Matou Zouken:"Unknown Servant - commit suicide!"

Matou Kariya:"Stop it!……" excellent:"……"


A gust of cold wind blew through the basement, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Masaka……"After waiting for a long time, the Command Seal did not take effect. The three parties fell silent during this process. During this time, Yu yawned with Ugar out of boredom. Matou Zouken said in disbelief at this situation,"Is it magic? But how is it possible? Even Saber, who has the strongest magic resistance among the Seven Riders, can't have no reaction to the command of the Command Seal!"

The Command Seal is a means used by the Master of the Holy Grail War to restrain the Servants. It is a crystal of magic created based on the stigmata of Christianity. It is engraved on the Master, and each person has three strokes, which means that each Master has three absolute command rights over the Servants he summoned.

Because of the imperfections of the rules of the Holy Grail War in the Second Holy Grail War, many Servants did not obey the Master's command after being summoned, and some even killed the Master directly, causing everything to be messed up during the Holy Grail War.

In the end, the ceremony ended in failure.

In order to perfect the rules of the Holy Grail War, Matou Zouken, who was still Machiri Zorgen at the time, created the Command Seals, a means of controlling Servants.

It can be said that this was his highest achievement during his prime, and he had the ability to forcibly manipulate the behavior of Servants.

As Matou Zouken said, Servants basically have no ability to resist the Command Seals. Even Saber, who is said to have the ability to invalidate all major magic effects, can only resist the effects of the Command Seals for a short time at most. After two strokes of the Command Seals, she has to follow orders obediently, instead of being unresponsive like Yuu, who even has the time to yawn.

"I've already told you that I'm not a Servant, but you refuse to believe me. That man over there is just a half-baked magician, and you can control his nerves through those disgusting bugs. Don't you realize that there is no connection between me and the Command Seals?"

Hearing this, Matou Zouken, who was hiding in the dark, focused his attention on the back of Matou Kariya's hand, where the Command Seals had not been consumed at all.

"You are not a Servant!

? Could it be a Phantasma, a fairy? An elf? Or a dragon?" Matou Zouken's voice obviously lost its composure.

As one of the three great families that constructed the ritual of the Holy Grail War, Matou Zouken has enough knowledge about the existence of Servants, so he does not underestimate them.

Because no matter how high-sounding the outside world makes Servants, they are essentially the product of the deterioration of Heroic Spirits, and are more or less within the range of what human power can handle.

But Phantasma is different.

Weak ones are okay, but these things have abilities that are even comparable to gods depending on the individual!

The one in front of him is obviously not the former, and Phantasma can be called the natural enemy of modern magic.

In the magic world, there is a rule that low-level mysteries will be ineffective in front of high-level mysteries.

And this thing called mystery, basically...

The older and stronger they are, the higher their level is.

And the Fantasy Species are the walking mysteries themselves.

Matou Zouken's magic, which he has studied for five hundred years, may not even be enough to scratch an itch in front of the Fantasy Species whose mysteries start from a thousand years.

Now Matou Zouken is in a dilemma. No matter what, his behavior just now can be said to have offended the other party to death. It is hard to say whether the other party will not target him because of this.

The target came soon. Yu raised a finger in front of his mouth, and his cross-star pupils emitted a faint light. He said calmly:"I understand the cause and effect between you and this man. In view of your behavior just now, I will protect him and the girl named Sakura. Then, you can get out, understand?"

These are all excuses. You actually wanted to directly humanely destroy the old bug, but until now, this guy has only been heard but not seen, and no one knows where his real body is hiding. She had to try to anger him before making any plans.

But Matou Zouken is an old bastard who has lived for five hundred years.

How could he be angered so easily? He quickly sorted out his emotions and said to You calmly:"I admit that your existence is a natural enemy for magicians like me, but please don’t forget where this is.

Matou Mansion is also a magic workshop that I have run for hundreds of years.

I am not without the ability to fight against you.

" You smiled when he heard it,"Really? Why do I hear a sense of cowardice? What is this? Saying the most cowardly words in the most ruthless tone"


"Your Excellency, do you know that it is the Holy Grail War now? As long as I reveal your identity and call on all the Servants to besiege you, can you still face this crisis so calmly? You know, those heroes don’t mind re-enacting their legends in the world."

Yu still had an indifferent tone,"I know the secret of the final battle to save primates, the Ritual of the Advent: Summoning of Heroic Spirits. If I am besieged by the Seven Heroic Spirits, I will have to run away. However, the Holy Grail War seems to be just a poor imitation of that. The so-called Servants are just degraded among degraded ones, right? Try it?"

Hearing this, Matou Zouken was not calm,"How do you know - could it be that you are a tentacle of the Suppressive Force Gaia, and you are here to destroy the Holy Grail ritual?"Thinking of this, Matou Zonken secretly became ruthless in his heart.

No matter whether it was true or not, he couldn't keep the guy in front of him.

He hadn't obtained the Holy Grail yet, and hadn't wished for eternal life.

How could he let his hundred years of hard work go to waste? In this case, he couldn't gamble even if there was only a 1% risk.

Rustling sounds came from all directions of the basement. Dense insects crawled out from all kinds of gaps, forming a circle around You and slowly shrinking. Seeing that he was also in the circle, Matou Yanye hurriedly hid on a cabinet beside him before the swarm of insects overwhelmed him. Matou Zonken didn't pay much attention to his offspring. Now he only had eyes for You, the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into his script.

After surrounding You, the insects did not launch an attack, but formed a circle, and began to shed their skin and evolve on the spot, and then grew wings, They turned into various kinds of flying insects, some with wings as hard as blades, and some with tails as sharp as thorns. The tail thorns glowed with a faint blue light. If an ordinary person is stung, it is obviously not just a pain.

