"Sacrificing for the so-called mission... is unacceptable."

The Yuduchen in Kiana's hand emitted several narrow streams of light, swaying around Kiana.

Then, in front of Kiana, a hole appeared out of thin air.

"Give the squad leader back to me!"

The ethereal sound of the background music sounded, and Kiana passed through the black curtain formed by layers of memories, trying her best to walk into the depths with difficulty.

Walking in this long corridor of white light, countless memories came to her mind.

"Red Kite Immortal, I am not lying."

Otto's calm voice sounded in Kiana's ears, followed by the sound of gunfire, and a sharp pain spread from Kiana's eyebrows to her limbs, causing her to fall heavily to the ground.

The scene of Fu Hua falling in front of Otto appeared in front of everyone.

Fu Hua's calm words echoed in everyone's ears.

"I've experienced too much betrayal and deception."

Kiana propped herself up and struggled to get up. On the ground where she fell, a tear fell on the ground where she fell before.

"Squad leader, I will never deceive you."

The scene in front of her changed again. This time, it was on the snowy plain with flying snow, and the spear of the Herrscher of the Sky pierced the opponent's chest fiercely.

"Lixue, I can only accompany you here."

Fu Hua knelt in the snow, and the wanton and fluttering wind and snow made it impossible to see the other person's eyes.

Her outstretched hand looked so helpless here.

"Those who trusted me were also affected by me."

The body turned into pieces, and Kiana's fist-clenching action overlapped with Fu Hua's fist-clenching, and her face was full of a strong and confident smile.

"I'm very strong, don't worry about me getting hurt."

Kiana was walking on the snowfield, and suddenly the snow under her feet cracked. Then, she felt weightless and began to fall rapidly.

"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop the passage of time."

In the time tunnel where Kiana fell, all of Fu Hua's memories kept appearing in front of everyone.

Kevin, Mei, Himiko, Cang Xuan Danzhu...

Pieces of rubble hit Kiana, and Kiana was caught off guard and was hit by a short section of iron chain. Her falling figure began to panic.

"In the end... I was still alone."

But Kiana tried her best, adjusted her body, and resolutely continued to walk to the deepest part.

"After the queen went in, she became Bai Lian again."

"This tunnel looks like the colorful black in the legend!"

"Why do I always have tears in my eyes?"

"I watched Fu Hua grow up along the way. Her life is really too hard. I feel so sorry for her."

"When Kiana stood up, tears fell on the ground. Is this empathy?"

"Li Xue QWQ..."

"Kiana's strong eyes always give us strength. I believe she can also bring her own strength to the squad leader."

"Those pictures are all Fu Hua's comrades from the previous civilization..."

"Here Only we really understood the persistence and fear of Fu Hua's 50,000 years. "" Too bitter, the squad leader was lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, he lived to live with those comrades. Those who are like Fu Hua are also people who can really pull Fu Hua out of the abyss! "" Heroes will always attract each other! " The thick wall in front of her eyes seemed to be smashed at this moment, not only the thick walls, but also Fu Hua's heart wall. Kiana stretched out her arm, wanting to grab Fu Hua's hand, and also wanting to grab her heart.

In an instant, the dim and broken illusion around her became bright and clear at this moment, and the whole world was full of the reflections of the two of them.

"Kiana, why are you here?"

Fu Hua looked at Kiana's hand and subconsciously wanted to hold it.

But suddenly, her hand shrank back in fear, as if she had thought of something.

"If the seal is broken..."

Kiana's hand grabbed Fu Hua's arm fiercely and pulled her in front of her.

"You're so annoying."

"Then I'll beat her up again!

You want to escape from me... No way! "

The two held hands tightly, and the illusion gradually disintegrated and disappeared like a broken mirror.

"I can really watch this look back ten thousand times!"

"Beautiful! Gauze! But Mei, come and see! Your hair is green!"

"The look in Fu Hua's eyes when she saw Kiana was really tearful..."

"Kiana also said something similar to Mei. Mei didn't keep her, but today, she kept the monitor."

"Chong Chong, you did a good job! The monitor can finally go home! ”

“Mei in the world snake…”

The background music is still going on.

Words gradually emerge.

[The sun and the moon rise and fall, and the world changes.]

[After going through separation, I am used to despair.]

[I don’t know what time is.]

[Death in endless reincarnation, just for the mission!]

The strong rhythm of the drums sounded, and the pictures of Fu Hua’s memories switched in front of everyone’s eyes. In an instant, an indescribable emotion appeared in everyone’s heart.

Gradually, her eyes turned red.

Fu Hua’s footsteps walked on the water.

Every step she took, her clothes would change once.

These changed clothes are all her countless identities in this life.

Chi Ling——Yun Mo Dan Xin——Yue Lun——Xun Yu——to the squad leader.

Here——everything has changed.

“Tears! I declare that this is the most touching story I have ever seen! No one else!”

“It’s so beautiful, I really like the squad leader’s story! ”

“Who can understand that the switching of the scenes just now made me cry so hard.”

“Although I have thousands of words to say in my heart, I only want to say this: Welcome home, squad leader.”

“Welcome home, squad leader.”

“Welcome home, squad leader.”

“Welcome home, squad leader.”

“Welcome home, squad leader.”

“Everyone who knows the squad leader hopes that the squad leader can be happy. "

Fu Hua's story was recognized by everyone.

After all, Fu Hua, who was always lonely, really needed someone who could make her happy.

She deserved it.

However, the scene was not over yet.

