The Original Vampire

Chapter 177: Rebellion

At a distance of more than 20 miles from Bingyan City, a simple and orderly camp has been built.

The camp was built in an open area by the small lake, and the ground was simply leveled.

The bushes that were in the way have been cut down, but the bushes that had just been infiltrated by heavy snow were still wet and could not be used directly as fuel, so they were sharpened and inserted into the ground to make a simple defensive fence.

More than a hundred heavily armed mercenaries patrolled the camp, and in the camp, there were dozens of more well-equipped soldiers.

It can be seen from the banners they played that these soldiers are private soldiers of the Uman family.

In the middle of the camp, a knight in a silver-gray armor is warming by the campfire.

He did not wear a helmet, showing a handsome and young face, blue eyes, black hair, and thin lips tightly pressed, appearing firm and composed.

The light footsteps sounded, and as soon as the knight turned his head, he saw his wife approaching.

"Walla, it's so late, aren't you going to bed?" Caitlin went to the campfire with sleepy eyes and leaned on her husband's broad shoulders.

"I'll stay there for a while, you go to sleep first." The Valla knight rubbed his wife's hair with a petting smile.

"Well, let me accompany you, I'm actually not sleepy." Caitlin couldn't help yawning as she said that she was not sleepy.

Valra shook his head with a smile: "Go to bed, we should be able to reach Bingyan City tomorrow. Don't put a haggard face on you then, or Viscount Angele will probably blame me for failing to take care of him. My sister."

The corners of Caitlin's lips curled up slightly: "Colin is not so stingy."

Walra was still ready to persuade him again, but suddenly he seemed to notice something, and his muscles tightened instantly.

Caitlin also felt the change in her husband, and wondered: "What's the matter?"

"Someone is coming!" Walla lifted his wife up, and then quickly put on the helmet and equipped with the knight sword.

At this moment, the sirens really echoed in the camp, and the mercenaries panicked and shouted: "Rebels, the rebels are here!"

"Rebels?" Caitlin looked stunned, clutching her husband's arm tightly, and asked worriedly, "Nothing will happen, right?"

"Don't worry, it's just a group of slaves who don't have enough to eat. Kill the few who rushed to the front, and the rest will run away by themselves." Varla comforted with a relaxed expression.

"Then you also have to be careful!"


After comforting his wife, the Valla Knight strode forward, hitting the shield with his sword, making a thumping crash, and shouting loudly:

"Don't panic! Line up! Meet the enemy!"

Called by the Valla Knights, the Uman family's guards quickly formed a battle formation, gathered around the knights, and looked calmly at the slaves that were coming up outside the camp.

The performance of the mercenaries was a bit horrible. They saw the crowds of slaves crowding on them, and they were so frightened that their hands and feet were weakened and at a loss what to do.

"Archer, shoot!"

The Valla Knight commanded calmly.

A burst of arrows shot out from the camp immediately. Although it was not too dense, it also caused a lot of casualties to the slaves without any protection.

After three rounds of arrow rain, the slaves had already rushed to the fence, and the Valla knight erected the huge shield in front of him and shouted:

"Hold your shield! Go ahead!"

Under the leadership of the Valla Knights, the Uman family guards were like a sharp knife, deeply inserted into the slave rebel army, wherever they went, almost the slaves could not resist.

The gap in equipment, martial arts, and fighting will is too great. These slaves who can't even eat enough to eat are not the opponents of the Uman Family Guards at all.

The Valla knight was bathed in the golden light at this time, killing the slaves wailing and screaming.

His bravery also made the mercenaries wake up like a dream, yelling to join the battle group.

The slave rebels, who took advantage of their numbers, were killed and retreated steadily.

Behind the rebel army, looking at the vulnerable companions with a lame leg, a deep disdain flashed in his heart, but he respectfully said to the slave leader beside him:

"My lord, there are knights in this camp. I'm afraid we won't be able to take it down. Let's retreat. Ice Rock City is our destination."

The slave leader's face was uncertain, and angrily said: "A group of trash, even such a small camp can't be attacked, how can I go to Bingyan City!"

Lame quickly explained: "My lord, you don't have many troops right now. Only when we go to Ice Rock City and join other rebel forces can we have a chance to take down Ice Rock City."

The slave leader's face changed sharply for a while, and he raised his eyes and saw the terrifying scene of the Valla Knight killing the Quartet. He trembled all over, unwilling to say: "Withdraw!"

After receiving the order to retreat, the slave rebels were immediately amnesty.

Under the darkness, many slaves lost their way while escaping, and separated from the large group.

The slave leader didn't even bother to count the losses, and directly led the returning slaves towards Ice Rock City again.

The unreconciled slave leader who was immersed in failure did not notice that the lame slave had disappeared from the team for some time.

When the morning sun dissipated the fog in the forest, the Uman family team set off again.

After a battle last night, the reputation of the Valla Knights in the team has been greatly improved.

The people who were a bit disdainful of him because of his lowly status as an illegitimate child have now changed their respectful gaze again.

Although birth is important, strength is also a universal business card in this world.

The team didn't move fast, and it was not until the sun was set to see the tall walls of Ice Rock City.

However, at this time, under the walls of Bingyan City, a **** killing was taking place.

Countless ant-like slave rebels gathered under the wall, seeming to be attacking the city.

They built more than a dozen simple wooden ladders, and they were struggling to climb towards the city wall.

However, the Valla knights who had been fighting for a long time saw at a glance that the defending party had obviously not done their best.

It seemed that he was worried that the force would be too strong at once, and all the slaves who had gathered were scared away.

However, even if the defending side has taken up the strength, the slaves' offense is still chaotic and unorganized. Everyone can fight to grab the wooden ladder. UU reading more slaves just stand blankly. Under the city wall, he screamed indiscriminately, without knowing what he should do.

More than a dozen slave leaders gathered together, and they were a little helpless seeing the chaos in front of them.

How could they, who had never received military education, know how to attack a city?

Just as the slave leaders became more anxious, the gate of Bingyan City suddenly opened.

The slaves froze for more than ten seconds, and then suddenly cheered, all rushing to the open city gate.

However, before they were excited for long, the earth suddenly began to tremble.

Accompanied by the flying corpses and splashes of blood, the black armored cavalry shoot out from the city gate like sharp arrows, completely dispersing the slave army.

Seeing all this, the Valla Knight shook his head with a smile, turned his head and ordered: "Caitlin, you stay here with the mercenary group, and I will lead the Family Guard to help."

"it is good."

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