The Original Vampire

Chapter 178: Reunion

When the fight outside the city was in full swing, Colin was staying in the gloomy basement of the Red Fort.

Of course he was not hiding here, and the slave rebels outside couldn't scare him.

Not to mention being scared, even Colin couldn't even attract the attention of him anymore.

At the beginning, Colin personally went to the head of the city to supervise the battle, but after seeing the "excellent" siege methods of the slave rebels, Colin was no longer interested in watching the battle.

In the basement at this time, Colin was not alone, there were nearly a hundred figures standing in front of him.

These figures all wear steel masks uniformly, covering their faces, only revealing eyes without a trace of human emotion.

These are of course the blood slaves that Colin transformed.

Except for the fox knight and the monkey ranger, the newly added 85 blood slaves wearing horse face masks are of course professionals selected from the captives of the Pegasus Legion.

Two fourth-tier knights, eight third-tier knights, five fourth-tier fighters, seventeen third-tier fighters, and fifty-three first-tier and second-tier professionals.

In order to transform so many blood slaves, Colin bit his teeth sour, and almost didn't have a psychological shadow on his neck.

Fortunately, the results are impressive.

At present, it seems that Colin's Blood Slave Corps has begun to take shape.

Colin had high hopes for this blood slave group, and the target was the Knights Templar of the Glory Church.

It is said that the Knights Templar is a truly terrifying army composed of all knights. Although the number is only three thousand, its terrifying combat power is enough to make all the army of the Glorious Empire bleak.

This is also the most powerful military force in the hands of the Guanghui Church.

Of course, Colin’s Blood Slave Corps is incomparable to the Knights Templar in terms of quantity and quality. However, in the coming days, Colin believes that his blood Slave Corps will become a group one day. A powerful legion capable of contending with the Knights Templar.

Colin's gaze swept over the 87 blood slaves, and finally stopped on the monkey ranger, and ordered: "Monkey, you go to the troll empire."

The monkey ranger nodded without saying a word, and then walked out.

Colin touched his chin, and a little bit worriedly nodded to a horse-faced knight, and ordered: "You follow along."

The news that Charles brought made Colin also worry about the troll army that was about to go south, but he still had to see with his own eyes what the status of the troll empire was.

Of course, he certainly couldn't go to the troll empire himself at this time, so he had to let the blood slave do it for him.

After entering Tier 4, Colin discovered that his control of blood slaves had also improved to a new level.

What the blood slave saw and heard, as long as he wanted to, could simultaneously see and hear, it was like an external clone.

Moreover, his distance limit for controlling blood slaves seems to have disappeared.

Before Tier 4, Ke Lin could only give orders to blood slaves within three or four kilometers around him, but after Tier 4, there seemed to be no distance limit.

At the beginning, he deliberately left a blood slave in Silver Moon City, and then returned to Ice Rock City by himself, until he arrived at Ice Rock City, he found that he could still control the blood slaves thousands of miles away.

Later, Colin arranged for three blood slaves to go to Winter City, Fallen Eagle City, and Ironforge City respectively to monitor the movements of the St. Hild family, the Uman family, and the Dawson family.

These are the protagonists on the northern stage that is about to kick off, and of course Colin must pay more attention to them.

After all this was arranged, Colin also left the basement.

Just a few steps, I met the oncoming Knight Logger on the promenade.

"Master Viscount, the rebellion outside the city has been subdued. According to preliminary statistics, more than 12,000 slaves were captured this time. Thirty-eight people of the Black Cavalry were seriously injured in this battle, and three others were unfortunately killed. ."

Colin frowned and asked: "These casualties should be caused by recruits, right?"


Colin was relieved now.

Recently, he has ordered the Shire Knights to join the 1,000 cavalry recruits previously trained to the Black Cavalry, just taking advantage of this time to quell the slave rebellion, and pull them out to let them see blood.

However, judging from the casualties this time, the combat effectiveness of the recruits still needs to be improved.

But elite cavalry certainly can't be trained in a short time, this kind of thing is not anxious.

I can only hope that these recruits can grow rapidly under the leadership of the veterans of the Black Cavalry.

"Well, treatment and compensation are carried out as usual, so I won't explain more."

"Yes, my lord." Knight Logg nodded, and then reported again, "My lord, we also met a Uman family guard outside the city. The leader claims to be your brother-in-law, Valla Knight."

"Is he here so soon?" Colin was slightly surprised.

Calculating the itinerary, Colin estimated that Valla and the others should have set off for Ice Rock City just after the Winter Veil Festival.

I don't know if it was his sister Caitlin that really missed him, or if the Valla Knight was ordered by Count Uman, and was anxious to win over the Anglia family.

"Welcome them into the city, and I will wait for them in the reception hall."



Just as Colin was teasing Xiao Bai, a slightly rapid footstep sounded outside the hall.

Soon, Caitlin's figure appeared in Colin's sight. She saw the unconcealable joy on Colin's face. She walked over quickly, holding her skirt in both hands, and hugged her brother in one hand. Arms.

"Colin, I heard that you had a battle with the Eastern Army in Silvermoon City, but it frightened me! You didn't get any injuries, right?"

"I'm fine, sister." Colin reluctantly patted Caitlin on the back.

However, this feeling of being remembered by relatives is still quite good, even if Colin has always been a little alienated from Caitlin.

Freed from his sister's arms, Colin looked at the oncoming Valla knight.

From the memory of his predecessor, I know that Colin had a very good relationship with Varla.

Because he is the man whom his sister loves, the former Colin Aiwu and Wu are also very close to the Valla Knights.

However, Varla was so ill-fated in the Uman family because of her status as an illegitimate child, but she found the rare warmth in front of the Graycastle sister and brother. Therefore, after marrying Caitlin, Varla actually spent more time. Stay in Graycastle Town, not Fallen Eagle City.

It can be said that the former Valla knight is basically a knight of the Anglia family, except that he has not formally sworn allegiance to Baron Anglia.

It is precisely because of this that when Baron Anglia led his army, the Vallar Knights would take the initiative to follow them to the front However, after experiencing so many things, the Vallar Knights saw it again In addition to joy, Colin's eyes also carry lingering worries and guilt.

He opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know how to say hello to the Viscount Angley, who had a completely different attitude and temperament from the past.

Colin's smile remained the same, as if all the things that happened this year had been forgotten by him, and he enthusiastically gave the Valla Knight a hug, and said in his mouth:

"Walla, I heard Knight Logger say that you gave me a big gift as soon as you arrived in Ice Rock City!"

"Master Viscount, if you are referring to the battle outside the city, then I really don't dare to take credit. The guards I brought this time at most helped intercept some rebels, which is really not a big gift."

"Haha, you are too polite, and don't be so inconsistent, call me Colin."

Walra looked at Colin's sincere smile and seemed to finally relax, and smiled:

"Okay, Colin."

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