Wei Wei naturally saw the sudden changes in the comments in the live broadcast room. She tutted her tongue and said with interest: "It seems that this live broadcast is going to be messed up."

"Oh, little Wei Wei, this is the first time to watch his live broadcast. Gu Li's story is very interesting. Don't underestimate him."

"Are you so confident in him?"

"Of course~"

Seeing that Alysia looked relaxed and didn't look like a fake, she continued to watch.

Anyway, the person in the live broadcast room now has nothing to do with her, good or bad, she just wants to have fun.

After everyone returned to Mond City, Ying and the others secretly followed Stanley and came to the Angel's Gift together.

After he was drunk and unconscious, he slowly told the secret that had been hidden in his heart.

"Stanley... Tell me, what should I do..."

Drunk Stanley held the wine glass with lifeless eyes, looking at the empty seat in front of him, muttering to himself.

"Is he asking himself this question because he's drunk?"

"It doesn't look like it. Is he finally going to tell the truth?"

"Don't make a noise. I'll keep watching. I feel like there's going to be a reversal."

Stanley lay on the table and sobbed.

"Why wasn't it me who died in the Sea of ​​Silence? Why didn't your soul stop me when I used your name? Stanley!"

"If it weren't for protecting a newcomer like me, you wouldn't have died in that windless place!"

"You already have the title of a great adventurer, but, because of a waste like me, you can never become a legend again..."

Stanley vented everything in his heart under the influence of alcohol, so that everyone present could hear it.

It turned out that he was not the real Stanley. The real Stanley had died in the windless Sea of ​​Silence, the windless place that Mond regarded as a terrifying place.

In a country that believes in the God of Wind, the windless place is so terrible.

The wind will bring back the souls that died in foreign countries, but the Sea of ​​​​Silence is a windless place. For every Mond people, it is the most terrifying place.

And he, the guy who pretended to be the great adventurer Stanley, has been playing the name of the great adventurer Stanley, just to prevent his name from disappearing from everyone's sight.

For so many years, he has been playing the name and identity of Stanley. Now he is too tired and doesn't know how long he can continue to play.

One day he will grow old and let the world forget his name.

At this time, the novice adventurer Jack came here and happily announced that his parents agreed to let him travel.

But Stanley has no face to face the enthusiastic young adventurer in front of him, so he can only pretend to be drunk.

At this point in the plot, everyone knows the truth of the story.

"So this is the truth. No wonder I always think this adventurer is a little strange."

"Replacing his friend's identity to complete his friend's unfinished journey, this is really a story with depth."

"Having said that, I still haven't seen the highlight moment of Wendy, the wind god of Mondstadt, which is a bit regrettable."

When Jack left, Wendy came to him slowly with a smile on her face.

"Hans Archibald?"

'Stanley' heard his name vaguely, and he looked up in astonishment at the green-robed boy standing in front of his desk.

Just this simple sentence made everyone present scalp numb.

"A god who has always appeared in everyone's vision as harmless as a human and animal remembers the name of an adventurer who almost forgot himself. This is really..."

Kevin looked at Wendy on the mobile phone screen in shock.

Mei's eyes also flashed a different look at this time.

"This wind god, Lord Barbatos, has never forgotten his mission to protect Mondstadt."

At the beginning of the video, Gu Li introduced the story of the traveler coming to Mondstadt in a very concise way. At that time, everyone thought that the wind god was just a god who liked to slack off.

But after this name was called out, it really made people feel trembling.

Hans Archibald stared at the green-robed boy in front of him and asked in a trembling voice: "How do you know... my real name..."

Thousands of breezes blew from behind Wendy, allowing everyone in the tavern to feel this breeze.


"It's the sound of the wind that you can't get in the Cinder Sea..."

In the live broadcast room, everyone seemed to be frozen.

Alicia's eyes were touched, and Vilvi beside her couldn't help but open her mouth slightly.

The picture turned, and the surrounding scene changed. The blue-green and light red divided the entire space into two parts, and an invisible wingappeared behind Wendy.

The whole sky seemed to be guarding the starry sky of Mond.

Hans Archibald stood up instantly, his whole body trembling with excitement. He stretched out his arms, his tone full of disbelief and trembling.

"I... I have always believed in your existence..."

Wendy stretched out her hand: "Can you give me the soul of my old friend?"

At this moment, Wendy's divinity was fully displayed.

In front of this action and this picture, the previous distracting actions were simply different from the past.

Hans Archibald hesitantly placed his palm on Wendy's palm.

A green light flashed, and when he raised his head again, a figure that was deeply imprinted in his mind and he dared not forget appeared in front of him.

That was the real great adventurer, Stanley.

His body and face were covered with scars, but his eyes were still firm.

But Hans Archibald saw a hint of affirmation in his eyes, which made his heart tremble uncontrollably, as if he had received the highest praise, and his eyes were wet.

His arms couldn't help but reach forward to touch the other party, but the waving of his arms was just a last soul passing through his hands.

Starley turned into a ray of light, dissipated in the air, turned into a breeze, blowing everyone in the tavern.

This meeting with him seemed just to say goodbye to this old friend.

It took a long time to savor it.

In the end, with the help of Wendy, they redeemed Hans Archibald, who had been trapped for a lifetime.

And Wendy's move directly reversed the direction of the previous barrage.

"This is the God of Wind. His gentleness is never expressed directly, but his gentleness is always around everyone in Mondstadt."

"He remembers everyone's name. Since he became the God of Wind in Mondstadt, how many people has he remembered in his life?"

"He loves his people deeply and is unwilling to let his people rely on him closely. He is the most suitable god for Mondstadt."

"Gu Li's story is still as high-quality as ever. Forgive my previous doubts."

When Gu Li saw this barrage, he didn't say much, but just smiled lightly and moved his mouth slightly.

"If you are trapped in a windless place, I will play the song of the sky"

"This is the gentleness of the God of Wind."

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