Hearing Mei's words, everyone laughed in the barrage.

"Oh my, do you like Alicia so much?"

"Mei: Someone is forcing me. Is there anyone who cares?"

"It's really rare to hear the tone of gnashing teeth in every word."

"Quick, Kiana is in the anti-entropy!"

"Mei is in the paradise, and has become completely speechless."

"I finally know why no one wants this Alicia doll. If you let everyone say this, it's really unbearable!"

"Qianjie: Guess why I don't want it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the program started.

"Program starting..."

"...System calibration, completed."

"...Personality loading, completed."

Aili's little doll opened its mouth, and the moment it saw Mei, it burst into a surprised voice.

"Wow, it's a human!"

"Hello, lovely human! I'm the fairy Elly from the kingdom of fairy music, and I'm here to meet you, the one who matters to me!"

The voice of the fairy Elly is exactly the same as that of Alicia, which surprised everyone.

"It's really made in the style of Alicia?"

"So is there any stock left? I really want it!"

"But, are there really humans in this paradise?"


With the help of the fairy Elly, Mei also successfully learned how to use this typewriter.

In this way, Alicia's past appeared in front of everyone.

The audience may have watched it with relish.

But among Kevin and his group, what they watched was a little frightening.

Because except for Alicia, they really didn't know what the specific situation was, but the others could completely correspond to what happened to them a while ago.

Hen was slightly surprised when he saw himself appearing in Alicia's memories.

Because he did say something similar to Alicia.

For example, the so-called pink badge.

And Kevin.

Kevin's appearance instantly aroused heated discussions among everyone. Looking at the sunny, handsome and cheerful boy, everyone was also moved.

"What a sunny Kevin!"

"How many things did Kevin go through to become the crazy look later!"

"Is this the new recruit Kevin? Has he surpassed Alicia to become the first after training for a few months? It turns out that people who can save the world are born extraordinary."

"At that time, Kevin could still speak."

"What the hell is the upstairs talking about?"


Inside the Fire Chaser Moth.

"【Vostok-51】, didn't they send people to explore this place at that time? What's going on?!"

Alisa was born in this place, and Alicia is the thirteenth Herrscher, so it means that there was no mistake in the initial exploration!

"According to the data, the fluctuations of the Herrscher were indeed found here at that time, but after investigation, no abnormalities were found."

"Tsk, it really makes people feel a little uncomfortable for no reason..."


While Alicia and Mei were discussing these, Aponia met little Grayshu here.

In front of them was a mural.

Aponia looked at the mural and told Grayshu and everyone the meaning of the mural.

The mural tells a very ancient ballad.

[One day, He fell from the sky. ]

[The people on the ground looked up and saw the starry sky. ]

"Very... sad."

Grayshu said so after listening.

Then the arrival of Kosmo added some subtlety to the atmosphere between the three.

However, before continuing, the scene in front of them disappeared, and then became Alicia's perspective.

Although there are only a few simple sentences here, people who are familiar with it know that this is definitely a foreshadowing.

After learning about Alicia's past youthful memories, Mei wanted to continue the investigation.

But the printer was very ineffective.

Then, under a heavy hammer from the fairy Ai Li, the printer stopped working perfectly.

Seeing this, Mei had no choice but to go out with Alicia to find white paper separately.

While Mei was looking for white paper, she happened to meet Aponia and Gray Shu.

After Mei intervened in their dispute, Alicia came to them with the fairy Ai Li and the printer.

After seeing the printer, Gray Shu was obviously very interested in it.

After Gray Shu touched the printer, the printerA painting appeared.

This picture is the more abstract Kosmo.

On it, Kosmo is playing the harmonica.

"I remember this. Kosmo said he learned to play the harmonica, and sister Destobia asked him to perform for everyone..."

"After Kosmo's performance, sister Destobia laughed and fell off the chair."

Listening to Gresh's words, everyone's faces were more or less smiling.

When Kosmo saw this, he couldn't help but think seriously.

Is the harmonica he played really that bad?

Just when the fairy manager and Alicia were about to let Kosmo try it, Kosmo resolutely refused.

But despite this, the printer still started.

This was also shown to everyone through memories.

The protagonists are Alicia and Hua.

Alicia designed a very interesting set of actions by herself, and she asked Hua to try it.

As a result, Kosmo, who was not far away, saw it.

It was just a little joke from Alicia, Hua did it seriously, and Kosmo watched from the side, feeling that this action was so handsome from the bottom of his heart.

Kosmo's dark history was exposed.

All discerning people could see that this was just a little joke from Alicia, and only Kosmo and Hua, two naive children, believed it.

"Ahahahaha, in essence, Kosmo has always been a middle school boy."

"Alica is naughty and always likes to tease honest children."

"Through this incident, Kosmo is actually quite interesting."

"Poor our Hua, this child is too serious."

After everyone left and Alicia took Meiyi back to the archives, the memory of the Sixth Herrscher also appeared on the screen.

Gracie: "Sister Alicia."

Alica: "No, you should call me Sister Alicia."

Grace: "Why?"

Alica: "Because if everyone hears you calling me that, they will be shocked!"

"Everyone will wonder why? Did you see something that they can't see?"

"The expressions on everyone's faces will be very interesting!"

Grace: "Then... I know, Sister Alicia."

Alica: "Also, remember to call Mobius grandma."

Grace: "Grandma... Aunt Mobius won't be angry?"

Alica: "Oh, Gracie doesn't understand yet. Compared to grandma, the title of aunt makes girls more sad, right?"

"But it doesn't matter, one day you will understand, and it will be too late to change your words then, right?"

Grace: "Well... okay. I always feel that Aunt Mobius is so pitiful. She has been busy until late recently and can't even eat."

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