"Can the Holy Grail still work now?" Toosaka Tokiomi asked. As a rare person among the magicians who leaned towards the normal side in terms of ideology, although he could give up the polluted Holy Grail for his duty and his family, now that the pollution of the Holy Grail has been resolved, his dignity as a magician made him not want to give up. He still hoped that he could fight for it again, even though he knew that his chances were slim.

"Hmm... let me think about this.……"You rubbed his temples as if thinking, then clapped his hands and smiled,"Probably not. I just took away the third method, which is the core of the Holy Grail War ritual. I don't know if the Holy Grail War can still work without the core, but it probably won't work."

"I see! Excuse me, but I'll take my leave now." After getting the answer he wanted and realizing that there was nothing he could do, Tōsaka Tokiomi withdrew from the Holy Grail War very decisively. Upon hearing this, Artoria sighed. Although she felt sorry for it, seeing Irisviel's lively body, she had no choice but to accept it.

Seeing that everyone present no longer pursued the outcome of the Holy Grail War and had plans to leave, You pointed at the small Holy Grail on the altar curiously and called out to a few people,"You just left this thing here, and no one is going to deal with it?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the small Holy Grail, exchanged a glance with Irisviel, and replied,"The small Holy Grail has no meaning to us anymore. Since you are already the master of the Third Law, the small Holy Grail has lost its original function, and it is useless for us to get it. Do with it however you want!""

"Even so, this thing has no effect on me.

"You said with a little distress, playing with the small Holy Grail in her hand, because this thing really has no effect on her.

If she really wants to, she can make a wishing machine that is not inferior to the Holy Grail, although it is most likely built with magic power.

You saw Tohsaka Tokiomi who had not left the range of the large void, so he called out to him,"Gu of this world - I said, Master Tohsaka, do you want this thing? Although no one else seems to want to take it over, the small Holy Grail is a magical instrument, strictly speaking, it is actually a top-level one.

Most of the magic power in it has not been used up.

It is also a good choice as a magic storage device!


Tohsaka Tokiomi thought for a while and felt that what You said was indeed good, so he accepted the small Holy Grail. Seeing that Tohsaka Tokiomi did not notice his initial address, You quietly breathed a sigh of relief,"Huh - fortunately he didn't pay much attention to this side, he almost called out his nickname!"

After everyone left the underground cave, You looked back at the magic circle that had fallen into complete silence, and then left the underground cave without looking back.

Not long after You left, in the empty underground space, the magic circle patterns of the Holy Grail War ritual emitted a faint light again, but it was like an old-fashioned TV screen that had lost its power supply. After flickering twice with difficulty, it suddenly became completely silent.

Outside, at the foot of Mount Enzo.

Everyone was waiting outside. When You was the last one to come out of the underground cave, Toosaka Tokiomi stepped forward and spoke to her first:"Although I don't know who you are, as the manager of the Fuyuki Spiritual Vein, I have to thank you. It was my dereliction of duty as a manager that I failed to notice that the Holy Grail was contaminated. If you hadn't intervened to purify the Holy Grail, this Holy Grail War would have brought a severe disaster to the land of Fuyuki!"

Having said this, Toosaka Tokiomi bowed deeply to You.

"This time I really said goodbye. Even though that wasn't me, I still care about what Mr. Matou said about Sakura's situation. I have to go to Mr. Matou's house to see how Sakura is doing. If she is really like what he said,——"At this point, Tōsaka Tokiomi couldn't help but clench his fists tightly,"That's my failure as a father.——"

"Well, I am not interested in the feuds between the three families." Yu interrupted Tohsaka Tokiomi directly, and then said to him:"It's useless for you to go now. I rescued Sakura the day before the Holy Grail War started. In order to prevent her from being involved in the Holy Grail War, I sent her temporary guardian Mentong Yanye to travel abroad with her. It is estimated that she will be back in two days."

""Oh, right, go on!" You reached out and took out the badge that Kenneth had given her, flicked it with his thumb, and let the badge draw a beautiful arc in the air.

