"Look, your last live broadcast has become so popular!"

As she spoke, Alysia put her pink phone in front of Gu Li's face.

Gu Li tilted his head back, and after seeing the content clearly, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The first item on it was [Does the guy who wrote this plot have any psychological trauma?]

Is that a letdown?

Then if I take out the plots of the civilization, how will you deal with it?

Gu Li knew it was just a joke, because the popularity of this topic was really high.

Since he released the Forest Book in the first two days, in conjunction with the song [I Have Never Forgotten], there has been no anchor and popularity that can be compared with him in a short period of time.

This is also the reason why he has appeared less frequently, otherwise it would be impossible for him to walk on the street without being recognized like this.

"By the way, have you thought about the content of your next live broadcast?"

Alysia asked curiously.

The last live broadcast made the already sentimental Ai Lishiya feel the power of the knife, and she was directly stabbed silly.

Although it is easy to make people cry, the story written by Gu Li really contains too many beautiful things in it.

For Ai Lishiya, the daughter of God who loves people deeply, this kind of story is too beautiful.

So now Ai Lishiya is looking forward to the next story.

When Ai Lishiya asked this, Gu Li was also stunned.

After all, it was only a few days since the last live broadcast, and he really hadn't thought about the story of the next live broadcast seriously.

And according to the current situation, after the third collapse, it would be difficult for him to broadcast live.

If he directly used the power of the system to create a screen for live broadcast, would he be captured and sliced ​​by the Fire Moths!

Thinking of this, Gu Li trembled.

Alicia, who was standing beside him, felt Gu Li's unusual movement. She looked at Gu Li curiously, "What's wrong? Did you think about the plot later?"

"I guess so."

Alicia's eyes lit up, "Then you have to think about it carefully. I'm still waiting for your story to come out!"

The two returned to the apartment.

In the past few days, Gu Li still went to the actual battlefield with Alicia for training every day, which increased the maintenance costs of Changkong City by an unknown amount.

Every day was stable as if there was no collapse in the world.

Eden also did not appear, and it seemed that he was very busy.

This time lasted for four days. On the fifth day, Alicia suddenly told herself that she had to go back to the Fire Moth to do something first, and then waved goodbye, and did not say when she would come back.

It seemed to be a task for the Fire Moth.

After Alicia left, Gu Li was a little uncomfortable.

He seemed to have gotten used to the pink girl who was always by his side. This feeling made Gu Li have a withdrawal reaction.

After thinking about this, Gu Li shook his head and started to prepare for the next live broadcast.

But before doing the plot, he went out to the busy streets and watched the fireworks around him.

Unconsciously, he came to the snack street where he and Alicia often came.

After Gu Li reacted, he showed a helpless smile on his face. He didn't expect that his body would also form an instinct to run here at any time.

Just when Gu Li was about to leave, an uncle next to him suddenly spoke.

"Hey, young man, why are you alone this time? Where's your girlfriend?"

Gu Li turned his head to look at the smiling uncle selling cakes next to him. He waved his hand and said, "She left first because of something. Besides, we are not that kind of relationship. We are just colleagues."

The uncle waved his hand and said confidently, "Hey young man, don't be shy as a grown man. I have some new cakes here. Do you want some? I'll give you a discount."

Seeing the smile on the uncle's face, Gu Li still didn't say no, so he bought some cakes that Alicia usually liked to eat.

Seeing this, the uncle nodded involuntarily, "Let me tell you, your aunt and I met in the same way. I had just arrived in Changkong City that year and was still a young boy.

Then on that day, I met her. At that time, I foolishly bought cakes to give to her, but I didn't know that her family was the one where I bought cakes, and that cake shop was their property.

I foolishly bought cakes for her for three years. In the end, after we got married, she told me that sometimes happiness is such a simple thing. She saved all the money I spent on cakes in those three years.

Look, there are several families on this street that belong to our family.. "

The uncle pursed his lips and pointed out several popular shops to Gu Li.

"You are still young, and your thoughts are all on your face. I saw that you were a little depressed today, so this question will reveal it."

The uncle made a decision and said, "How about this, I will give you some cakes, all made by me. When she comes back, you bring your girlfriend here and let me talk to her. I guarantee that there will be no small barriers between you! "

After saying that, without waiting for Gu Li to react, the uncle ran directly to the back kitchen to get the cakes.

When Gu Li came out of the uncle's shop, the sky gradually darkened.

He looked at the two large bags of cakes in his hand, and smiled helplessly, but his heart was particularly full.

At this time, he understood Alicia's thoughts.

No matter when, the light of humanity emits a weak but tenacious light, illuminating the night.

The heart that was originally a little empty was particularly full at this time.

On the way back, he hummed a song that did not belong to this era and strolled on the sidewalk.

While waiting for the traffic light, a young man with long purple hair appeared beside him. Female.

Gu Li turned his head and saw a look of surprise on his face.

Because this girl looked very similar to Mei, except for her different temperament and the fact that she was wearing glasses, they were almost the same.

After seeing her clothes clearly, Gu Li was finally sure.

This is the core leader of future mankind, the person in charge of countless former civilization plans, and the true founder of the fight against collapse, Mei.

It was really an accidental achievement.

Mei, who was still a bit nerdy at this time, felt the sight beside her even if she was slow.

She turned her head and looked at Gu Li. She was sure that she had never seen Gu Li before, so she asked with a hint of doubt in her eyes: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Gu Li smiled slightly and said: "No, I just feel that you are very similar to a friend I know. Her name is Raiden Mei. Do you know her?"

Mei thought about the name in her mind and shook her head immediately, "I'm sorry, I don't know her. ”

This was enough to dispel Mei’s vigilance, but Gu Li didn’t really care about the start time of the seminar, so he took out a piece of exquisite pastry from the pastry bag he was carrying and handed it to the dazed Mei.

“You are…”

“Take it, just as compensation for my mistake.”

Gu Li raised the bag in his hand and said with a slightly distressed expression: “After all, you can see that I have too many pastries in my hand.”

Mei hesitated for a moment, but still took it.

“Thank you.”

“It’s okay, my name is Gu Li, I live in the apartment in front, we will meet again if we are lucky.”

After that, Gu Li waved and said goodbye to Mei.

Mei was stunned for a while before she reacted. She turned on her phone and took a blurry photo of Gu Li, who was left with only his back.

That night, the street lights stretched Gu Li’s figure very long.

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