The Original Vampire

Chapter 210: Triumphant

Following the tail of April, Colin led his army back to Ice Rock City.

At this time, the spring in the north is full, and misty green can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

The lush green grass swayed in the wind, and stretched out his proud figure comfortably in the spring breeze. The layers of green covered the earth completely.

What made Colin even more delighted was the wheat fields that had basically been cultivated.

Although the rest of the Northern Territory is chaotic, and human brains are coming out of their brains, the territory of the Anglia family is calm, with the existence of 30,000 Silver Moon Guards, sufficient food reserves, and a geographical location far away from the center of the storm. , So that the flames of war cannot easily spread to this territory.

Occasionally some sporadic slave rebellions and the influx of insurgents from outside were quickly suppressed. This year's spring ploughing did not suffer much.

The messenger had already sent the news of the victory back to Bingyan City in advance, so when Colin arrived, a large number of people had gathered outside the city to greet him.

The military band played a triumphal song at the right time.

Colin drove out more and more, and saw a figure in the greeted crowd rushing towards him on horseback.

That is Vera.

Today, the girl specially wore a white military dress with the golden lion emblem of the Saint Hild family on her chest. Her golden hair was tied into a ponytail, and she fluttered in the back of her head with the bumps of the war horse.

"Kolin, welcome home!" Coming closer, Vera slowed down, panting slightly and showing a beautiful smile to Colin.

Colin drove the horse to Vera's side, put his arms around the girl's slender waist, hugged her in front of him, and rode a horse with him.

Vera didn't stop Colin's movements, but her face blushed and she was a little shy.

"Last time we rode a horse together, it was a year ago." Colin leaned close to Vera's ear, sniffed the fragrance of the girl, and whispered.

Vera felt the hot and humid breath in her ears, her whole body shrank softly in Colin's arms, a look of memories flashed in her eyes:

"Yeah, time flies so fast! The son of the baron who was so lonely at the time has become the hero who destroyed the army of 100,000 trolls and the emperor of the hand-bladed trolls!"

Colin laughed, then shook his head: "What about the hero? The Duke of St. Hild still doesn't want to marry you to me."

When Vera heard this, her eyes darkened.

Up to this time, the envoy Colin sent to Winter City still had not been received by the Duke.

Colin really didn't understand. At this time, is the Duke still confident that he can quell the rebellion in the Northern Territory with the Golden Lion Legion alone, without Colin's help at all?

Doesn't he worry that Colin will fall to the side of the rebels at all?

With the forces Colin currently holds, it has long become a military force that cannot be ignored in the North.

However, the Duke of St. Hild seemed to turn a blind eye to this, and did not know what he was making.

However, Colin was not in a hurry.

The main goal of St. Theon's family is definitely not the Anglia family. Therefore, after dealing with the troll, Colin didn't believe that the other party could come to him again.

This time, of course, is the best time to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

"Squeeze the chips in your hand!"

This phrase from the Modiwen family suits Colin's current state very well. He doesn't need to rush to place a bet. The more he drags it back, the heavier the chips in his hand.

After thinking about it, Colin had already entered Ice Rock City surrounded by everyone.

Both sides of the street were crowded with people who came to greet them. They shouted Colin's name and made a loud noise.

Colin smiled and waved in greeting, and a sense of pride rose in his heart.

This time with the Troll Empire and his party, Colin has won a high reputation. It can even be said that as his record spreads and ferments, Colin's prestige in the North may be increased to second only to the Duke of St. Hild. To the point.

This is not falsehood.

Although Colin's raid was actually taking advantage of the emptiness inside the Troll Empire, in terms of the blow to the power of the Troll Empire, the Marquis of Garcia deserved to be the number one in the world, but ordinary people in the North can be divided. Unclear what's inside.

They don't know how much water is in the army of 100,000 trolls that Colin annihilated, and how different is the combat power from the elite army led by Prince Gambik.

In their view, although the number of trolls that Colin annihilated was not as good as the Marquis Garcia, he had cut off the head of a troll emperor, and forced the troll empire to sign a peace agreement that humiliated the country.

Such a feat can no longer be said to be inferior to the Marquis Garcia.

What's more, the battle of Shadow Canyon has caused the Marquis of Garcia to fall from the altar.

Under this change, Colin has faintly replaced the Marquis of Garcia and became the number one general in the North.

The beauty is in her arms, the army is behind, surrounded by fanatical people who welcome in the street, and the ears are full of sincere and eager praises. Such a scene must be something every man strives for.

Under the warm spring breeze, Colin couldn't help feeling a little fluttering.

After returning to the Red Fort and washing and resting, Colin began to feast on the heroes.

The banquet hall of the Red Fort today showed its most beautiful aspect, as a way of expressing congratulations to the soldiers who have returned from this great victory.

The butler Yimeng stood at the entrance of the hall with a red face and proudly greeted the guests who came.

The servants of the Anglia family are all in good spirits today, and the achievements made by the Lord Lord make them feel proud, and their waists are straighter than usual.

Because the banquets were all officers from this expedition to the troll empire, many of them were not from nobles, so the etiquette was relatively casual and there was not much restraint.

And because they had just returned from the battlefield, these officers still seemed to have a strong smell of blood, and there was a trace of murder in their eyes, which gave the entire banquet hall a breath of gold and iron horses.

Everyone didn't have any scruples when they talked and laughed, and the sound quickly suppressed the band's performance.

This was an internal celebration banquet. Colin did not send out invitations widely, so there were no guests sent by other families. The only "outsider" was the dwarf messenger who had arrived in Ice Rock City a month ago.

The dwarf messenger had been waiting for Colin in Ice Rock City for so long, and he had accumulated a lot of grievances. At this time, seeing these officers who had little to do with elegance and nobleness, he couldn't help but feel contemptuous in his heart.

In his opinion, the Anglia family has not risen recently after all, and the foundation is insufficient, and there is still a savage atmosphere in the bones.

At this moment, Colin and Vera appeared hand in hand at the entrance of the hall.

Colin put on the Viscount dress with the badge of the roaring white bear tattooed on his chest, and the judgment blade on his waist. At this time, with the momentum of victory, he was full of heroic spirit while walking.

Vera next to her is wearing a blue backless long dress. Her dazzling golden long hair is fixed by a thorn headdress and falls from the top of her head. The soft tips of her hair form a curly line on her white shoulders, and her sea-blue eyes are in her dress. It is even more shining against the background.

The height of 1.7 meters and the silver stiletto heels on the feet not only look tall and slender, but also highlight her golden ratio figure.

When the two walked into the banquet hall, the noisy voice instantly quieted down.

A group of officers saluted Colin almost uniformly without being under the command, which made the dwarf messenger stand out and was immediately embarrassed.

However, he also slightly put away his contempt, and has some understanding of Colin's lofty prestige in the army.

Of course Colin saw the dwarf messenger, but he didn't pay attention to the other party either. He just smiled and responded to the officers, and then announced that the banquet had officially begun.

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