In Navilet's office, a Melusine was telling Navilet about the mission report.

After listening, everyone knew that Navilet wanted to take over the case personally.

This made the audience perk up.

Who is Navilet? He is the highest judge of Fontaine. How serious the harm is for him to take over the case personally!

As a result, after the conversation, it was learned that a Melusine from Chiara received a threatening letter, so Navilet wanted to take over the case.

"Ah? Just a threatening letter has alarmed the Supreme Inquisitor, and Villette is actually going to take over personally. Is there any more shocking case behind this threatening letter?"

"According to our logic, this seems to be a bit of a waste of talent, and didn't this Meilushin in front of us also say that this case can be handed over to the security team."

"I always feel that it is not an ordinary incident. If there was no trial of the water god before, I might still have some doubts about Villette, but now I can only think that there is a conspiracy behind this."

After that, when it was mentioned that a leave letter needed to be written and handed over to Funina, the barrage suddenly became lively.

"Fufu! I didn't expect that I could hear news about Funina here!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Funina is still Violet's boss. Violet must be helpless to have such a boss."

"That's great. At least Funina is living a normal life. I hope to see Funina again in the future."

(After the main storyline, there is no plot of asking for leave here.)

According to Violet's explanation, this case reminded him of the past.

More than four hundred years ago, his two most trusted hands, Melusin and Carolee committed suicide, and the captain of the special patrol team, Watlin, was exiled. After that, Violet was always cautious in cases against Melusin.

After this explanation, the audience also understood why Violet took action personally.

If it were them, they would probably stand up and investigate these things personally.

When they found Chiara, she was basking in the sun.

When asked about the threatening letter, she thought it was hide-and-seek.

Seeing such a cute and naive Meilushin, everyone sighed.

"Who wants to frame such a cute Meilushin?!"

"I declare that Meilushin will be my daughter in the future!"

"But I feel that the people of Fontaine are not so hostile to Meilushin. I think they are quite friendly."

"Don't judge things by appearances."

Later, they accompanied Chiara to investigate the case. After experiencing the young reporter Charlotte and sorting out the intelligence in a short time, they came to Lujingquan in Fontaine.

Through the power of Navilet, they returned to the time when the incident happened in Lujingquan.

Ying looked at the gray scene around her and began to move forward, and then she found the conversation between Navilet and Carolee in the past.

Carolee: "To be honest, many people threw stones at us today and asked us to go back to the village. It hurt when the stones hit my head. I had a hard time holding back from crying."

Her aggrieved look and tone made many viewers feel sorry for her.

Afterwards, they saw with their own eyes that Carolee was constantly trying to integrate into the group, but was constantly verbally abused.

Just when Melusin was extremely anxious as they said, the captain of the special patrol team, Watlin, came out to rescue Melusin.

With the efforts of Watlin and Carolee, the relationship between people and Melusin has improved.

But at this time, the emergence of a murder case directly pushed the turmoil between people and Melusin to the top.

But despite Watlin's in-depth investigation, tragedy still occurred in the end.

Carolee chose to commit suicide at the scene of the murder in order to calm the public anger.

After seeing the word suicide, everyone's eyes trembled.

The strong and lovely Melusin passed away just like that.

When Ying turned around and looked at the people around who were verbally abusing Melusin, anger rose in everyone's hearts.

"This section really shows the ugliness of human nature to the fullest!"

"I really want to throw them all into the primordial fetal sea, it's so infuriating."

"No one cares how many bowls of noodles you eat, they just want your life."

Later, everyone also knew why Wattling had to teach Carolee a lesson with a stern face, in order to make her give up, because her character was too easy to be taken advantage of.

However, this kind of thing happened in the end.

"I only have one thought in my head: blood debts should be paid with blood!"

After this sentence fell, the barrage was immediately excited.

"Watling is a real man!"

"So handsome, no wonder he can become the most trusted subordinate of Villette.""I'm very curious about how to deal with this matter next, after all, the result is already known."

"I like heroes."

Looking at the barrage of violence and respect on the barrage, Kevin seemed to have a fire in his heart.

This is a hero. Even if the world is so dark, there will always be a heroic figure who will lead the oppressed people to raise the flag of rebellion to the sky.

He likes this Watling.

The perspective changes, and they come to the opera house.

"Today is a heavyweight case. The prisoner is the captain of the special patrol team, Watling."

"I heard that he used lynching to help his friends avenge and liquidated those who framed Carolee... Hey, why don't you say anything?"

All the audience were shocked.

Watling actually personally killed all the prisoners who framed Carolee. Watling is really a man!

But in this case, the plan Watling mentioned can't be just this one thing.

So everyone continued to look down with expectation.

Under their witness, everyone saw the ugliness of human nature.

They all defended Mr. Watling's innocence.

But Carolee had never been treated like this before.

At this moment, everyone who watched this plot was angry.

As they watched the plot, they also had more worries in their hearts.

Watling would not really be found not guilty.

If this is the case, how will Carolee's problem be solved later?

Villette sighed, then raised her head, looked deeply in the direction of Watling, and looked carefully, even a little sad.

"I agree with this point of view, Watling, your revenge is a kind of simple justice."

"I understand your choice, so I deeply regret the upcoming trial... and even feel very sad."

"However, personal justice is not the same as legal justice. In order to complete revenge, you abused your power and set up lynching, and your actions were completely contrary to the law."

"Therefore, I think you... are guilty."

After this declaration, the barrage of comments flew.

Here, Villette officially became the synonym of Fontaine justice!

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