"Your name is Sakura, right?" You waved his hand, motioning Sakura to come over.

""Where's grandpa?" Sakura asked, looking at You with lifeless eyes, like a pool of stagnant water.

Ever since she was adopted by her parents to the Masao family, she was thrown into the insect cave by Matou Zouken, and her body and mind were inhumanely ravaged and destroyed.

After a year of hellish life, her mind had long been broken.

At this moment, she was like a doll, responding to almost everyone's requests.

Even when facing the inhuman-looking You, she could ask about the whereabouts of the old insect without sadness or joy - Matou Zouken had become her inner demon.

You patted Sakura's head, covering his pitying eyes, and said in the gentlest tone possible:"It's okay, the old insect has been driven away by me, and you will never meet him again."


However, Sakura just looked at her calmly without saying a word.

Xiaoyou sighed again. It seemed that as long as the old bug was not sure of death, Sakura would not be able to return to normal. So she learned from her mother Tiamat's behavior and gently embraced Sakura.

"ah——"Yu imitated Tiamat and sang softly, and the soothing magic slowly penetrated into Sakura's heart through the sound. Then Sakura felt extremely relaxed in her heart. The long-term depression and terror were all removed at this moment, and the tense heartstrings also relaxed, and a huge feeling of fatigue surged into her heart in an instant. She fell asleep in Yu's arms in a daze.

The tide of chaos surged again, forming a water bed in front of Yu. Yu slowly put Sakura on the bed. When Sakura's body touched the water bed, the black color of the mud tide itself faded from the bed, and the tide of chaos became a real water bed.

Then she looked at Matou Kariya who was lying on the ground, and pulled out a steel bar that was broken in the previous battle on the ground, and then poked his cheek with the steel bar. Matou Kariya groaned in pain, but did not wake up.

"Hmm... the imprinted worms that make up the neural network have all died. No wonder he looks half dead. He didn't have many weeks to live, and now he's dancing in front of the King of Hell. If left alone, he'll be dead in about half an hour!"

At this time, Ugar, who had shrunk again and turned back into a lion cub, came to You and rubbed her legs. You threw the steel bar in her hand away and picked up her warm and fluffy pet.

"I feel that this guy is actually quite unlucky. No matter in his original fate or now, the attacks from both sides obviously did not affect him, but he suffered the most serious injuries."

Although he complained about the difficult fate of Matou Kariya, You still decided to save him.

He couldn't stay in this place forever.

Sakura was still young and really needed an adult to take care of her.

The only doubt was that she had never had any experience in treatment, and she didn't know where to start with Matou Kariya's current condition.

You thought about it and decided that time waits for no one, so he might as well try it out.

Remember that it was said in Magical Girl Illya that the effect of magic depends entirely on the imagination of the person involved.

Since Illya, an elementary school student, can do it, there is no reason for a Tia like her to do the same.

The Daughter of Creation, who was personally certified by Matt, couldn't do it.

(In fact, if we really count their ages, she is much younger than Illya, having been born less than a month ago.

) As soon as he said it, You stretched out his fingers, turned the Chaos Tide into a spiral needle, and injected it into Matou Kariya's wrist.

Then he began to imagine, imagining how the Chaos Tide would destroy the corpse left after the Etch Bug died and repair the replaced nervous system.


Chaos Tide took effect according to his will, and at this time, Matou Kariya screamed. You was startled and subconsciously punched him, knocking him unconscious again.

"Ah! I forgot to give him anesthesia... Never mind, he fainted anyway, let's continue the treatment!"

The treatment continued, but Matou Kariya's body would twitch from time to time during the treatment, proving that this process was not comfortable for humans.

After a long while, Yu let out a long sigh. The treatment was over, and the result was successful. At least his life was saved.

"Well……"Matou Kariya groaned and supported himself on the ground to sit up. He covered his head and said in pain,"I feel like someone has peeled off my skin and pulled out my muscles. What happened? My whole body hurts."

"Um……"You's eyes were a little erratic. She calmed herself down, coughed pretentiously, and said,"Are you awake? I removed the imprint worms from your body and repaired the nervous system that was originally replaced by them. You can say that I saved your life. After all, if I left you alone, it's still unknown whether you can survive tonight."

"Ah, thank you... Uh! It's you!!!" Jian Tong Yanye thanked subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong. Wasn't this voice the one who caused a big commotion at the Jian Tong residence tonight?

""Why are you here?" As soon as Matou Kariya asked, his memories came flooding back like a tide - it seemed that the treatment just now had caused him to lose some memory, but he quickly sorted out his memories and then raised a new question.

"Where is Matou Zouken? Is that old bug dead?"

