In the snow, a girl with long white hair stood in the middle of the road, like an elf in the snow. The atmosphere she exuded was similar to that of Irisviel, but the feeling she gave people was completely different.

If Irisviel gave people the feeling of being lively in tranquility and light in warmth, then the girl in front of him was completely ethereal and elusive, like a mirage. The moment they met, Yu felt as if he was in an illusory dream.

""Uh... hello." You replied a little dazedly. The scene in front of her was too beautiful, causing her brain to short-circuit for a moment.

But she was more nervous, because even if the other party did not introduce himself, You could know the other party's identity in an instant.

Just like her name"Ryougi", the existence of Ryougi Shiki is like a Tai Chi, and she is a person with multiple personalities.

She has a female personality"Shiki" representing Yin and a male personality"Wei" representing Yang, as well as a circle that includes the two - that is, her own physical personality Ryougi Shiki, also known as the"realm style" or"origin style".

Unlike the previous two, Ryougi Shiki, as a physical personality, has been connected to the"origin vortex" since her birth, and can even be regarded as the"origin vortex" itself that has been endowed with personality. She is an omniscient and omnipotent representative in the moon world.

Putting aside her combat power, her status can be said to be at the top of the moon world.

In the entire Type-Moon, only Aika Sajo can be compared with her - she also has a magic circuit connected to the"origin vortex".

If she is serious, she can easily control and devour even the sixth beast, but even so, there is a day.

The Golden Theater of the enemy Nero can cut off this connection and make her finish directly, but Ryougi Shiki is different.

She can be directly regarded as the"Root Vortex" itself.

You feel that he does not have the ability to fight against this existence that can be called the incarnation of the root.

Ryougi Shiki, or Root Shiki, is holding a plain umbrella and looking at You with a smile. She walks lightly and slowly, causing the snowflakes around her to dance gracefully, soothing people's inner anxiety and uneasiness like a beautiful painting.

At first, You was a little wary of the approach of the other party, but Root Shiki seemed to exude a special magic. Although the two sides did not have any verbal or spiritual conversation, You clearly understood the fact that the other party did not have any hostility.

So You followed your inner feeling and quickly let down your guard, allowing her to stand less than a foot away from him.

Genyuanshiki reached out and gently stroked You's little head, just like the care of an elder for the younger generation, with a mother's kindness and tenderness in his eyes.

But this scene made You feel a little awkward, because Genyuanshi's current appearance was not much older than You, and he looked about the same age.

"Nice to finally meet you. Did you have fun during this period?"

"……"You was a little confused. She had expected all kinds of opening remarks from the other party, but the conversation in front of her was unexpected.

What was the matter with this doting tone, as if a kind parent looked at his child who had gone out to play in the mud and came back?

You couldn't help but reveal a puzzled expression. With her cute appearance, it seemed as if several question marks were constantly floating on her head.

Looking at You's somewhat confused expression, Genyuanshiki chuckled, as if he knew the doubts in her mind at the moment, and spoke with a voice like a clear spring dripping from the mountains.

"Although I am not your parent, I can be your mother if you want. How about that? Are you interested?"

Hearing this, You couldn't help but frown. Was this root style too lively? It seemed a little different from the impression in his memory.

"No, my mother is Tiamat. No matter how special my origins are, she is the one who gave me wisdom and intelligence, and made me have life. She is my only mother. And you don’t look much older than me. I won’t call someone who looks one or two years older than me my mother."

You crossed her arms in front of her chest and righteously rejected Gengenshi’s words, which she didn’t know whether it was a joke or a serious one.

Maybe what she said just now was really just a joke from Gengenshi. She didn’t care about You’s rejection. Instead, she continued to tease You in an elegant and lively tone, which was quite like teasing a kitten with its fur standing up.

"But you are not even a month old yet? If you really count, I am more than ten years older than you. The Einzbern android you just helped has a daughter who is only one year younger than her. I don't mind you calling me mother."

"I don't mind! I am a goddess of childhood after all, how can I just recognize my mother casually!"Yu showed the same expression as Bronya, and refuted helplessly (ᗜ ‸ᗜ)

"Okay! I won't tease you anymore. Tiamat is really lucky. I'm a little jealous."At this time, the root style slightly put away the lively tone and returned to the ethereal tone when Yu first met.

"However, it is not entirely correct for you to say that you are a goddess."

""Huh?" You was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked,"What does this mean?"

"Tiamat has indeed endowed you with an independent personality and a divine body, but you are not just a divine being. If you wish, you can also be a human or other kind of life based on your own cognition."

"After all, your form of existence is similar to mine, except that you exist in a higher dimension than me - fundamentally speaking, you are my kind, and what I just said about hoping to be your mother was not a joke!"

