"What is going on?" asked the top puppeteer Aozaki Touko.

The reason why Aozaki Touko came to this place, in addition to the fact that she was really short of money recently, was also to see the Einzbern artificial human technology that has been passed down for thousands of years, in order to use it as a reference for upgrading her own puppet technology. Otherwise, with only the reward that Emiya Kiritsugu could provide, she would not have made this trip all the way.

Although this woman spends money lavishly and has no plan, and in the future she often cannot even pay the salary of her employee Kuroto Mikiya, it has to be admitted that her means of making money are also very good. As the saying goes, fast go, fast come, and in terms of the consumption of money, Aozaki Touko is such a person.

For her, this business trip to save people was just a side job, and the real purpose was to analyze the Einzbern technology from Irisviel and improve her own puppet technology ability.

But Irisviel's current state made her a little confused.

Just by observing with her own naked eyes, no, even if she used the best current���With advanced instrument testing, she can be 100% sure that Irisviel is now an ordinary human being, without any trace of artificial transformation.

But Aozaki Touko's own experience and knowledge told her that Irisviel is indeed from the Einzbern family. Putting aside the external factors of appearance, the quality and configuration of the magic circuits on Irisviel are exactly the same as the template of the Einzbern androids - the problem lies here. The Irisviel in front of her is an ordinary human with the same configuration as the top androids so far - this kind of thing would never happen under normal circumstances.

It is precisely because of this that she did not classify Emiya Kiritsugu as a fraudster, otherwise she would have taken revenge by now.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel looked at each other and discussed with each other using methods that only they knew. They still need the help of this top puppeteer, although it is very little, but their daughter Illya has indeed experienced a few android transformations. Since she has chosen to live a normal life in the future, Illya's problem must be solved.

Emiya Kiritsugu gave the choice to Irisviel, because the Holy Grail and the Third Law involved the secrets of the Einzbern family, and it would be more convincing if Irisviel, who was born in the Einzbern family, explained such things without being offensive.

Irisviel considered that the Third Law already had a master, and in a sense, the fate of the Einzbern family for thousands of years had ended, so there was no need to continue to stick to the rules, so she briefly explained the matter of the Holy Grail and the Third Law to Aozaki Touko.

Aozaki Touko was quite shocked when she heard this,"This ceremony actually involves magic. I have heard of the Holy Grail War, but I stopped paying attention to it after I saw the Cathedral Church labeled Fuyuki's Holy Grail a fake Holy Grail. I thought it was just a gimmick! If it really involves magic, wouldn't it be no different from the real Holy Grail?"

Then, Aozaki Touko looked at Irisviel with a little suspicion,"Why do you tell me such a confidential matter? Normally speaking, a secret of this level should be kept to oneself when facing an outsider like me."

Irisviel smiled as sincerely as a blooming lily, and said nonchalantly,"Because there is no need to keep the secret anymore. I can be resurrected as a normal human being by the Third Law because it has this owner. On the other hand, we do have something to ask of you."

After hearing Irisviel's explanation, Aozaki Touko sighed."That is to say, in every aspect, I'm late, right?"

Magic has always been a thorn in Aozaki Touko's heart. She was trained as a magician's egg since she was a child, but was abandoned by her grandfather at the last moment, leaving her sister, who had been growing up as an ordinary person, to inherit the Aozaki family's magic - the fifth magic, Blue.

She had been angry and decadent, and had retaliated against her grandfather and sister because of this, but after seeing her sister's magic in a duel, she was finally relieved, because that magic was indeed not suitable for her.

But to say that she didn't care about magic at all from then on would definitely be deceiving herself. Aozaki Touko admitted that when she heard that the third magic was hidden in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, she was indeed moved, and even had the idea of participating in it. If she hadn't heard that the magic had been obtained by someone,

"Really, did I come here for nothing?"Aozaki Touko sighed with regret that she was a step late.

"This, doesn't count." Irisviel clapped her hands and laughed,"Ms. Aozaki, right? Although I'm sorry that you made a wasted trip because of my matter, Illya, Kiritsugu's daughter, and I have the same problem and need your help. Illya only has a preliminary transformation, not as deep as mine before, and the reward won't change. What do you think?"

