Following Alicia walking in Changkong City.

Originally thought that Alicia would not recognize the roads here, but unexpectedly she could actually lead him to a training ground.

After seeing Gu Li's surprised eyes, Alicia put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "Don't underestimate me!"

Gu Li looked around the training ground with a strong metal texture, looking at the technicians walking back and forth, he was surprised: "I really didn't know that there was a training ground in Changkong City."

Surprise is certain, after all, according to his previous memory, Changkong City was almost destroyed in an instant, except for Kevin, there was basically no living combat force.

But now looking at the scale here, it seems not small.

After all, from a distance, this is just a normal stadium.

"What are we doing here today?"

"Of course, practice with me."

Although he had prepared for the battle with the warriors of the Fire Moth, when this day really came, he still felt a little strange in his heart.

A former ordinary person is really going to start fighting with these heroes.

It's quite strange.

"Okay, can we use Honkai energy?"

The two came to a relatively closed space, which is a place for actual combat training.

"Well, although I really want to say yes, the defense strength here can't be compared with the headquarters, so..."

"Then don't use it."

"So use less Honkai energy!"

Gu Li looked at Alicia in astonishment, and Alicia tilted her head and smiled, then walked to the middle of the venue.

"You can choose any weapon you want, I don't mind."

Seeing this, the data analysts around all left a little further away.

For warriors like this who came out of the Fire Moth headquarters, they really want to collect some data.

But after all, they are just locals. Even if they have these data, at most they can give the soldiers assigned here a better training place and receive more stimulation.

Gu Li came to the venue and stood opposite Alicia.

A flash of light flashed in Alicia's hand, and a pink crystal bow appeared in her hand, and her arm was slightly raised.

"Be careful, don't cry if you get hurt."

Seeing this, Gu Li condensed the energy of Honkai in his hand, and a crystal bow that was almost the same as Alicia's also appeared in Gu Li's hand.

The only difference from Alicia's was probably that his was light blue, while Alicia's was pink.

Alicia was stunned when she saw this.

She didn't expect Gu Li to use the same weapon as her.

The two looked at each other, and the arrows on the bows in their hands condensed.

At a certain moment, the arrows in the hands of the two people fell off the bows and flew towards each other quickly.

The two arrows collided, and a deafening sound came from one of them, and the dust outside the entire gymnasium shook instantly.

Seeing that the attack was blocked by the other party, the two pulled back again, and a series of gorgeous arrows flew towards each other like raindrops.

For a moment, the scene was magnificent.

A fireworks show was staged in this small actual combat field.

Although it was magnificent, the fluctuation of each attack could not be ignored, and the data officers were watching with brows twitching.

It was too terrible, was this the warrior coming out of the headquarters?

The arrows formed a geometric interweaving in this space, and the data officers stood there as spectators.

Crystal flowers fell one by one, smashing a hole on the ground, and then disappeared into the air.

In the sky, gorgeous crystal flowers continued to bloom and fade.

The more Gu Li fought, the clearer his mind became. He knew that this was Alysia feeding him moves.

The strength, skills, and angles of each arrow were constantly changing, and they came at a speed and power that Gu Li could capture but could not defend at the first time.

Gu Li naturally accepted the kindness from Alysia with complete peace of mind.

Being able to seriously learn these things is the best reward for Alysia.

With one teaching seriously and the other learning seriously, the two persisted for dozens of minutes, and finally ended when Alicia stopped attacking first.

This is not a battle, and there is no need to decide the winner. Just stop when you see the effect is almost there.

When Alicia fell to the ground, there was still a look of shock in her eyes.

Gu Li's learning ability is too fast. By the last minute, the skills of the two are almost equal.

Now the gap between the two of them is the strength of the Honkai energy and Alicia's own trump card.

Gu Li saw AliciaAfter stopping, he couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Too strong, worthy of being Alishia, she is so strong in the second Herrscher period.

If Alishia hadn't stopped first, he would have surrendered first.

However, this time he still gained a lot. He had the talent given to him by the system, but if there was no teaching from Alishia, it would be unlikely for him to learn so quickly and well.

Alishia came to Gu Li with her hands behind her back, "Oh, you are very powerful, it seems that I can relax a little."

When Alishia said this, it was almost true. After all, tasks and the like are not as interesting as eating delicious food and sticking with beautiful girls.

Gu Li shook his head with a wry smile.

The two left here talking and laughing.

On the way they left, a pair of eyes stared at them and disappeared from sight.

He was the head of the Fire Chasing Moth branch in Changkong City, and the Wan who came to pick them up that day.

"That young man, his name is Gu Li, right?"

The person who was in charge of registration just now nodded.

"He is the anchor, I didn't expect that he is from our Fire Chaser."

Now it can be said that almost everyone in their class knows about Gu Li's live broadcast.

Apart from the fact that they also like to watch live broadcasts and surf the Internet, there is also the gossip between him and Alicia.

After all, this is the most beautiful flower of the Fire Chaser. Although they are warriors, they are also human beings and like gossip.

Wan turned his head to look at the actual combat site that became a sea of ​​flowers, and he knew what the combat power of Alicia was.

This is just an ordinary sparring, but it caused such a degree of damage.

And that young man is not simple. He can make Alicia protect him every step of the way. If it is said that his background forced Alicia to protect him, he does not believe it.

This is the most powerful person in the Fire Chaser. How could she be allowed to protect a young man alone? Even if he is incredibly talented, he would not let the only person who can fight the Herrscher protect him.

The price is too high. This is a price that no councillor can afford.

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