Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a flash.

Since Alicia left, Gu Li has been hiding in his apartment, editing videos every day.

He originally had some ideas for the story of the next live broadcast, but encountered extremely troublesome problems in editing.

Some people can't handle the long plot.

It's better to release it as a video in installments.

So Gu Li found three slightly shorter stories, so that he can better grasp the rhythm of the live broadcast.

For this, Gu Li selected for a long time and finally found three similar emotional stories.

Each story is enough to move people.

And the length is relatively appropriate, three stories in one live broadcast.

Gu Li looked at the three videos that had been prepared in front of his computer, and he picked up his mobile phone and sent the first message in this period of time.

[See you at 7 o'clock tonight. 】

After sending, Gu Li put down his mobile phone, looked at the empty room around him, and sighed.

As soon as the message was sent, everyone's mobile phone received the message.

After finding out that Gu Li was going to start live streaming tonight, everyone's minds instantly became active.

Even after a week, Xumi's popularity has not completely dissipated, and it has maintained a very stable popularity.

The three songs created by Gu Li are still in the top ten of the music charts.

Light Chain is still popular, and I have never forgotten to go straight up.

Canon has occupied the top of the charts for a week. The current music circle has maintained a high enthusiasm for Gu Li.

And two branches of the music circle have achieved a long-lost harmony in Gu Li.

After all, the two styles are very different, but they can be perfectly concentrated on Gu Li, which is a rare thing in itself.

In Qianyu College.

Kevin was rarely happy today because Mei actually came out for a walk with him!

Although it was just a simple campus walk, Kevin was very happy.

For this reason, Su tactfully returned to the dormitory first and gave this rare time to the two people.

After dinner, the two strolled around the campus.

The atmosphere between the two was not as ambiguous as that between ordinary couples. It was more of Kevin's one-sided confession to Mei.

Unconsciously, the two came to the rooftop.

The two sat down and looked up to see the sky full of stars.

In this atmosphere, Kevin thought for a long time in his heart. Just when he was about to speak, a phone notification sound appeared between the two.

The previous atmosphere on the rooftop suddenly dissipated.

Kevin's expression stagnated, and he picked up his phone angrily to see who sent him a message.

After picking it up, he found that Gu Li's live broadcast had started.

This immediately made Kevin's dissatisfaction disappear, and instead he had a tangled emotion in his heart.

It's not that he would give up this date with Mei, which was not a date, in order to watch the live broadcast.

But this live broadcast did coincide with her.

As if she saw Kevin's abnormal emotions, she looked at Kevin.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, just a live broadcast."

Kevin shook his head. He knew Mei would not be interested in this thing, so he did not intend to tell Mei the content of the live broadcast and the anchor.

Mei glanced at Kevin's phone and suddenly saw a familiar face.

Just as Kevin was about to put the phone back in his pocket, Mei suddenly asked, "What is the name of this anchor?"

Kevin looked at Mei beside him with a little surprise. In his impression, Mei did not care about these entertainment matters at all.

This was the first time she asked him a question.

"His name is Gu Li. His live broadcast story is very touching. He also knows Eden. He is the most powerful anchor I have ever seen."

Kevin said his content in one breath, with a little excitement in his tone.

Now, apart from Eden, this anchor named Gu Li is very suitable for his appetite.

If there is a chance one day, he must go to meet the other party in person.

A gleam of light flashed in Mei's eyes.

Judging from the fact that she had known Kevin for such a long time, Kevin definitely had some respect and admiration for the anchor named Gu Li.

So she chose her words and then said.

"I saw him a few days ago, on the roadside in the city center. He said he lived in that apartment."

Kevin was stunned at first, and then he became excited.

"Mei, do you know him?!"

Mei shook her head, "Not really, I was waiting for the traffic light at the time, and he mistook me for his friend, so he gave me some snacks."

Originally thought Gu Li was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that he actually had the identity of an anchor,And he also knew Eden.

Eden's reputation is well known to people like her who have been in the laboratory for many years, so Mei is surprised by him now.

Mei opened her mobile phone and showed Kevin the photos she took.

Kevin observed carefully, shifting his eyes back and forth between the live broadcast room and his photos.

Not long after, Kevin excitedly said that this is Gu Li!

I didn't expect Gu Li to live in Changkong City. This is really a pleasant surprise!

Kevin wanted to say something, but Gu Li had already started to prepare to play the video.

So Kevin looked at Mei with a little hope in his eyes and asked, "Do you want to watch it together?"

Mei nodded slightly.

Just think of it as accompanying him on a strange date.

After Gu Li saw the number of people in the live broadcast room rise to a certain level, he clicked the mouse and said, "Are you ready? I'm going to start playing!"

With a light click of his finger, the video started playing. Nearly one million viewers in the live broadcast room stared at the screen in front of them with excitement.

According to Gu Li, this live broadcast consists of three stories.

So they are also very curious about what kind of story Gu Li plans to use to impress them this time.

At the beginning, a city in the style of the European Middle Ages appeared in front of everyone.

The perspective changes constantly at various iconic locations throughout Mond, and iconic buildings and scenery that are eye-catching appear in the entire picture.

All the audience were amazed when they saw this.

"This scene is similar to the style of medieval Europe. It seems that Gu Li has done a lot of scene selection and is thoughtful."

"This church is so big. What kind of god is the god of this country? Is it a little loli or a girl?"

"Looking at such a relaxed style, it is probably a naughty girl, and she may even be wearing white silk!"

"Is it the cute girl standing in front of the church? She is also wearing white silk!"

The picture continues to flow, and a seemingly immature boy appears on the branch of a big tree, his slender fingers playing the harp like an elf.

Bringing gusts of breeze.

This is Mond.

(There will be another chapter later. It’s a bit late today. Sorry)

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