"Dr. Einstein, please stop joking. Don't you know my level? I am not qualified for the position of deputy director."

"Hey, what you said is wrong. If you can provide us with the right ideas, we can reduce research funds and time. I have submitted the report for the position of deputy director, and it will be issued soon."

After that, Dr. Einstein patted Gu Li's shoulder in agreement, saying that he was optimistic about him.

Seeing this, Gu Li's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't expect that he, a poor student, could get a position as deputy director here. If he told others about it, he would be considered a face-saving person.

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it for now. Time is almost up. Let them enjoy the story next.

Find a more comfortable place to sit down, and the big screen in front of you starts playing.

It should be said that these functions of the Fire Chaser Moth are really advanced.

Even if others are not in the room, they can connect to their own computers for live broadcasting. It is worthy of being an advanced pre-civilization.

Seeing the screen start playing, everyone's eyes were on the big screen.

After all, what was going to be played next was a truly heavyweight story that had been personally certified by Gu Li.

This made them look forward to it.

At the beginning of the screen, white fonts began to appear one by one against a black background.

[What is the meaning of a person to the whole world? ]

[This was the last thought that came to my mind before I fell into darkness completely. ]

This time, the story is different from the past.

Paragraphs of text, coupled with pictures, simply show a person's life.

At his end, the thin silk thread stretched under his feet.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Finally understood it all.

"Hahaha, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Bursts of harsh sounds came out of my mouth, even though it was not my voice, but what does it matter?

It's over.

Everything is over.

This world,

I, who are dispensable in this world, we, finally ushered in the end.

The whole play is over.

"What does this mean? I feel so depressed."

"My blood pressure started to rise inexplicably. The main tone of this story has been set."

"That thin thread controls him. What is that? A puppet?"

"This should be the next Herrscher. I'm afraid we will have to face the real Herrscher on the side of Honkai."

"A Herrscher who turns ordinary people into puppets? Eh, it's creepy to think about it."

The subsequent plot is still playing.

Yulan Dell, Seele and her Hei Xi.

Here, they saw Hei Xi who started to get jealous, and things started to get weird.

Someone always disappears inexplicably. After a series of events, Bronya and Seele came to the inside of the workshop.

"Is this the inside of the workshop?"

Hei Xi: "Don't be silly. That building doesn't seem to be able to accommodate such a large space."

I saw a huge space, and the buildings inside seemed to follow some kind of law and extend in this space.

Suddenly, Seele found that Bronya, who came in with her, disappeared. It was obvious that she was teleported to another place.

Hei Xi wanted to take over Seele's body here to help her.

But Seele's calm appearance now made Hei Xi a little confused about her.

"Hei Xi is actually afraid that Seele will no longer need her after she grows up."

Alicia suddenly asked from the side.

"Humph, the psychology of a little girl."

Mebius snorted.

Gu Li heard the words of the two people, he just smiled and didn't say anything.

After dealing with the dead men in front of him, Seele saw a puppet in front.

Following her up, she came to a circular stage like a gladiatorial arena, suspended in the air.

And the puppet slowly smiled and spoke.

"Welcome to the Domination Theater."

When she was about to continue to get information, Hei Xi suddenly discovered a dangerous atmosphere and shouted, "No, Xier, run!"

But Hei Xi didn't hear any voice from Xier.

And the puppet opposite was constantly bewitching Hei Xi's mind.

"Why do you want to run? Compared with that weak girl, we are closer to the same kind."

"Huh? What stupid things are you talking about? So disgusting, who is the same kind as you."

"Hehe, give up, give up, she doesn't need you anymore.

She has always wanted to get rid of you, didn't you notice?

You actually know it very well, but you just don't want to admit it."Hei Xi: "I'm so annoyed."

"You are a monster, and you will always be a monster."

"Blame me! Monster! Monster with black claws!"

"You and us are the same kind! Hehehehehehe!"

On the other side, Bai Xi's twin forms have also reached their limit.

At the most critical moment, she left the Domination Theater. After waking up, Bronya stood in front of Seele and looked at Seele with concern.

But for some reason, Hei Xi ignored her.

Later, Hei Xi got angry and Domination came to her again.

Domination's brainwashing did not affect Hei Xi.

And Seele finally figured out what the other self really needed.

That night, they reached a reconciliation.

Seele's sincere words constantly touched Hei Xi's heart.

Just when she was still planning to listen, Seele stopped moving.

As a result, when Hei Xi came out, Xi'er was already lying quietly on the bed, asleep.

"Huh? Just like that, you fell asleep? Hey, who agreed to let you sleep? Do you have anything else to say to me?"

"Say more! Say that you need me, say that you treat me as an equal, say that I am very important to you!"

"Although I don't care about these things at all, because you said them, I was reluctantly listening all the time!"

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Seele!"


"Tsundere will never fade away!"

"I twisted like a maggot on the bed when I watched this!"

"Smiling like an auntie the whole time!"

"Are all Herrschers tsundere? Xiao Shi is also very tsundere!"

"'Reluctantly', 'I don't care at all', it's so sweet and cute!"

"I haven't smiled like an auntie since I watched this. I've never seen such a smile in my life."

Next, Seele and Bronya entered the Domination Theater in the Domination Space again, and this time, Seele, who reconciled with Hei Seele, was a girl without any weaknesses.

But suddenly, the picture changed.

In the black picture, subtitles appeared.

The sound of hard objects colliding, the sound of mechanisms opening and closing, the sound of joints twisting... the sound of wood blocks hitting wood blocks occupied this small space.

