You walked aimlessly on the street, looking left and right, under the pretext of inspecting the site.

Of course, You couldn't go out on the street with her original appearance, so she slightly covered up her unusual eyes - wearing cosmetic contact lenses, and also hid the horns on her head - changing the size and shape to make it look like a unique hairpin, and then swaggered out on the street.

"Let's put aside the matter of the old bug.

That guy has been able to survive for five hundred years.

He has his own unique survival skills.

The old guy's body is only a bug.

When he is determined to escape, I really can't find him.

"You walked and thought,"The old bug seems to think of me as the agent of the restraining force Gaia.

As long as I don't deny it, he will probably think that he has no time to plan calmly, and then he will have to leave this Holy Grail War, so he wants to take away Matou Kariya's Command Seal.


It seems that even if I don't go to find him, he will come to me sooner or later.


"The Holy Grail War is expected to officially begin soon.

Let me think, swordsman - King Arthur Altria, master Emiya Kiritsugu; archer - Hero King Gilgamesh, master Tōsaka Tokiomi; spearman - Diarmuid of the Fiona Knights, master Kenneth El-Melloi Archipelago; cavalry - King of Conquerors Iskandar, master Weber Velvet; magician - Giles the Bluebeard, master killer Ryunosuke Amezuke; assassin - Hassan the Hundred Faces, master Kotomine Kirei, and finally the old bug, berserker - Lake Knight Lancelot.

"At this time,

Yu came to the outskirts of Fuyuki City Airport. She was going to wait for two people here. In order to attract the old bug out, she needed to show an appearance of aiming directly at the Holy Grail. After all, if Zouken Matou really regarded herself as a thug of the Suppression Force Gaia, sooner or later he would not be able to help but take the initiative to attack.

"Although I felt that the old bug must be monitoring me, I didn't feel like I was being monitored at all. In this situation, I felt very passive!"You couldn't create life like Tiamat, and naturally couldn't create her own familiar. At this time, the intelligence war had to rely on herself. Unfortunately, she was not good at perception.

"Wow... Saber, look, there are so many people! This is the first time I've seen so many people. A silver-haired woman who looked like a snow country elf got off the plane and saw the huge crowds of people. She said excitedly

"Wait! Alice, hold my hand, please don't run around. It's very dangerous if we get separated in this situation." The next person to come down was a blonde beauty dressed as a man. She was very annoyed by the silver-haired woman named Alice running around as soon as she got off the plane. She wanted to grab her wrist to stop her from running around.

"Ah, they are here, how should I greet them?"You looked at the two people who were in a slightly cheerful atmosphere, thinking about how to attract their attention.

But before You took the initiative to talk to them, the other party took the initiative to find them.

"Saber, look, what a cute little girl, as cute as Illya! Look, she seems to be watching us all the time." Irisviel's voice brought Yu back to her senses from her thoughts. She realized at this time that Irisviel was walking towards her. It seemed that she probably thought she was a lost child.

"You are too noisy, Irisviel. This will certainly attract other people's attention. Please don't run around." Saber finally squeezed through the crowd with difficulty and came behind Irisviel. Then she met Yu's eyes.

What kind of eyes were those! When Saber's eyes met Yu's, she felt a breath of ancient and primitive air blowing towards her. Inexplicable fear and panic surged into her heart. Her body seemed to be in a huge gravity. The muscles and bones all over her body creaked and wailed. She felt like a subject who was paying homage to the king. Her whole body was urging her to kneel down.

In reality, Saber staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, she reached out to hold the ground and steadied her body. Only then did she suddenly realize that she was kneeling to the other party like a knight.

"Irisviel, get out of the way! This guy is not human!"

Saber took a big step forward, stretched out his hand and pushed Irisviel behind him, then waved his hand, holding an invisible sword in his hand, and took a defensive stance against the little girl in front of him.

"Ah!" Irisviel was caught off guard and pushed behind Saber. She staggered, but luckily she held onto a chair on the street and did not fall in public. However, she still screamed in shock. Saber suppressed her physical and mental anxiety and asked loudly,"Who are you? Are you a Servant summoned in the Holy Grail War? Why are you lying in ambush here?""

"Huh? This……"

Yu was confused. Why did he suddenly draw his sword? He didn't show any hostility.

At this time, Irisviel came behind Saber. She carefully stuck her head out from behind Saber and observed the situation. She also saw the confusion on Yu's face.

"Saber, did you make a mistake? She looks like a little girl under ten years old."

