Gu Li's words perfectly explained Wendy's life.

The comments were all over.

If you are trapped in a windless place, I will play the song of the sky.

The story is not over yet. Later, Wendy asked Ying to find her in the old place.

When they came to the statue of the God of Wind, they found that Wendy had sat on the hands of the statue of the God of Wind.

For some reason, when they looked at Wendy's back, they seemed to feel the loneliness revealed by Wendy.

Can gods also feel lonely?

Under the embellishment of the starry sky, Wendy slowly told her story.

"I really miss it. When I first saw the scenery here, I didn't look like this."

"Not like this?"

Netizens looked at the four words that were highlighted, and they began to discuss on the screen of the live broadcast room in confusion.

"What does it mean that it's not this look? Was it the wind god's outfit before?"

"Maybe it's the mentality that's different. The mentality is enough to affect your appearance."

"I always feel something is wrong. There is a familiar smell."

Wendy told the story slowly, and the story he experienced gradually emerged in front of everyone.

Before the year, he was just a wisp of wind. He had no god's character, nor a human form, but an elemental spirit in the breeze.

And his current appearance is the same as that of the fake Mr. Stanley, borrowing the face of a friend.

In a country ruled by a tyrant, he met a boy who pursued freedom.

The boy loved playing the piano and writing poems, and yearned for the blue sky outside the wind wall.

The boy invited him to crush the tyrant and tear open the wind wall.

However, in the war for freedom, the boy lost his life for this.

Wendy stopped talking here, and after Ying sent Paimon away, he continued to tell the story.

The boy finally left, leaving behind a poem.

[Fly, fly. 】

【Like a flying bird. 】

【See the world for me. 】

【Fly to the sky for me. 】

At the end of the story, everyone was shocked.

Because in the story told by Wendy, the young poet looked exactly like Wendy, so they all knew what Wendy meant before.

"It's so shocking. No wonder Wendy cares so much about what happened between Stanley and the others. It turns out that he has also experienced such things!"

"Using Stanley's story to establish Wendy's story and image, I really admire Gu Li's storytelling skills!"

"There is no so-called hero saving the beauty, no passionate fighting scenes, and the words are full of warm and strong power. It is so shocking."

"Hans Archibald can be redeemed, but who can redeem Wendy?"

"If their friends can really see it, they will be very relieved..."

Just because of this story, all the audiences were shocked and moved.

"This is really a very touching live broadcast."

Mei sighed.

Although she has always been more rational in her heart and mind, this does not prove that she has no sensibility.

Her sensibility is hidden deeper, and it is difficult for people to capture it and express it to others.

So far, besides her parents, Kevin is the only one who can bring her those emotions.

But after today, I am afraid that Gu Li's story will have to be added.

Alicia hugged Weierwei beside her on the transport plane.

Weierwei was tied up, so she couldn't escape at all, and Alicia was very strong.

So Weierwei struggled desperately and finally ran out of Alicia's clutches.

Looking at Weierwei who was panting in front of her, Alicia put her hands together and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, I believe Weierwei will forgive me!"

Weierwei looked at Alicia, and the smile on her face was like a devil's smile to her.

Too terrible, this woman.

This story is over for the time being.

The barrage is still discussing this story.

"This story really touched my heart."

"Yes, I cried for no reason while watching it."

"I think this plot may be more meaningful to those whose relatives and friends have passed away. After all, only after losing can you understand more truths that you don't want to understand. I hope that all friends who have experienced similar things can get over it as soon as possible."

"After watching it, I feel that I should be a better person and let go.Those who were depressed before, I think they would be sad if they saw me like this. "

"After doing this, I really want to believe in Lord Barbatos!"

There are many stories told by various people in these barrages.

There is a meaning behind each sentence.

The story made by Gu Li really brings a lot of meaning to everyone.

Alixia's eyes are shining.

Although this story is very good, the live broadcast still needs to continue.

So, although Gu Li gave them a few minutes to slow down, when the time is almost up, Gu Li still has to release the next story.

After all, this live broadcast has three stories.

So, the next one is the second one.

When everyone saw Gu Li start playing the second video, they still had the emotions of the previous story in their hearts, so some barrages asked.

"Is it a bit too hasty to play the next story now? "

Gu Li saw this and understood what he meant, so he smiled and said, "I have prepared three stories for this live broadcast. I can't just tell this one, right? Or do you want me to end the broadcast now?"

When the audience heard Gu Li say the word "end the broadcast", the barrage became intense.

"No, brother, I just said the wrong thing, please continue, don't worry about us, we don't know anything."

"Three stories, I'm destined to eat tonight, so you must think before you speak, don't force me to kneel down and beg you."

"Quick, bring my popcorn!"

"I'm sitting down, begging to be stabbed and cry. "

Gu Li looked at the comments with a smile, and when he saw that the atmosphere was almost the same, he pointed his finger, and the next video appeared on the screen.

When Mebius saw Gu Li's smiling eyes, she always felt creepy.

It looked too much like that pink fat woman Alicia.

But the video has already started, so she should hold her temper and watch it for a while.

She didn't come here to watch the live broadcast, absolutely not.

Blanca hid aside, holding the information and trembling with curiosity.

No, she also wanted to know what the doctor was looking at, so that she could put down her research.

The screen changed.

In a water-blue room, Navilette, dressed in a formal suit, appeared in everyone's sight.

Everyone was surprised after seeing Navilette.

The protagonist of this story is actually the highest judge of Fontaine, Navilette!

(More later)

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