There was no light, no temperature, no life, and no consciousness.

This noise, like a drop of water dripping into a dark spring, stirred up endless ripples.

Yi Ya-Ya-countless sounds followed.


The puppet on the referee's table hit the wooden table violently with a gavel.

"Hey! Why are you sitting so high up?"

"That's right, get down!"

The puppet on the referee's seat: "First of all, as usual, let me explain that today is the day to synchronize the current situation and formulate the next action plan."

"What's there to synchronize? It's the same every time..."

The audience laughed when they saw the densely packed puppets sitting here, as if they were in a meeting.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen this scene."

"So Herrschers can also hold meetings to fight among themselves?"

"Are all these guys Herrschers? Their strength can't be the same as those we've seen, right?"

"Of course not. If these puppets have the strength of those Herrschers, then don't play with them. Just surrender."

"But this setting is quite interesting. It's rare that a Herrscher who is completely on the side of Honkai is still a funny guy. No, it's a group of funny guys."

Ordinary audiences are laughing, but the people in the Fire Moths really find it hard to laugh.

The Herrschers who can gather so many puppets and also have the human meeting system, although it looks like a small fight now, but if there is this trend, it will really make people feel very scary.

Obviously, everyone present understands this. They are all watching seriously, and no one complains.

As the meeting progresses, the wisdom shown by these puppets really shocked them.

They also know how to use tactics and know where their weaknesses are.

I also know what the next plan should be.

This is too scary.

After the meeting, their perspective shifted to the World Snake.

After seeing Mei, the comments became excited.

"Hurry up, where's the big TV series? Bring it to me!"

"The big TV series is "Kiana in Anti-Entropy."

"Mei's current outfit is different from before, Herrscher of Thunder power saving mode?"

"No power, Mei..."

"Why is there only one horn left on your head? Where's the other one?"

"That's a hair accessory, it just looks like a horn."

"Oh~ I understandWhen the horns are not needed, just break them off and use them to tie your hair. "

"Genius, get out of the hospital!"

Continue to read, and you will know that the World Snake is also tracking the whereabouts of the doll.

Mei and Raven are now a team and start investigating.

When they came to a beach, Raven and Mei began to talk about the story of her and her brother.

Between the lines, there is a longing for her brother and an indelible sadness.

"That day, when I was waiting for the red light, a person who looked exactly like my brother suddenly passed by me."


"I chased him for a long time, but there was always a constant distance between us. It was either because of the red light or because of the flow of people."

"I stared at him, trying to keep his back in my sight - running posture, avoiding passers-by sideways, exactly the same as in my memory."

"But I couldn't catch up with him after all."

"How could it be? I am the best mercenary in North America. Stealth tracking should be easy for me. "

"So I finally found out - it's not that I can't catch up with him, but that I don't want to catch up with him."


"But I don't want to admit it. I still want to catch it, just like grabbing a straw."

"But I don't want to be denied this, so I didn't dare to catch up with Shadow, and I didn't dare to wait for him to turn around and greet him with a sentence [Sorry, you recognized the wrong person.]"

"The experience that day was like an extremely illusory dream, without a sense of reality... In the end, I found a dream for myself - buy an island and build a big house. I have been wandering for too long and want a home to return to."

"But, that is also a fairy tale of yesterday."

Mei: "...I am sorry."

"It doesn't matter. I don't care anymore. When the island sank, I finally realized that I had never really lived for so many years..."

Looking at the inner voice of Raven, many more comments were made on the barrage.

"Do you send knives casually now? Why do you send them one after another?"

"Raven actually left a glimmer of hope in her heart, otherwise, after the hope was shattered, she probably wouldn't know how to continue living."

"Raven is a good person."

"From Raven's perspective, she does resent Honkai and the Herrscher. Her family and dreams have been ruthlessly trampled by Honkai."

"Raven: Why is the island flying?"

"Xilin: Hello, guess why I am here?"

"Although I know this is a very sad topic, the island is gone, and the villa is gone. This matter is inexplicably funny to Raven..."

"Xilin: Do you want to know why the island is flying? ”

“The island I’ve always thought about, I’ve always heard Raven talking about the island before, forgive me for laughing out loud, hahahaha.”

“It’s actually quite sad, the island just snapped and it’s gone.”

Raven took off her hat, and a delicate face appeared in everyone’s sight.

Followed by this, she sighed.

Such a relaxing day is really rare.

Then, they continued to explore the puppets.

Here, Mei was transferred to the space of the Domination Theater and witnessed these puppets with her own eyes.

Afterwards, Fu Hua and Theresa came to the university where the first Ruler of the Law was born and began to investigate.

When they saw Theresa, everyone sighed.

“I always feel like I haven’t seen my wife for a long time.”

“Hello, is this 110? There’s a pervert here…”

“Ahem, Theresa is older than you…”

“I don’t care, Theresa is the best in the world! "

After finding the clues, a plan was finally formulated under the research of anti-entropy.

Three days later, the encirclement plan was implemented.

But when the plan was actually implemented, it was found that the puppets had unexpectedly appeared on the spacecraft.

Since Kiana was in the electronic barrier, only Theresa could fight these puppets this time.

However, these puppets had a clear division of labor. After removing the electronic barrier around Kiana, they instantly grabbed Kiana's body and brought her into the Domination Theater.

A burst of strong light flashed by, and the scene in front of Kiana changed drastically.

And those puppets were talking to each other one after another.

"Oh, I'm almost tired of talking."

"But for you, I'll say it again."

"Kiana, Kiana. Welcome to the Domination Theater——!"

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