The Original Vampire

Chapter 179: Dinner (Part 1)

When Colin brought his sister and brother-in-law to the restaurant, a table of turkey dinner had already been prepared.

On a long and narrow oak table, there is a huge roasted turkey, and of course there are various side dishes around, such as roasted bacon, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, fruit salad, and one made from Winster Manor. White wine.

Of course, Colin's exclusive deer blood wine is definitely indispensable.

Colin fastened his napkins and said to Yimen, the butler who was pouring wine for the three of them, "Yimon, you can sit down and eat together."

Yimeng said, "Master, this is not in compliance..."

Colin waved his hand domineeringly: "In this castle, I am the rules! Sit down!"

Yimon still hesitated, so Caitlin also persuaded him: "Yimon, sit down, you have served the Angley family for more than 40 years, and you are already a family!"

Yimon thanked him for taking the seat.

Colin looked at Cathy who was standing by and said with a smile: "Kathy, you can join me too."

Cathy's little face suddenly showed joy, and she quickly thanked her and took her seat.

Caitlin looked at the pretty half-elf maid, but frowned slightly.

She obviously misunderstood the relationship between Colin and Cathy, and was planning to remind her brother in private.

The half-elf can only be regarded as a lover, but cannot really marry home.

Even if this is said to be a descendant of the half-elf royal family.

This can be regarded as a kind of racial discrimination.

But the nobles of the Glorious Empire had already taken it for granted. This was also the pride brought about by the empire's dominance in the center of the continent and the overwhelming position of the foreign races.

The nobles of the Glorious Empire also had a tradition of "not talking" when they were enjoying dinner.

The dessert time after the dinner is specially prepared for small talk.

Tonight’s dessert is fresh fruit sabaoon, which is a kind of delicacy with egg liquid mixed with cream, and champagne poured on various fruits. After a simple baking, the rich burnt aroma is instantly filled. Up the entire restaurant.

After preparing the dessert, Yimon and Cathy resigned in a timely manner and gave the rest of the time to Colin and Varla.

Sister Caitlin was very excited, chatting about the old Gonzo stories about the three people in Graycastle back then. Wallra and Colin added a few words from time to time. The whole restaurant was full of pleasant atmosphere.

But as time went by, Caitlin, who had just gone through a long journey, was obviously a little lacking in energy and became yawning again and again.

Upon seeing this, Knight Valla said thoughtfully: "Caitlin, or go back to rest first, I'll talk to Colin for a while."

"Okay, I'm too tired today, so I will go back to sleep first, and you guys will talk slowly."

Colin smiled and nodded: "Okay, sister, the maid outside the hall will take you back to the room."

When the hall door opened and closed again, the restaurant suddenly became quiet.

A faint awkwardness began to flow in the air.

The two men raised the glasses in front of them almost at the same time and brought them to their lips.

Colin drank the deer blood wine in the cup, and then looked at Varla like this, as if waiting for the other person to speak first.

In Colin's view, Walra's visit to Ice Rock City this time should have been instructed by Count Uman to win over the Anglia family.

Caitlin has helped to pave the atmosphere before. Next, it should be Varla's performance time.

"Colin." Varla said as expected, "Actually...I haven't had the face to see you since I went with the Baron last time."


"Because I didn't perform my duties well, causing the Lord Baron unfortunately to sacrifice on the front line..." The sadness and self-blame in the eyes of the Valla knight were completely flawless.

At least Colin couldn't find the flaw.

"What was the situation back then?"

"At that time, Lord Baron led the family army to carry out a rescue mission, but in the middle, he was surrounded by an army of trolls several times larger than ours.

The battle was extremely fierce. The soldiers around me fell one by one, and there were screams everywhere in my ears...

Then, I saw Lord Baron being cut off by a troll warrior..."

Walra took a deep breath, seeming to calm down his excitement, and then continued to narrate after a long while:

"Later, I was also pierced into the lower abdomen by a sword. Before losing consciousness, I only remember the crazy smiling face of the troll warrior who defeated me..."

After listening to Varla's account, Colin nodded blankly, no happiness or anger in his eyes, just asked faintly: "So you were captured like this?"

Walra hesitated, then said in an uncertain tone: "It should be."


"Well, actually I can't remember what happened after the injury. I only know that when I wake up again, I'm already in Fallen Eagle City."

Colin finally sat up straight now.

Because he found something was wrong!

The Oliver manager of the Tulip Chamber of Commerce did not say that.

When the fat man gave Colin an expensive enchanted armor as a gift, he clearly said--

After the defeat, the Valra Knight became a prisoner. He was wrapped up by the troll army and prepared to take it back to the troll empire. However, when he was surrounded by the black cavalry, he was abandoned by the troll on the ice along with the remaining fifty thousand human captives. It took a lot of hardships to return to the north.

This rhetoric is completely incompatible with what Valla is saying now!

what happened?

There is no confession on both sides?

Wouldn't make such a low-level mistake...

So Colin decided to try again: "Walla, the Oliver manager of the Tulip Chamber of Commerce didn't tell me that."

"Oliver?" Varla frowned. "He probably got his mother's instructions and made up some things for me in front of you."

Colin blinked, obviously uncomfortable with Varla's frankness.

"Your mother? Ms. Penny? Why did she make up a story for you?"

"Mother she..." A trace of entanglement and pain flashed across Varla's face, but she still whispered, "She might want to hide something..."

"What to hide?" Colin continued to ask.

Walra raised her head and looked at Colin seriously, with mixed emotions flashing in her eyes.

After a long time, he spoke again: "I suspect that my mother may have a secret connection with the troll."

"What?" Colin was taken aback.

This surprise is really not a course, Colin knew that Varla’s mother Penny had a secret connection with the troll, not only her, but also Earl Uman.

But to his surprise, Walla actually admitted it personally!

However, then, Walra said something that surprised Colin even more: "Colin, I heard that you had been assassinated in Greycastle before?"

"Yes, Knight Carter did it."

"Do you know who ordered Carter Knight?"


"my mother."

Colin stared at the Valla Knight in a daze. He was stupid.

At this time, his heart was frantically complaining——

Brother, did you take the wrong script?

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