"Irisviel, don't be fooled by his appearance. This guy is definitely not as simple as he looks. This guy has the blood of a dragon like me, but his level is higher than mine, and his blood stands at the pinnacle of the dragon clan."

Saber refuted Irisviel's point of view and told her about the danger she had perceived in Yu.

So that's how it is! Yu looked as if she had suddenly realized something. She usually didn't pay much attention to it. She almost forgot that she and her mother had the blood of a dragon, and this blood was more appropriate to be called the origin of the dragon clan than the pinnacle of the dragon clan. No wonder Saber wanted to draw his sword and fight her as soon as he saw her.

"Um... I'm not here to fight you, and it's not appropriate to start a war in public, right? You don't want to make the existence of the Holy Grail War public, do you?"

"……"Saber frowned. She had also thought of this. The current situation was indeed not suitable for fighting. But even so, she did not put down her weapon. The tip of Excalibur was always pointed at Yu. Even if she agreed with the other party's reasoning, she did not intend to let down her guard against the other party.

""Ah, what a hassle!

" Seeing that Saber still hadn't let down her guard, You sighed.

It seemed that normal negotiations could not bring them closer, so she had to find another way.

She looked around.

This was the square outside the airport, with a large flow of people, so it also brought together many elements, such as maids handing out flyers, hip-hop teenagers performing street dance, and even some cosplay.

All kinds of people were coming and going in this square, and then she had a new plan in her mind.

Without ordinary people noticing, he took out his beauty contact lenses that he used to cover his cross-star pupils, enlarged the hairpin-sized corners, and finally flicked his fingers. A drop of Chaos Tide bounced on Saber's invisible blade, and the Chaos Tide instantly eroded the magic called the Wind King Barrier, silently exposing Saber's world-famous holy sword.

Saber was even more alert now,"You said you're not here to fight, are you going to start a war with me here? All right, I'll keep you company! Irisviel, please step back. If possible, please help disperse the crowd around us."

At this time, Saber's gorgeous sword and her outstanding dress attracted the attention of many people coming and going. You jumped off the chair with a snap, came to Saber, and smiled contemptuously.


""Well" For some reason, You's light smile made Saber feel extremely angry.

The veins on her forehead jumped out.

She held the sword tighter with both hands, but she couldn't attack immediately because there were already many people around.

They surrounded the two of them in a circle, pointing and talking about something.

Some even took out their phones to take pictures.

Saber was a little anxious at the moment.

She was waiting for Irisviel to use magic to disperse the crowd around her.

At this time, Irisviel also retreated into the crowd without making a sound, and used the cover of the crowd to weave magic with her hands.

"Knight, hand over the princess behind you. If you hand her over to me, I will spare your life." Yu said these words to Saber with exaggerated movements and a slightly distorted expression - she seemed to be holding back a laugh

"Don't even think about it! If you want to capture Irisviel, you have to step over my dead body. As a Servant, what is your purpose in capturing Irisviel?"

"Isn't it natural for a dragon to capture a princess? What reason can there be? If you stand in front of me again, don't blame me for biting you to death, gao!" After saying that, You put her hand on her chest, her fingers flexing and stretching continuously - she was getting better and better

"You! Are you insulting me?" Saber was extremely angry at the moment. In her opinion, Yu was just playing a trick on her. The opponent's answer and her question were totally irrelevant.

The reactions of the people around her were different.

"Ah! What a cute dragon."This is the voice of the strange sister.

"That sword is so handsome. The boy with the second-year syndrome shed tears of envy at the gorgeous and dazzling sword.

"Is this a rehearsal for a play? Where is the actress who plays the princess?"These are the ordinary passers-by.

Irisviel had already finished the magic trick she was doing, but seeing the reactions of the people around her and Yuna's expression of trying hard to hold back her laughter, an idea suddenly occurred to her mind, and she casually broke up the magic trick she had worked so hard to weave, and then returned to Saber's back with a smile.

"Irisviel, why are you back again? Didn't I tell you it's dangerous here? Please leave quickly. I may not be able to protect you in the next battle."

"You're talking about this! Saber is no longer necessary, don't you think? Cute little dragon"

"Irisviel! How could you……"Saber turned around and looked at Irisviel with an expression of disbelief, as if to ask,"We are ready to fight to the death, but Your Majesty is surrendering first?"

"Is that the princess? She's so pretty! Is she European or American? German or Russian?"

"The other two are not bad either! All three are very good looking."

"Which school's rehearsal is this? If you have time, you must go and see it."