The flying insects were everywhere. If they just surrounded her in a circle on a flat surface, then now they were surrounded in all directions with no dead angles. The insects formed a black whirlwind that completely obscured her figure, making it impossible for people to observe the situation inside from the outside.

Matou Zouken didn't think that this trick would have any effect on the fantasy species. He was just delaying time. The real back-up was somewhere else. The fact was just as he expected. A faint blue flame swept the entire insect swarm in an instant. After the wave of flames, the entire insect swarm was reduced to ashes, leaving only ashes that drifted in the basement with the wind. Then the strong wind swept away all the ashes, and Yu's unharmed figure emerged from it.

"What a disgusting bug! Don’t you have any better-looking magic tricks? I thought the butterflies you used in the past were pretty good-looking. Why did you use bugs instead?"

" seems that you know a lot about my past. If you want to see the butterfly, that's fine, but the butterfly magic takes a long time to prepare. Can you wait?" Matou Zouken's smiling tone was like the helplessness of a kind grandfather facing his granddaughter's unreasonable request, as if it wasn't him who used magic to attack Yu just now.

"Are you trying to delay time?" You asked, tilting his head.

"That's right!" I didn't expect Matou Zouken to admit it directly without any ambiguity.

""Hmm?" You asked in confusion.

"Because it's already prepared!" Knowing that You was confused, Matou Zouken gave the reason directly, and then his kind tone changed and he said fiercely:"Berserker, kill her!"

"ARRRR——THERRRR"The Berserker appeared with a roar, and drew out his fallen holy sword, slashing it vertically towards You.


"Ugar in You's arms swung its tail and fiercely met the berserker's slash.

The sword tails collided and made a sound of metal clashing.

Then it quickly jumped up and broke away from You's arms.

Its body rolled in the air and grew bigger.

In just a moment, it turned into a majestic lion.

The moment it landed, Ugar's front paws pressed down hard, pressing the berserker to the ground.

The berserker was not to be outdone.

He bent his knees, kicked his legs hard, and kicked Ugar away.

On the way, he also smashed the ceiling of the basement and flew to the ground.

"Lancelot? I see. It's a Servant summon. You're stalling for this."

"That's right, I wanted the Berserker to kill you directly, but I didn't expect you to bring a divine beast with you. I thought it was a pet, what a pity!" Matou Zouken regained his kind tone, but his words were a little sinister.

"Ah��—"You smiled disdainfully, and then turned his attention to the battlefield.

As Ugar was kicked away, he began to accumulate magic power in his mouth. When he was kicked to the highest altitude, the magic bullet had already taken shape. With a roar, the blue wind bullet sprayed towards the Berserker. The magic bullet grew larger and larger during the flight. When it arrived in front of the Berserker, its diameter was more than three meters.

The Berserker did not sit still and wait for death.

He stood with his sword in both hands.

When the black light on the blade flowed, he clenched the sword and chopped it hard.

The black slash directly cut the wind bullet in half, and it flew towards Ugar with undiminished momentum.

Ugar stretched out his front paws and scraped away the black slash.

Then he stretched his body, stretched out his claws, and dived towards the Berserker like a bomber.

The Berserker blocked Ugar's powerful blow with his sword in both hands, but half of his foot sank into the ground.

Amid the roar, the ground turned over, and the surroundings were in a mess.

At this moment, the Berserker's shoulder was exposed.

Ugar bit his neck tightly without hesitation to restrict his movement.

The sharp claws on his claws slowly approached the soul core in his chest, but were quickly forced back by the Berserker with his sword.

The two sides fought back and forth and were in a stalemate.

"Well, it looks like there's no way to tell the winner over there in a short time, let's continue!" You raised his right hand, put his thumb on his middle finger, and then said to Matou Zouken:"Well, I'll tell you a secret, I'm actually stalling for time too. You're stalling for time to wait for the summoning of the Servant to be completed, so, what am I waiting for?"

"What are you waiting for?" Matou Zōken asked in surprise, but he didn't have time to think about it.

""Snap!" You snapped his fingers.

"With a"boom", black water surged out from under Yu's feet, sweeping in all directions like waves.

The black water penetrated into the underground space of the Matou Residence through the gaps, submerging all the bugs in the old bug's magic workshop.

These bugs disappeared without a trace, just like calligraphy and paintings erased by erasers when they encountered the tide.

His magic workshop was like a short-circuited circuit when it encountered water.

The light flashed slightly and lost all its function.

"How——"Before he could finish his words, the old bug's voice suddenly stopped. Because the magic workshop was completely destroyed by Yu's Chaos Tide, it was no longer possible to maintain the communication function.

"Ahhhh——"At this time, Matou Kariya screamed, he grabbed his hand with the Command Seal, bent his body and rolled on the ground. Xiaoyou heard the sound and looked over, and saw that the Command Seal on Matou Kariya's hand was slowly fading and disappearing.

"Roar——"Not far away, Ugar roared to the sky. You looked over and saw that the Berserker had already disappeared, leaving only Ugar roaring with a depressed look on his face.

"The Command Spell was transferred. Did the old bug escape?" Xiaoyou sighed helplessly,"Yes, a guy who has been hiding for five hundred years is not so easy to kill."

With a clang, the door of the basement collapsed. A little girl with purple hair stood outside the door blankly and looked at her clenched fist. She seemed to want to knock on the door just now, but she didn't expect the door to fall down as soon as she touched it. At this moment, her whole body froze and she lowered her head in fear.

She looked at Sakura who was at a loss outside the door and Matou Kariya who was lying on the ground and unconscious because he was deprived of the spell.

"There are still some troubles to deal with!"

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