"Your family is really a family of loving father and filial son. It's a pity that we failed to kill him and he escaped. He also took away the Command Seal through the seal bug in your body."Xiaoyou put the young Ugar on her head and then answered with her hands on her waist. She also felt very sorry for not being able to kill the old bug.

"That's right!" Matou Kariya remembered his original purpose at this time. He quickly stood up, ignoring the phantom pain coming from all parts of his body, and performed a standard kneeling gesture in front of You."Please save Sakura. She is only a six-year-old child. As long as you are willing to save her, I will do anything you ask me to do.��

""Look! Over there." Xiaoyou pointed with her thumb at the water bed behind her, where Sakura was sleeping peacefully."She’s sleeping very quietly, just don’t disturb her."

Matou Kariya rolled to his feet and stumbled towards Sakura. He came to Sakura’s bed, chokingly calling her name, then stretched out his hand to touch her cheek, but finally held back, for he was afraid of accidentally disturbing the child’s sleep.

"Great, Sakura, you're okay, that's great.……"Matou Kariya knelt in front of Sakura's bed, repeating this sentence over and over. Soon after, the tension in his heart relaxed, and finally he fainted with his head tilted.

"Can't you just find another place to faint before you pass out?" You looked at the furniture that was blown to pieces in the previous battle, and then looked at the skylight that was opened when the Berserker and Ugal fought above his head, as well as the bricks and mud that fell from time to time around the skylight. He said madly,"Why don't you arrange my accommodation before you faint!"

The next day, early in the morning.

Matou Kariya woke up from the sofa in the living room. He touched his neck and felt it was stiff and painful."Did you have a stiff neck yesterday? Something feels wrong with my neck." You, who was changing channels in front of the TV, glanced at him and said nothing. You couldn't tell him the truth that you disliked him for being an old man and didn't want to touch him last night, so you let Ugal drag him up from the basement by the neck.

With a click of the remote control in his hand, he changed to a local news channel

"……Last night, there was a sudden explosion in the Matou family, one of the wealthy families in Fuyuki City. According to professional investigation, it was caused by the gas leakage from the underground gas pipeline due to disrepair, which caused the explosion when it encountered open flames. Fortunately, the underground space of the Matou family is vast, and there are many basements to disperse the power of the explosion, so there were no casualties on the ground.……"

"The gas pipeline exploded. This is a characteristic of Fuyuki, isn't it?"In my memory, no matter how fierce the fight between the servants was, it would always be attributed to a gas explosion. I didn't expect that I would encounter this situation today.

"Allow me to refute this. Although I don't often stay in Fuyuki, I also know that Fuyuki definitely doesn't have this characteristic."Not knowing what Yuu was complaining about, Matou Kariya immediately spoke up to defend his hometown and refuted the claim that the gas explosion was a characteristic of Fuyuki.

"Really? Do you believe it? In the next seven days, there will be various gas explosions in Fuyuki."

"……"Matou Kariya was silent for a long time after hearing this. This was truly an unfunny joke from hell, but he also knew that what he said would become a fact.

"Thank you for yesterday." Not knowing what to say, Matou Kariya decided to thank You first.

"Don't thank me too much. Although I have eliminated the influence of the imprint worm on your body, it is difficult to replenish the life that has been consumed. In your current state, even if you take good care of yourself, your life span will not exceed ten years. However, as long as you don't smoke, drink, or overeat, you will have no problem living for seven or eight years like a normal person."

"No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about Sakura.

Thank you for saving Sakura yesterday, for saving her from the hell of Matou.

In fact, it was only after Zouken deprived me of the right to participate in the Holy Grail War last night that I realized how wishful my desire to redeem Sakura was.

Whether I can get the Holy Grail or not, the final decision is not in my hands.

Zouken agreed to my conditions just to make fun of me.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Sakura would not be able to escape from his clutches until the end.


"……"You was silent for a while, then said,"It's just a small favor, what are your plans for the future?"

"I want to take Sakura away from this place, away from the world of magicians, and live an ordinary life"

"Really? But I don't recommend you to do that." Xiaoyou changed the channel and refuted his wish without turning back.


"Running away won't solve all problems, and you can't run away.

The old bug isn't dead yet.

If that guy wants to find you, it's useless no matter where you run to in the world.

Unless you can become a citizen of the country on the other side of the sea.

But I think you also know how difficult it is to get a citizenship certificate for that country.

You either need extraordinary funds or amazing scientific research results.

I don't think you can achieve either of these two within seven or eight years.

If you insist on getting stuck on this, then your life span will be even more limited.

The limit is probably only four or five years.

Can you do it?"