"……"After listening to Genyuan's words, You was silent for a while, and then he unconsciously played with his horn.���In a nonchalant tone, he said:"My mother once told me my identity, and I am also aware of my own uniqueness."

"But I don't care about these, and I don't pursue my past. To be honest, I am not interested in my origins now, so what's the point of you telling me these things."

At this time, Genyuanshi came in front of You, stared into her eyes, and said seriously:"In addition to the fact that I really want to meet you, a fellow human being, more importantly, there are some things I want to answer for you, because your birth is a miracle, and I don't want you, a junior, to lead to your own demise because of some actions that you don't know about."

You was stunned when he heard this.

""Destruction?" The cross-shaped pupils reflecting the sea of stars trembled slightly, and You was puzzled. How could it suddenly be related to his life and death?

Before You could continue to ask questions, the root style began to explain.

"Because your current consciousness is not enough to support your origin"

"The reason why I say your birth is a miracle is that generally speaking, higher beings will not be affected by lower things. To explain it with the concepts of our world, it is just like divinity will erode humanity, and humanity can only rely on strong will to resist the erosion of divinity, but cannot erode divinity in turn."

Having said this, Gen-shiki came to Yu, stroked her head with both hands, and the two foreheads were facing each other. Gen-shiki stared at her cross-star pupils, as if looking at something through her glowing cross-star pupils.

"Your current spirit and personality should be just a fragment of information that your prototype has recently recorded. However, after recording this information, you met Tiamat while traveling in the imaginary space and instinctively copied her information."

"Tiamat's power is closely related to creation. With her full help, the former produced a wonderful reaction under the interference of the power of creation, and finally made you born as a god."

"But these are not the main points. The reason I tell you this is to remind you that your personality and spirit are fragile. Once you use too much of your original power, you will sooner or later be swallowed up by your own origin and return to the state of ignorance and unconsciousness, that is, the demise of your personality. For you now, this result is no different from death."

Hearing these words, You rubbed her temple with one hand. She didn't know why, even though it was a matter of life and death, she couldn't get nervous.

"But don't worry too much, as long as you don't often use that power to copy the information of the higher existence, the impact on you once or twice is actually very small."

"The information given to your civilization by the Suppression Force, and the power you have copied from Tiamat, have created something like a firewall in your spirit and origin."

"But if you want to eliminate this hidden danger, you have to control your own essence. My suggestion to you is similar to that given by the inhibitory force. Embark on a journey and gather strength. When you can���When you integrate the energy into your own ability, you can officially become a higher-dimensional being."

"This is the investment of the restraining force in you. When you succeed, as long as you are willing to take action, the world can escape the destined final ending."

You frowned and pondered for a while, wondering:"Why tell me all this? I don't think you are the kind of person who would be interested in the outside world."

"I don't know what image you have of me, but it's not that I'm not interested in the outside world, but there are few things in the outside world that interest me - you must be one of them. After all, you are my kind, and your existence is even higher than mine, so of course I want to see how far you can go."

The snowflakes began to dissipate, and the temperature around me was also rising. It was still a snowy scene a moment ago, but the surrounding environment seemed to turn back into a lush forest the next moment.

"The two children (Ge and Zhi) are about to wake up, and it seems that the conversation ends here.

Finally, I will provide you with a little information.

Although Tiamat is the mother goddess of creation, her power is not complete.

If you can find the catalog of life-Apsu, and perfect her power, you can save her from the fate of beasts, but that is too early for you now.

In this regard, you must also improve your own abilities first.

"The root-style slowly walked towards the depths of the snow scene, but the voice seemed to ring in the ear, and it did not become smaller at all because of the distance.

"I suggest you communicate with other beings with creative power first. Your current use of Chaos Tide is like hitting someone with gold. It does not bring out the value of the creative power at all. As for where to go and what to meet, you should have your own goals. I will not interfere. After all, this is your journey. The time is up, let's say goodbye."

At the end, the Origin Style looked back at You and smiled with a slightly joking tone:"There is one more thing. I really hope you can recognize me as your mother. In this respect, I am really a little envious of Tiamat."

"No way," You puffed up his cheeks slightly when he heard this, and muttered softly,"No one would inexplicably ask others to recognize their mother as soon as they appear. However, I still have to thank you. At least, the next goal is to have"

"Good!" You clenched his fists on his chest to cheer himself up,"Since the goal has been set and there is still plenty of time, let's look for the so-called Apsu while collecting and integrating my abilities. Let me think about it, first find a being with the power of creation and refer to the application of the power."

"Well... it's not like there is no such existence in my memory, the Crimson World Creation God's Ritual Serpent, that guy's use of the power of creation must be better than mine, even my mother may not be able to compare to it, after all, it is an existence that can create a world."

