The Original Vampire

Chapter 211: Dwarf messenger

At the end of the song, Colin hugged Vera and stopped spinning.

Thunderous applause followed, and everyone applauded the wonderful dance of Colin and Vera.

Colin asked Vera to take her arm and came to the sidelines to entertain the officers who were attending the banquet.

After experiencing the two battles of Silvermoon City and the Expeditionary Troll Empire, the current Black Cavalry has been deeply imprinted by Colin. Even if the Marquis of Garcia returns to the north, he may not be able to easily take this one. The strong army took it away.

Colin had even begun planning to change the name of the Black Cavalry.

However, considering that the Marquis of Garcia was about to be redeemed, Colin was not really in a hurry to change the name of the Black Cavalry, otherwise the food would be a bit ugly.

This guy is thinking about marrying Vera home first, and then Marquis Garcia will become the father-in-law, and it will be easier to bargain between the husband and the son.

One by one, he shook hands and talked with the officers of the Black Cavalry, and Colin also found that these people had already brought reverence and respect in their eyes.

If at first these people only followed the orders of the Marquis Garcia to choose to be loyal to Colin, but now, they have already recognized the new commander of the Black Cavalry from the bottom of their hearts.

Sure enough, the best way to conquer an army is to lead them to victory.

After a round of black cavalry officers, Colin finally came to the dwarf messenger.

"Dear Viscount Angley, congratulations on your victory in this expedition to the troll empire. Your achievements have eclipsed the sun in the sky!"

"Haha, Count Anka, you're overwhelmed."

When she walked over just now, Vera had whispered in Colin's ear the origin of the dwarf messenger.

Anka Menham, the eldest son of the Marquis of Menham.

The Maynum family is the most prestigious family of the dwarves. Their fief is not in the north, but in the Scarlet Flame.

The so-called Scarlet Collar is actually the territory of the San Lorenzo family of the ‘Cleaning Scarlet Flames’ of the Glory Empire. It is located in the center of the empire and surrounded by the east, south, west and north.

So, of course, the Marquis of Menham is also a vassal of the San Lorenzo family.

The eldest son of the Marquis of Maynum, Earl Anka, is actually about the same age as Colin, but the dwarves are generally old, and they like to have a thick beard, so they look like they are thirty or forty years old.

He is less than one meter three, and his bloated figure makes him look a little funny.

"Viscount Anglia, you are too modest." Count Anka always has a simple smile on his face, but the light flashing in his eyes from time to time still lets Colin know that this is not a simple character.

"I wonder why Earl Anka came to Bingyan City not far away?" Colin also put on a harmless smile.

"There are two main things." Count Anka seemed to be impatient, and immediately said bluntly, "The first thing is to tell you that the Maynum family has decided to send troops to the north."

"Oh?" Colin asked with his eyes flashing, "I wonder why the Maynum family sent troops?"

"Of course it is to conquer the Duke of St. Hilde!" Count Anka said awe-inspiringly, "As the lord of the north, this duke failed to fulfill his duty of protecting the people and allowed the north to be invaded by the trolls. Also plagued by famine, now the people of the North are not living, and wars are raging everywhere, he must pay for it!"

"What's the price?"

"Release the position of Duke of the North!"

"To whom?"

Count Anka glanced at Vera next to Colin, and said solemnly: "I think Mr. Coquettish of the Saint Theon family is more suitable to become the new Lord of the North!"

Hearing this, Vera couldn't help shaking Colin's hand slightly.

Colin stretched out his hand and patted Vera's little hand, indicating that she did not need to be nervous, then Shi Shiran looked at Count Anka and asked: "So, is this what Emperor Reinhardt meant?"

"No, this is only the meaning of the Maynum family. Moreover, we also received the help of the Marquis Dawson, and then we decided to send troops to the North to conquer the unqualified Lord of the North, the Duke of St. Hild!"

I believe you a ghost!

Colin murmured secretly, he didn't believe that the Maynum family sent troops without the consent of Emperor Reinhardt.

Without the acquiescence of the glorious emperor, the Menham family's army would not even want to get out of the Scarlet Flame Collar.

But why is this?

Colin immediately fell into a deep bewilderment.

He originally thought that the in-law relationship between the San Lorenzo family and the San Hilde family would definitely help the North to resist the invasion of the San Theon family.

What's more, there is a deep hatred between the Saint Theon family and the imperial royal family.

It doesn't make sense that the imperial royal family now indulges the Maynum family to help the Saint Theon family.

What on earth was Emperor Reinhardt thinking?

Don't help your elder brother, but help your enemy?

Seeing Colin sinking into thought, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Count Anka's mouth, and then he continued: "The second thing is directly related to you."

"Oh?" Colin retracted his mind and nodded. "Please tell me."

"My father wants to exchange territory with the Anglia family!"

"Replace the territory?" Colin was a little dazed, frowning deeply.

When Earl Anka saw this, he comforted: "Don't worry, our Maynum family has always been fair. The area of ​​territory used to replace you will never be small, and the output will only be more and not less."

Colin squinted his eyes, seeming to understand something, and then asked, "I'm afraid it's not just my family's territory that you Maynum family want to replace?"

"Of course not only, but also the Morrison family, the Lombard family, the Billy family..."

Listening to the names uttered by Count Anka, Colin also confirmed the location of these territories in his heart.

Only then did he discover that after replacing these territories, the Maynum family would completely move to the north, and their territories would be integrated with the Dawson family.

Haha, this is probably the territory of the future dwarf kingdom!

It turned out that the San Lorenzo family had this idea.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the northern territory, all the dwarves of the Scarlet Collar were moved to the northern territory, and then they were allowed to establish their own country.

After the founding of the nation, the dwarven kingdom will naturally become a subject of the Glory Empire. The object of the dwarf king's allegiance cannot be the Lord of the North, but will be Emperor Reinhardt.

And Colin, the former northern lords who had been replaced by the Scarlet Collar, would probably also change their gates one after another, swearing allegiance to the emperor.

In this way, the San Lorenzo family didn't pay anything, splitting the northern territory, and even digging out a large piece of territory from it.

What a good plan!

So, is this the reason why Reinhardt didn't help his elder brother, but instead prepared to support his former family enemy to become the Duke of the North?

Colin always felt that this reason was far-fetched. UU reading www.

"Earl Anka, this matter is very important. I need time to think about it."

"Of course." Count Anka nodded, "However, you'd better hurry up. Our Mennum family army will enter the northern territory in early May. The longer the time delays, the more territories you can replace may be. The less."

"Hehe, I'll do it as soon as possible." Colin smiled lightly, nodded in greeting, and turned around.

After walking a few steps, Vera asked in a low voice: "Colin, will the Northern Territory really become the territory of the Saint Theon family?"

Colin turned his head, looked at Vera with a worried look, and comforted him warmly: "Don't worry, if you want to change the owner of the Northern Territory, why do you have to ask my opinion!"

Vera looked at the confident Colin, and suddenly smiled in relief.

Once faced with despair many times, this magical man can always surprise her.

This time, she believes it will be no exception.

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