Toosaka Tokiomi took the badge that You handed him, spread his hands and looked at it, wondering:"The pattern on it is the family emblem of the El-Melloi family in the Clock Tower

, right? What's the use of giving it to me?" You scratched his head and said indifferently:"This badge represents the promise of the El-Melloi family. It's a deal between Kenneth and me. Bring Sakura to the Clock Tower and return this badge to Kenneth. He will accept Sakura as a disciple, and the El-Melloi family will provide her with shelter. Of course, if you have a better choice, just ignore what I said. But please give the badge to Sakura and let her make her own choice."

Tosaka Tokiomi looked at the badge in his palm and bowed deeply to You again,"I am really grateful for your concern for my daughter. Can I ask why you are so dedicated to helping my daughter?"

"Sparing no efforts? Did you do something wrong? This kind of thing happened, I just helped out when I couldn't stand it, there's no such thing as putting in all my effort. The reason I went to this extent is simply because I wanted to help people to the end."

After saying that, Yu ignored Toosaka Tokiomi and walked towards Irisviel. Halfway through the journey, she seemed to remember something, turned to Toosaka Tokiomi and said with a smile:"By the way, Matou Kariya has a good relationship with Sakura, and he almost treats her as his own daughter. When you go to find Sakura, he will probably beat you up for Sakura's matter, you'd better be prepared"

"I understand. Sakura's experience is indeed my fault. If Kariya wants to beat me, I will not resist. This is the punishment I should bear for my dereliction of duty as a father."

"Is that so? Then I will not interfere in your two families' affairs. Well, this matter finally has a relatively happy ending. Next, let's deal with the aftermath of Irisviel."

"Yes, we are here at Mount Enzo, Maiya, please come and pick us up, and bring the people over, so that if there is anything, we can talk on the way." Emiya Kiritsugu was talking on a large mobile phone at the moment.

Seeing You approaching, Irisviel came up to him with light lotus steps."You are here, You, we were just about to say goodbye to you."

"I'm almost there too. After all, I've almost finished dealing with things here, but I haven't decided where to go next. By the way, Saber, how about you?"

"Me?" Seeing the topic shift to herself, Altria thought for a moment and said,"I don't have any plans.

Although my wish was not fulfilled in this Holy Grail War, it also gave me a lot of insights.

I may continue to pursue the Holy Grail in the future.

Although the Holy Grail War is over, I still have two days to move around.

I heard from Irisviel and the others that they were going back to Germany to pick up their daughter.

I plan to accompany them in these last two days to prevent any accidents.


"I see. Since you have made your plan, I will not interfere. But I still have to remind you that it is impossible to change history. Even if you really fulfill your wish, it will not have any impact on the life you have experienced. At best, it will just create a parallel world. Even so, do you still want to insist on your wish?"

Altria looked down at Yu's cross-star pupils reflecting the galaxy, and smiled indifferently,"Of course, I have been mentally prepared for this matter. I have never intended to fight against the realm record tape. All I hope is that my country can usher in a peaceful ending. Even if that is only a possibility, I also hope that it can sleep quietly in the sunset like an old man in his twilight years."

Altria looked at the rising sun in the sky, and said with a misty look in her eyes:"Rather than ushering in the end in such a tragic way."

Looking up at Altria's profile, Yu felt that she shouldn't speak at this time, so she had to imitate Altria's behavior and look at the morning sun. But soon her eyes were attracted by an off-road vehicle running on the mountain road. The off-road vehicle stopped beside Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel with a swish, and then���Umaiya opened the car door and got out.

"Kiritsugu, I've brought the guest here." Hisau Maiya reported to Emiya Kiritsugu like a soldier.

Then, the other door was opened, and an intellectual beauty with glasses and short red hair stepped out of the car. She took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it, took a puff, and looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel and said,"You are the employer, right? If I'm not mistaken, this beautiful woman here is the patient I need to take care of?"

Then, the top puppeteer Aozaki Touko looked at Irisviel carefully,"I heard that you came here from afar for a generous reward and to see Einzbern's artificial human technology. Although your wife is indeed Einzbern's usual style in terms of appearance, your wife is just an ordinary human from any angle. What's going on?"

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