Just do it, since the goal has been determined, You has no intention of staying any longer, and waved goodbye to the Root Style whose figure began to fade. After a flash of light, it disappeared from this world.

Not long after You left, the Root Style glanced at the crown of a tree deep in the woods before completely dissipating.

There, a tall black man stood firmly on a thin branch that was completely disproportionate to his body, staring at the place where You had left before.

The crown assassin watched the departure of both parties without saying a word, and when there was no more When he was alone, his body also turned into golden light particles and dissipated, and he completely withdrew from the Holy Grail War.


Fourth Holy Grail War was completely over.

The woods rustled, and soon the sounds of insects and birds rang out again. The fallen leaves covered the traces of people's footsteps, and the ice and snow also dissipated like a phantom, leaving only a natural and pristine landscape.

One year later, the clock tower.

The sonorous and powerful steps walked steadily in the slightly quiet corridor. The scholars in groups of three or two saw the newcomers and gave way to them, and only left quickly after they left.

"Bang Bang Bang……"

The visitor knocked politely on the door of an office, and after hearing the words"Come in", he turned the door handle with a click and walked into the office.

"My apologies, Lord El-Melloi. Thank you for taking the time to grant me this hasty visit."

"No problem. As a fellow monarch of the Clock Tower, I am honored by your visit. So, what is it that the monarch of the Astronomy Department, Mr. Marisbili Animusphia, has come to see me about this time?"

Kenneth and Marisbili talked politely and harmoniously, but the looks they gave each other occasionally flashed with a sharp light, which showed that the friendly atmosphere between the two sides was just a courtesy based on equal status, and the real relationship was far from as harmonious as the two showed.

After all, the two of them belonged to different factions, and the struggles between factions in the Clock Tower were not uncommon. The confrontations in secret were often fierce and sinister, but in public, they still had to show an attitude of working together.

The two knew the relationship between their factions very well, and Marisbili did not continue to be polite after the polite words, and directly stated the purpose of his visit.

"I remember that you participated in a magic ritual called the Holy Grail War in the Far East last year. After you failed, you sent intelligence personnel to gather information about the Holy Grail War and collected a lot of first-hand information related to it. It just so happens that I have recently become very interested in this ritual in the Far East. I hope to get some key information from you, for example, is it true that the ritual is related to magic, sir?"

Kenneth raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then frowned into a"川" shape.

"Are you here to laugh at me, Master Marisberry?"The failure of the Holy Grail War was a stain on Kenneth's resume. After the last defeat, his reputation in the Clock Tower plummeted, and the aura of genius he claimed to the outside world dimmed a lot. It was only through his magic research during this period that he published many breakthrough papers that he redeemed a lot of his reputation and proved that his aura of genius was not in vain.

But this matter is still his���The thorn in his heart was brought up openly in front of him, and his tone became a little unhappy.

Kenneth's unhappy tone did not shake Marisbury's heart at all. His expression made it impossible to see any inner thoughts. He smiled calmly and said,"No, how could it be, you misunderstood, I am not the kind of villain who will laugh at others' failures. I think the failure of the Holy Grail War should be just a small mistake for you. Haven't you proved your ability with your achievements in the past year?"

With a click, the door was opened again, and the two stopped talking and looked outside the door.

"Excuse me, sir, would you like a cup of black tea?"A young and tender girl came to the two big shots in the clock tower and used her rather unfamiliar skills to make a cup of black tea for the visiting Marisbury.

The monarch of the astronomy department tasted the black tea brewed by the little girl. Although it was not up to standard in all aspects compared with what he had tasted in the past, it was already a very good standard compared to the other party's age. So he smiled and thanked her, and politely praised the other party.

After hearing the praise, the little girl held the tray in her arms, covered her shy cheeks, and quickly left the place where the two were talking after Kenneth's instructions.

"That child is……"Marisbury asked curiously after seeing the other party leave. Although he looked like a servant, it was rare for someone to enter and leave the monarch's office without notifying him and not be scolded by the monarch. So he couldn't help but ask about the other party's identity.

"Matou Sakura, my last disciple, is a talented kid. I'm afraid her future achievements in magic will be no less than mine. She's much less of a worry than that idiot Weber who keeps traveling around the world in pursuit of the phantom of the past."

"So, she is one of them."Marisbilly said with emotion.

Shortly after Kenneth returned from the Far East in defeat, he announced that he had accepted two closed disciples, which caused a great sensation in the Clock Tower.

This was because Kenneth had always been a talent-first person in the Clock Tower's evaluation.

The two disciples he adopted were a commoner who had only been passed down for a few generations, and the other was the only remaining heir of a poor family in a remote area known as the Magic Desert.

It was said that they were adopted from somewhere else.