"Well, now that I'm here, it's not in my character to go back without doing anything.

So where is your daughter now?" Although she was a little bored because of the matter of the Third Law, she had agreed to the other party's commission before coming.

As a professional, she felt that she could not return empty-handed.

It was just a matter of changing the treatment target, and Aozaki Touko made the decision quite easily.

Irisviel smiled awkwardly and said,"Illya is still in the Einzbern Castle in Germany.

Do you want to accompany us?"

"……"Aozaki Touko looked at Irisviel in silence,"For me now, coming to Fuyuki is a long journey. If I go abroad,——"

"What are you discussing? Do you want my help?���"Yu suddenly spoke beside Aozaki Touko, not only interrupting her, but also scaring her so much that she took a big step back, and took out a suitcase from somewhere, with a frightened expression on her face, guarding against Yu. It was the first time that Aozaki Touko was touched so close without her noticing. If the other person hadn't spoken, she wouldn't even have noticed that there was someone next to her.

""Hmm?...Ah! Sorry, I scared you." Aozaki Touko's action confused You for a moment, then she realized that she must have scared her by her sudden voice, so she apologized very sincerely.

"Are you, a fantasy creature, an elf or something?" Seeing that You was gentle and non-hostile, Aozaki Touko gradually let down some of her guard. She put away the suitcase and slowly sank it into her shadow. It seemed that she had just used the same method to make this weapon."I didn't expect that in addition to Beo, there would be other fantasy species in the real world."

Beo was a fantasy species with werewolf blood that she had contracted before, but she terminated the contract after the decisive battle with her sister.

You was too lazy to explain your identity, nor did you have the idea of showing off your origins. You simply hummed a few times to get by, and then continued:"I see you have been talking for a long time. Are there any difficulties?"

Alice shook her head."It's not a big deal. We want Miss Aozaki to accompany us to Germany. Fortunately, we can deal with Illya's problems directly after picking her up. It's just that Miss Aozaki doesn't seem to want to go far. In fact, the impact is not big. For us, it's just the difference of making one more trip."

"You guys are saying this as if I'm unkind, but even though I'm short of money right now, I'm not so poor that I'd travel all over the world just for money. Of course, if you can provide some rare materials or something, I can go with you."

"this……"Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu were in a dilemma. Irisviel was originally created as a cyborg to win over Emiya Kiritsugu, and she had no personal property at all. Emiya Kiritsugu was essentially a mercenary. As a"magician killer", he relied more on modern technology than magic. This resulted in him not being much worse off than some so-called wealthy people in terms of savings, but he really had no rare magic materials or the like.

"Hey, come on, I just mentioned this condition casually.

One of you is a famous magician killer, and the other is the Holy Grail created by Einzbern.

In a sense, you can also be called the princess of Einzbern.

It seems that you haven’t even collected the most basic rare materials?" Aozaki Touko was shocked.

She was not the kind of unkind magician.

The so-called rare materials were just mentioned casually as she said.

No matter what the other party brought out, as long as it was not too perfunctory, she was going to accept the commission.

But unexpectedly, it seemed that Kiritsugu Emiya and his wife could not even come up with the most basic things.

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Irisviel's face, You patted his chest and said:"Hehe~ Leave this stuff to me. If it's just some rare minerals or mysterious gems, I can have as many as you want. It's just that some materials peeled off from living things, like the heart of a demon or the claws of a chimera, there is no way to deal with them."

"I'm sorry, it's obviously our business, but in the end I still have to trouble you, Xiaoyou."Seeing that You helped them out, Irisviel clasped her hands together and said apologetically

"It doesn't matter. I'm leaving anyway. It's good to do something within my ability before leaving, and it won't take too much energy." Then he turned to Aozaki Touko and said,"What do you want? Orichalcum or Mithril, or some other mineral? Just tell me the properties and I can get it for you."

"The two materials you just mentioned are both top-level rare items in mythology. Can you really make them?" Aozaki Touko looked at You suspiciously.

You affirmed,"Of course." As she spoke, she spread her palms, and the tide of chaos condensed in her hands, gradually changing its shape and properties, and finally revealing the luster and shape of metal. Seeing this,

Aozaki Touko widened her eyes,"This is...……?"