Irisviel's appearance amazed the people around. They whispered and guessed which school's event this was.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh——"A shrill whistle sounded. It turned out that the crowd gathered in the square attracted the attention of the patrol officers. They were afraid that the crowd would cause congestion around the airport and eventually cause an accident, so they rushed over and blew whistles to disperse the crowd.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the three people were exposed to the eyes of the patrol officers. Among them, the greatsword in Saber's hand was particularly eye-catching.

Yu had a plan on his face, and stood aside honestly, ready to watch Saber's next joke.

The patrolling traffic police frowned at the greatsword in Saber's hand. He looked at Yu's size, then looked at the sword in Saber's hand, and then waved to Saber and said,"Girl over there. Please give me the sword in your hand for inspection."

Saber's eyebrows jumped. The Holy Grail gave her some knowledge of the world. She knew that people wearing such clothes were called policemen and were official staff of the world. Now she was a little embarrassed. The enemy was right in front of her. Although he hadn't taken action yet, there was no guarantee that there were no shameful means, and it was difficult to fight in broad daylight. Although it was unwise to give up the weapon, she did not want to be at odds with the authorities.

Saber looked at Yu and the sword in her hand with a tangled face. As she was hesitating, Irisviel came to her and whispered to her:

"Saber, it's okay. The Holy Grail War takes place at night. Now it's daytime.���There are too many ordinary people in this place, and no Master or Servant would provoke a fight here."

"This... okay!" Saber thought about it. It would be difficult for either the opponent or herself to start a fight in this situation. Moreover, even if the weapon left her hand, she only needed to spend a little magic power to summon it back. If there was any accident, it would not affect her fight.

So Saber handed her weapon to the patrolman. When the patrolman got the treasure, he looked at Saber in surprise,"This is not a prop, but a real sword!"

The patrolman weighed the sword in his hand and confirmed again that it was a real sword in his hand. He criticized and educated Saber with a serious face:"I said, how can you act with a real sword? Do you know that this thing will hurt people once it slips out of your hand!"

"How could a knight fail to hold the sword in his hand? It fell into my country. Your words are enough to be regarded as a provocation to the honor of others!"

""Huh?" Seeing that the other party not only refused to admit his mistake, but also really treated him as a knight to refute him, the patrolman shook his head and reached out to touch the sword.

"Wait, be careful not to get hurt." Saber quickly stopped the patrolman's behavior. She knew how sharp her own weapon was. Out of kindness, Saber stopped the patrolman from doing something that would cause him to get hurt.

However, her kindness was not understood, but made the patrolman even more surprised. To be more precise, he was no longer surprised, but terrified.

"You even sharpened it!"

He looked at You again, estimated that she was no more than ten years old, then straightened himself, walked away, and said in an extremely stern tone:"Do you know that the girl you are acting opposite is just a little girl? Children of this age are very hyperactive. Even if you can guarantee that you will not hurt her, what if the child accidentally touches the sword? It may be fatal! Anyway, I will confiscate this sword first."

"Wait!" Saber was anxious and quickly stretched out her hand to stop him.

"What's wrong? Do you have anything else to say? The patrolman looked at Saber seriously, wanting to see if she had any more explanations.

"……"Saber held it in for a long time, and finally could only murmur in a low voice:"That little girl is not human, so she is not that easy to get hurt."

Hearing this, the patrolman frowned even more tightly and looked back at You.

"Gah-Gah——"Yu cooperated with Saber and pretended to be a hungry dragon pouncing on its food.

He turned back to Saber and said,"Okay, I see. It's a cute baby dragon. Anyway, if you want to take the sword back, you have to call your parents or teachers and go to the Fuyuki Police Station to complete all the formalities. You must promise to keep it only as a collection and not to use it in the future. Only then can you take it back. I will keep the sword for now."

Then he turned around and left with the sword. Along the way, he muttered quietly,"She's a pretty little girl. How come she hasn't graduated from zhong 2?"

The three people present were not ordinary people. His muttering was no different from shouting in front of them. The three of them heard it clearly.

"Phew——"Yu couldn't help laughing first,"Chuunibyou, hahahaha... I was actually mistaken for a chuunibyou!"

"You guy——"Saber was about to get angry

"Don't call the sword back now. The policeman is just an ordinary man. A sword slowly disappears in his hand. A timid person will be scared to death."

"Phew——"Another laugh came from behind.

"Irisviel, how come even you——"

"I'm sorry, Saber, I didn't mean to do that, I just couldn't help it - hahahaha……"

Saber had black lines on her head. She didn't know what was so funny.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I told you I'm not here to fight - now can you talk to me properly?"

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