This incident had a great impact on the Clock Tower, and it was also one of the reasons why Kenneth's evaluation in the Clock Tower plummeted. In the Clock Tower, a place that pays attention to bloodline, as a representative of the nobility, he went against the crowd and adopted two people as his disciples. This incident caused him a lot of criticism, and even ridiculed him that he was scared after the failure in the Far East and had already lost his mind.

But later these comments gradually became smaller. Most of the core theories in the papers that Kenneth published recently that made groundbreaking contributions to the development of the magic world were discovered and proposed by a disciple named Weber, and Kenneth proved them after his own practice.

Kenneth did not hide or monopolize these achievements, but greatly���As for Sakura, the struggles between the various factions in the Clock Tower have always been cruel, and sending assassins to assassinate is only one of the most common methods.

As one of Kenneth's last disciples, Sakura must have attracted the attention of other guys, so she has also experienced many assassinations, but all the assassins were solved without attracting Sakura's attention.

Afterwards, when dealing with the scene, the remnants of the aura of the Age of Gods were found, and its quality even exceeded that of many gods.

For this reason alone, Sakura's comments in the Clock Tower exceeded her master and senior brothers by a lot.

Recalling the information about the two disciples of Lord El-Melloi, after sighing for a while, Marisbili did not forget his purpose, and continued:"Your Excellency knows that as the ultimate pursuit of a magician, exploring the root is the command engraved in the blood of all magicians, which cannot be violated.

Although there are some groundless doubts about this matter, there is no completely negative evidence after all.

I personally still want to give it a try.

That's why I came to the hall to get information at the risk of making an enemy of Your Excellency.

Of course, I know that this information is not free.

If you need anything, just ask.

As long as the price is not too huge, the Animusphia family will agree to it.

How about it, Lord El-Melloi?"

Kenneth stared at Marisbili for a long time, and after confirming that the other party was serious, he didn't know what he was thinking about, and slowly said:"There is no need for the price. You will naturally find out this information after you go there. It's not a secret."

"The Holy Grail of Fuyuki is indeed related to the Third Law. The three great families of the Far East summoned the clones of the Heroic Spirit through the Third Law, and then used the ritual of the Holy Grail War to make the Heroic Spirit leave. The Small Holy Grail fixed the"hole" created when the Heroic Spirit returned, and then explored the root cause. After my subsequent investigation and inference, this is completely feasible."

"Oh! Has the investigation reached this point? This is really a surprise!"Although he said he was surprised, Marisbilly did not show any surprise on his face. He still smiled calmly.

"Sir, don't be too happy too soon. According to what my stupid disciple said and the subsequent investigation, the third law has been taken away. The ritual of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War has lost its core and probably has lost its original function."

"According to my research, I heard that the one who took away the Third Law was a god who suddenly appeared in the Holy Grail War. I wonder if this is true. Can Lord El-Melloi tell me?"


"I don't know. After all, I left the venue midway through. I didn't find any relevant information in Weber's report afterwards. Who knows if it's true or not?"

Marisbili seemed to have sensed something from Kenneth's tone.

"So that's what Lord El-Melloi thinks!" He then stood up, stretched out his hand to Kenneth and said,"Thank you for your information, I roughly know what's going on. I'm sorry for disturbing you with this visit, so I won't bother you any more. Goodbye!"

After that, he left without looking back.

"Humph, what a difficult old fox to deal with!"Kenneth cursed in a low voice and continued his work.

Three days later, in the study room of the monarch of the Astronomy Department,

Maris Billy was concentrating on the intelligence he had collected in the past few days.

"Lord El-Melloi is still too young. Although I don't know why he denied the appearance of the gods, his tone and expression made me confirm the truth of this information."

"The Holy Grail War that can attract gods must be very complicated. The third method is very likely to be true. The Holy Grail War ritual can enter the root, which is unlikely to be false."

"But I have my own way to explore the root cause. I don't intend to follow the methods of the three families. All I need is its wishing mechanism and the method of collecting a large amount of magic power. I need to use this to collect a large amount of funds."

Marisbilly said, and threw the investigation report in his hand on the desk, which clearly read"……After investigation, it was found that the core of the Holy Grail War had been lost, but the magic circuit of the Winter Saint, who once carried the third law, was still active, and had the ability to create a subspecies of the original Holy Grail War ritual.

If the purpose was not to explore the source, but to realize the function of the wish-granting machine, a suitable small Holy Grail container and the accumulation of ten years of Fuyuki earth veins would be enough.

It is estimated that its scale is not much different from the original.

The production process of the small Holy Grail has been obtained through negotiations with Einzbern.


Marisbury turned around and fiddled with a mechanism on the wall. A small box appeared from the secret door. He opened the box and looked at the glittering ring inside. He muttered to himself,"Next, we just have to wait for time to ferment.……"

Volume 1, finished.

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