The Herrscher of Knowledge stood opposite Fu Hua, and she began to talk to herself in confusion.

And she had actually long understood that she was a Herrscher, a Herrscher who could control consciousness.

And here, everyone finally understood how severe the environment Fu Hua was facing now was.

In the end, the Herrscher of Knowledge, who seemed to be throwing a tantrum, abandoned Fu Hua's body and left alone, bearing greater pollution hazards.

Seeing this, all the audience felt sorry for the child.

"If only Fu Hua could coax this child more."

"This child is not bad, and everything she does seems to be to prove herself."

"Look at how childish she is, alas, I don't know what to say."

"What bad intentions can a child have? It's all because of the adults who are too bad." ”

“Honkai God: Is this okay? This is not funny, kid.”

Finally, when Fu Hua appeared in front of everyone, the Fu Hua chapter was completely over.

However, this live broadcast did not end so quickly.

After all, what is coming next is a real drama.

But if the current situation continues, it will affect the mood to some extent.


“Come on, everyone, take a break, and we will start the next scene in fifteen minutes. Let’s make it clear first, we may have to stay up all night tonight. From now on, all the plots in the future are heavyweight.

If possible, I still hope you can finish it in one go. After all, if it is interrupted, it will be difficult to get emotional. ”

Hearing Gu Li’s words, everyone immediately became energetic.

This chapter of Fu Hua has already made people have endless aftertastes, so how powerful must the next story be to make Gu Li say that it is heavyweight from now on.

For this, they are already looking forward to it.

“Isn’t it just a one-shot watch? Today, I'll stay up all night!"

"Don't worry, I've asked my boss for leave, the excuse is that I'm sick and have a cold."

"Okay, it's you, I was wondering why you're fine, but you're sick and have a cold and ask for leave, so that's it!"

"No, boss! Why are you here too!"

"I'm dying of laughter, I was caught by my boss when I asked for leave!"

"Don't play like this! I'm just a student, I can't stay up all night!"

I didn't care about the comments of these guys, Alicia was holding Hua and swinging from side to side, and she just wouldn't let go.

Hua's eyes were full of helplessness.look.

In fact, let alone Alysia, even she herself was very moved when she saw her future situation and story.

So, she understood Aly.

Just hug for a while, there will be meat anyway.

After Alysia had finally vented, she looked up at Gu Li who was thinking about something and asked, "You just said that from this time on, it will be a heavyweight plot, so how heavyweight is it? Tell me!"

"I don't know."


"No one will say the word stare."

Gu Li shrugged slightly.

In fact, if possible, he would like to see the expressions on these guys' faces when they see the next scene.

It must be very exciting!

No, although I can't see the expressions of their audience, it seems that these people I know can be manipulated a little.

Thinking of this, Gu Li immediately left the room, and then ran out of the room in the strange eyes of Hua and Ailixia.

"What is Mr. Gu Li doing?"

Ailixia shook her head, "Aili doesn't know~"

Ten minutes later, Gu Li came back panting.

He came to the door of the room, looked at the two people sitting on the bed, he smiled, waved his hand, and said: "Come with me, it's still a little small here."

After that, Gu Li turned and left the door.

Ailixia and Hua looked at each other and followed.

Take two steps to Gu Li's side, and then quietly asked: "What are you going to take us to do, the live broadcast will continue in a few minutes."

Gu Li smiled mysteriously, "Guess."

Seeing this, Ailixia made a face at Gu Li, and then ran to Hua's side and secretly began to say bad things about Gu Li.

A minute later, they finally came to a training ground.

Here, there are already hundreds of figures sitting in it.

At the front of these people, Alicia saw a familiar figure.

"Gu Li, you really gave me a big surprise!"

Alicia looked at the people around her with sparkling eyes, and the joy on her face was not concealed.

Gu Li smiled gently.

In fact, there were quite a few people in the training ground itself. He just operated it a little bit, and then called the guys he knew to come over to watch together.

"Oh, isn't this the lovely Dr. Mobius? You are here to watch the live broadcast too!"

Alicia's classic laughter came, and Mobius's body, which was not very comfortable, straightened up at this time, and his eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the smiling Alicia.

"Heh, I'm not like some people who cry when watching a live broadcast. If you cry ugly in public, then I will ridicule some people."

"It's understandable for beautiful girls to cry, right!

After all, these beautiful stories are really touching!

Don't you think so, dear Dr. Mobius?"

Seeing this, Blanca turned her head and said to Klein, who looked a little immature beside her: "Remember, don't mention Alicia in front of Dr. Mobius in the future, otherwise the doctor may get angry."

Klein, with shock in his eyes, nodded stiffly.

She was shocked to see this scene today.

Unexpectedly, the legendary Dr. Mobius would be so cruelly controlled by Miss Alicia, which brought great shock to Klein's young heart.

In fact, it was something Gu Li didn't expect to call Klein over.

After all, Klein now doesn't have the kind of stable feeling that he will have later.

However, I did see some familiar faces.

On the other side of Mobius's seat, Kevin, Mei, Ying, Ling, Aponia, and Dr. Einstein were sitting.

When they saw Gu Li, they didn't feel nervous, but more friendly.

However, Dr. Einstein, after seeing Gu Li, she quickly came to Gu Li, shook hands vigorously, and then handed him a brooch.

"Long time no see, Gu Li, your proposal for armed puppets is very good. Now the funding of our institute has been greatly increased, thanks to you. So, you come to our institute as deputy director."

A guy who didn't graduate from high school made a surprised sound.


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