"The tide of chaos, the sea of life, whatever you want to call it. Even so, it is a very distressing thing that the sea of life cannot give birth to life in my hands."

"Sea of Life, this is not something that ordinary fantasy creatures can do.——"Aozaki Touko took off her glasses and switched her personality, becoming cold and rational. Then she narrowed her eyes and looked at You carefully, looking at the rainbow-shining metal in his hand and the chaotic tide that she kneaded like plasticine, her eyes became meaningful.

"Compared to the metal in mythology, I am more interested in your so-called Chaos Tide. I don’t want the rest. Can you give me some of that thing?"

"Really?"Yu said in surprise. In fact, compared to using the Chaos Tide to transform things, it is easier and more convenient for Yu to directly provide the Chaos Tide itself. The summoning and control of this thing is closer to instinct than skill.

With a slight shake of his palm, the metal of the Age of Gods instantly turned back into a black mud tide.

Seeing this, Aozaki Touko's pupils trembled slightly.

If summoning and controlling the Chaos Tide can be explained by being favored and blessed by the gods, Yu's means of returning already formed things to their origins can only be explained by her complete mastery of this ability.

Unlike Kiritsugu Emiya who did not have a deep understanding of the history of the magic world and Irisviel who was like a blank sheet of paper in many things, she knew about the Chaos Tide.

It was the power that belonged to God at the beginning of creation, and it was not something that could be easily controlled by people.

Aozaki Touko determined Yu's origin in her heart. At this time, Yu created a bottle, took some Chaos Tide into it, and threw it to Aozaki Touko. The other party caught the bottle thrown over with a bitter smile on his face.

"I didn't expect to meet someone like you in this era. Although I didn't intend to refuse, I have no choice but to go now."

"You said this as if I was forcing you. If you really don't want to refuse, I won't really do anything to you."Hearing Aozaki Orange's muttering, You puffed up his cheeks a little unhappily and said

"If they really guessed your identity, no one would dare to refuse your request, right? I am the same in this regard, who told me that I am just one of the mortals!"Aozaki Touko sighed and stopped talking, sitting back in the car quietly, waiting for Emiya Kiritsugu's arrangements.


Irisviel didn't quite understand the conversation between Aozaki Touko and You, but that didn't stop her from understanding that the negotiation between You and Aozaki Touko was successful, so she half squatted down, touched You's head and said with a smile:"Thank you, Xiao You, so this time we really say goodbye, I have to go back and take Illya home, if you meet in the future you will definitely become good friends, can we meet again in the future?"

A big drop of sweat dripped from Kiritsugu Emiya's forehead, the way his wife got along with You always made him a little scared, but seeing that You seemed to be enjoying this way of getting along, she couldn't explain You's identity directly to his wife, so in the end she had to let it go.

"If there is a destiny." You replied to Irisviel, but she herself could not guarantee the real situation. Even if there was a day when they met again, she did not know whether the person she met would be an acquaintance in this world line, so she answered with such ambiguous words.

The time of separation finally came, Irisviel waved goodbye, and You watched them disappear at the boundary between heaven and earth, feeling a little melancholy in her heart. It began to snow, just like her mood at the moment. Things here were solved, but her own things had just begun. She had no idea about rescuing her mother Tiamat from her fate.

"Really, even if I were to embark on a journey to find a solution, I can't just run around without a clue." Yu turned around in distress. She had no idea where to go to the next world, so she had to choose to stay in Fuyuki for a while to adjust her mood before setting off.

"Hello, I've always wanted to meet you alone, and finally I found this opportunity."

At some point, the surrounding environment changed from lush forests to snowy scenery.

Yu then remembered that Japan is located in the equatorial tropical zone, and Fuyuki is not a high-altitude place.

Normally, it would not snow at this time.

A girl in a plain white snow kimono stood not far away.

Her face was much younger than the image in Yu's memory, and she was only half a head taller than her.

She lacked a mature temperament, but added three times more cuteness, but did not reduce the mysterious aura coming from the other party.

The slightly young Ryougi Shiki stood in front of Yu with an umbrella, and her lips opened slightly:"It's our first meeting.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Ryougi Shiki, you can just call me Shiki.


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