Kariya was silent. Obviously, he couldn't do it. Then he said with a bitter face:"Then what do you say I should do? As an ordinary person, am I not even allowed to run away in front of a magician?"

Even though You was a little reluctant, he decided to tell him some of the rules of the other world. After all, he would still need to take care of Sakura in the future. In order to prevent him from leading Sakura into a dead end without knowing it, he still had to tell him some common sense of a magician.

"Don't you want to know why Tōsaka Tokiomi wants to adopt Sakura Matou Zouken? I can tell you the reason - Sakura's magic talent is very outstanding, and she can be ranked in the top 50 in the world today. With such outstanding talent, if she cannot inherit the family's magic seal, then she can only be captured by other magicians for breeding - as a seedbed for improving their own family bloodline and giving birth to excellent offspring."

"How could this happen? Is there no one to take care of this kind of thing?"Yan Ye said angrily

"Unfortunately, no one really cares, or they can't even if they want to, because most magicians have this kind of personality.

"You shrugged and continued,"Actually, this situation is still good.

If you meet a magician with a slightly better personality, at least you can live like a human being.

But with Sakura's qualifications, it is more likely that she will end up in another way - being soaked in formalin solution in the name of 'sealing designation' by the Magic Association.

Let me mention that the thing can be used not only to preserve corpses in the Magic Association, but also to preserve living people - that is, it can lock a person in a conscious state in a container and let people watch forever.

It can be said that she can neither live nor die.


"The Tohsaka family can only protect one child. If they don’t give the other child to another magician family, what do you think will happen to her?"

A chill rose from Kariya’s feet and rushed straight to his head. Although he knew that most magicians were inhumane, he didn’t expect that magicians as a whole were even more inhumane than he expected.

"But even so, Tokiomi shouldn't have adopted Sakura to Matou Zouken! Doesn't he know what kind of devil Matou is?"

"This... probably I really don’t know!"


"Tosaka Tokiomi's understanding of the Matou family probably remains at the level of 500 years ago."

"What does that mean? Is there any difference between the Matou of five hundred years ago and the Matou of today?"

"Hmm... this brings us to the Holy Grail War. You also know the rituals of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, right?"

"Hmm."Matou Kariya nodded with a complicated expression,"The cup that holds the blood of the Son of God in Christianity, and the universal wishing machine that is said to fulfill all wishes. However, it requires seven people to summon seven servants of different classes and lead them to fight each other. Only the group left at the end is eligible to make a wish."

Xiao Youdian nodded,"Well, it's almost like that, except that the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City is not the real Holy Grail that held the blood of the Son of God, it just borrowed its name.

However, the function of making wishes is real.

Its essence is a large-scale magic ritual that was completed five hundred years ago by the Einzbern, Matou, and Toosaka families.

These three families collectively call themselves the Three Great Families, but each of them has its own family wishes, and they compete with each other for the only right to make wishes, which is why the Holy Grail War ritual can last for five hundred years.

Einzbern is to realize the third cup of the heavens, Tousaka is to open the door to the root, and Matou is to eradicate all evil in the world.

Matou Zouken is the one who built the Holy Grail War ritual together with the other two ancestors.


"How is it possible? That old bug."You's sudden revelation shocked Kariya's heart. He could never have imagined that that old bug who enjoyed torturing others and watching them sink into the abyss of hell would have been a"partner of justice" with positive energy in his heart five hundred years ago."

"The Tosaka family is a conservative one, and Tosaka Tokiomi is no exception. His understanding of the Matou family is probably from reading ancient books, which has created a huge generation gap between ideals and reality. He probably still thought that the Matou family was still the family that inherited butterfly magic and coexisted with elegance and justice."

""How could the difference be so big?" Yan Ye murmured.

Xiao You pressed the switch on the remote control and turned off the TV.

"No one can remain unchanged in five hundred years, but Matou Zouken has changed drastically. From one extreme to another, in the final analysis, it is because he has lived too long."

"So back to your original question, your escape is definitely the worst of the worst, not only can it not solve the problem, but it may even lead Sakura into another abyss."

Hearing this, Matou Kariya was a little confused,"Then what should I do? What should Sakura do in the future?"

Yu waved his hand, summoned the young form of Ugar, whispered some commands to it, and then turned around and walked out the door alone with his hands behind his back.

"Leave these to me! I will find a way to solve Matou Zouken. As for providing Sakura with the protection of the magic path, I now have three solutions. I will find opportunities to verify them one by one in these seven days."

"Wait a minute!" Matou Kariya called out to Xiaoyou.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you spare no effort to help us?"

You thought about it. Even if the memory and life did not belong to her, the feelings when she looked through the memory were definitely hers, so she turned around and waved.

"Because it’s hard to accept!"

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