opinion, Kariya couldn't even suppress a mere Servant, and being led by the other party was really a disgrace to Matou's name, so he planned to take away his hope now - unlike Kariya who believed the protagonist Yu's words that the summoning failed, Matou Zouken insisted that Yu was a Servant summoned by the Holy Grail, but he was unwilling to obey the Master's orders and rebelled.

Servants are heroes who have been remembered in human history.

It is not uncommon for them to be arrogant and unwilling to obey ordinary Masters.

The failure of the Holy Grail War rituals in the previous few times was also due to this.

"Let me help you confirm whether the Servant in front of you is the one you summoned!"The voice came from all directions, but there was no sign of Matou Zouken, which showed that he was still somewhat afraid of Yu.

"Since you can't control the Servants, then you are out of this Holy Grail War, Kariya. In this case, there is no need for the Servants to exist."

"Wait! Zouken, you promised that as long as I participated in this Holy Grail War and won, you would hand Sakura to me. I am not out yet, I can still continue to fight!"Matou Kariya stretched out his hand to refute the old bug's words. He had not rescued Sakura yet, nor had he had time to question why Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted to adopt Sakura. How could he be willing to be eliminated like this?

But Matou Zouken didn't care about these. In his opinion, Kariya's current behavior was just a loser who had left the stage before entering the stage, barking there.

"At this point, you can't even control your servants. Do you think you still have a chance to negotiate with me here?"

Although I really want to destroy the old bug, I don't have the means to search and can't find the real location of the old bug. I can only watch the development of the situation quietly.

"Do you really think you can resist me, Kariya? Too naive, you don't think I have no tricks up my sleeve for you, do you? As early as when you agreed to accept my transformation in order to save the little daughter of the Tosaka family, you lost the ability to resist me."

At this time, Matou Kariya's hand with the Command Seal was raised up uncontrollably, and he hurriedly pressed his other hand up, tightly grasping his wrist, trying to push it down, but it was still useless. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't suppress the rise of his arm.

"Matou Zouken! You ahh...——"

Heh—Kariye, learn this well! Servants are nothing more than familiars after all. It’s actually a very simple matter to make them obey. Just like this—I command you, unknown Servant, with the power of the Command Spell—to commit suicide!


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