Seeing the scene of Alicia teaching Grayshue strange things, everyone burst into laughter.

"What a strange generation!"

"It's really one who dares to say and the other one who dares to believe!"

"Don't teach children some strange knowledge!"

"Mobius: 6"

"Hahahahahahaha, just double it, okay!"

Seeing Alicia teaching Grayshue like this, Mobius blushed.

She immediately stood up, pointed at Alicia, and shouted: "I have tolerated you for a long time, Alicia! Why do you want to teach Grayshue these things?! Am I old?!"

It's hard for Mobius not to be angry.

Look at how cute little Grayshue is, and she knows how to feel sorry for herself for doing experiments so hard.

Look at Alicia again, she is either thinking about making herself wear a pink dress all day long, or trying to disturb herself from doing experiments.

Now, she has to teach little Grayshue to call her grandma? !

I'm only 25 this year, okay? !

Your grandma is so young!

When Alicia heard Mebius's roar, she smiled as if she didn't know what was going on, and said, "Oh, dear Mebius, isn't that right? Calling her auntie does make girls feel old."

"Then you can't let Gretsch call me grandma, right?! So grandma doesn't look old?!"

Mebius rubbed his dark green hair, which was obviously a little red.

She looked at Blanca angrily and said, "Blanca, go back and tell that guy Hen not to let Gretsch see Alicia, otherwise I will kick you out of the institute, understand?!"

Looking at Dr. Mebius's angry look, Blanca shrank her neck and agreed weakly.

Why are there such strange people around my daughter?

An old mother worried about the future of her children.

Hen seemed to sense something. He was watching the live broadcast at home. He smiled and looked at Gretsch, who was about to learn to walk beside him.

His daughter will have a wonderful future.

I just don't know if Dr. Mobius will be angry about this.

But it seems that calling grandma is really fun.

Thinking of this, Hen ran to the study and took out a photo. Then he came to Gretsch, held up the photo, and said to Gretsch: "Hey, come, read with Dad, this is Grandma Mobius."

Yes, the photo Hen took out from the study was a photo of Mobius.

Don't ask where it came from, but the only use of it in Hen's hands now is to teach Gretsch how to "recognize relatives".

Gray Xiu sat on the carpet, listening to Hen's mumbling words, she babbled, word by word, saying: "Mei...Bi, Wusi...Grandma."

After Hen saw that he had successfully taught Gray Xiu in one go, he immediately put down the photo, then picked up Gray Xiu, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, but he was still teaching Gray Xiu, as if he was shirking his responsibility.

"Oh, this is really not Dad's problem, it's all because our Gray Xiu learned too fast, just watching the live broadcast once and heard this name, it's really not your dad's problem..."


The little storm passed, and the live broadcast continued.

In the archives, they saw the photos left by Kevin's birthday again.

In this photo, they saw many familiar figures.

Ying, Mei, Kevin, Alicia, Kosmo, Desdobia and Hen.

Everyone's face was so relaxed and happy.

Looking at it now, this is such an unforgettable picture.

But these perspectives came to an abrupt end when Sakura came to Velvet's factory.

Sakura retrieved her own weapon.

The conversation between the two of them made countless netizens dizzy and confused.

But they knew that the weapon Sakura picked up was very useful.

Maybe, the traitors had to be cleaned up.

So, everyone who thought of this expressed fear.

And the girl who cried in her dream as Sakura said also reminded them of someone.


What Mebius said made everyone feel strange again, and their mood began to become inexplicably nervous.

"Ah... It's starting to spread. The breath of conspiracy hiding in the corner."

From here on, the atmosphere of the plot began to become a little strange.

Almost everyone felt the change in the atmosphere.

Obviously, a terrible thing is about to happen.

Especially when Alicia took Meiyi back to the starting point and began to take Meiyi to walk through the beginning of Meiyi's journey.road, which made everyone feel that the atmosphere was not right.

Alicia: "Just think of it as... my farewell to Mei."

This sentence made people feel a little creepy.

Following the perspective of the two, they also followed the route of the two, from beginning to end.

But the more it got to this point, the more uneasy it felt.

Such a huge story and world view could not end here at all.

Then, everyone had already guessed what would happen next.

Alicia smiled and looked back at Mei in the pink flowers.

Alicia: "I think Mei will be able to face my ending calmly now."

Mei: "I hope so. But... I was a little surprised."

"You who never like to lie still told a little lie about your identity as a Herrscher."

"The thirteenth Herrscher... you don't need to hide it from me for so long."

Alicia's smile was rarely put away, and her eyes looked into the distance.

"Oh, that's right, maybe... I really told a big lie, the only lie in my life."

"After all, I am afraid too."

"If Mei knew my identity as the 13th Herrscher, maybe... she wouldn't greet me with a smile like before?"

"Will you doubt me? Will you... stay away from me?"

"Am I... quite disappointing?"

Mei: "I am really disappointed that you would think so."

"When you claimed to be the deputy leader of the Fire Chaser, I did not take it lightly. Similarly... the 13th Herrscher would not let me treat you differently."

"Even if you become a Herrscher... so what, am I not also a Herrscher?"

"Is this answer enough?"

Alicia's eyes fell on Mei again, and the slightly raised corners of her face revealed her inner joy.

"Well, it's enough."

Alicia smiled.

That girl who was always thought to have ulterior motives, everything she said and did in front of Mei, everything she showed, maybe from beginning to end, was just for this answer.

In the distant past, on the night when she wore a white dress and the only new makeup in her life and walked towards the end...

Did she get the answer she wanted?

Even if... she became a Herrscher...

"Even if you become a Herrscher."

The familiar voice brought Mei back to reality.

She looked in the direction of the voice. In the sunset, Alicia's smile was pure and sweet, the light fell on her cheeks, and flowed down along her fair skin...

Walking around her soft body, in the haze, something was looming behind her, that was...

A speaker.

There is also a recording function♪


Mei: …………

Mei: ………………

Mei: "Alicia...!!"

(There may be another chapter)

(Next chapter, "Alicia is dead~" Snake Snake Sound)

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