The Original Vampire

Chapter 222: White robe and silver robe

The eastern horizon gradually revealed a hint of white belly, and a new day began.

But for the residents of Fallen Eagle City, the flame-like purgatory last night was the last day of their lives.

The open flame has gradually extinguished, but the suffocating heat has not yet dissipated, even if it is far away, it still feels unbearable.

In the bushes three kilometers away from Falling Eagle City, a uniquely shaped carriage was parked.

The coachman was napping, as if he didn't sleep well last night, with thick dark circles on his face and lingering fear between his brows, as if he was having a nightmare.

The two old horses pulling the cart were eating the grass on the ground leisurely, shaking their tails from time to time to drive away mosquitoes and flies.


There were two knocks in the car, which awakened the coachman. He quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and asked respectfully: "Master, are you leaving?"

"Well, go east." A majestic voice came from the car, short and powerful.

"Yes, sir!" The coachman immediately waved his whip, urging the old horse to go east.

But before they went far, there was another voice in the car: "Stop."

The coachman was unknown, but he stopped the carriage anyway.

Just when he was scratching his head to ask what was going on, he discovered that a figure in a silver mage robe appeared beside the carriage.

His face was shrouded in the wide hood, and he couldn't see his appearance, but the horror radiating from his body had already made the driver shiver unconsciously.

At this moment, a man's voice came from inside the car again: "Mark, you go a little farther."

The coachman, like a pardon, scurried off the ground and quickly ran a long way.

Afterwards, the curtain opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a white mage robe walked out of the carriage.

"Cuhusius, I didn't expect that this taboo technique was really restored by you." The silver-robed mage opened his mouth, with both exclamation and fear in his tone, but more, it was a deep worry.

"Master Ernest, I didn't expect to startle you." The white-robed mage Cusius who walked out of the carriage bowed slightly and saluted.

Afterwards, he shook his head and said: "However, we did not restore the taboo technique, it can only be regarded as a poor imitation, but fortunately, it should be a success."

Ernest sighed, as if he was feeling something, but then his tone became cold: "Do you know, what does this taboo technique mean if it succeeds?"

Kusius smiled, his face full of pride and pride, and exhilarated:

"It means that our mage no longer has to be cautious about the imperial aristocracy, no longer need to hide in Yevil, let alone pay the price of life to gain the power to fight against the sanctuary!"

Listening to Kusius’ rhetoric, Ernest raised his head, revealing a weather-beaten old face.

But there was no hint of joy on this face, but infinite sorrow and compassion.

"No." Ernest slowly shook his head and poured cold water on Kusius, "If this taboo technique is really successful, it will only bring you and Yeville to the extreme!"

Listening to the alarmist words of the old mage, Kusius smiled softly: "Master Ernest, although I respect you very much, I still have to say that your weakness also surprised me."

Facing Kusius’ ridicule, Ernest chuckled, not seeming to be angry, but said flatly but firmly:

"Sorry, Kusius, I have always admired you and Mr. Cougar for your exploratory spirit, but I cannot tolerate your sacrifice of the lives of innocent people to complete the curse, let alone allow your reckless behavior to ruin Yeville!"

Kusius also sneered, and said tit-for-tat: "How can there be no sacrifices on the way to explore the truth? Instead of sacrificing precious mages, it is better to sacrifice the ignorant and ignorant people!

As for Yevel, hehe, Lord Ernest, your cowardice is the real reason for its gradual decline and even its extinction!

Now, Mr. Wang and Reinhardt have reached a consensus, and the Northern Territory is about to change to a new master, and it is also a new master as a mage!

As for the Paladin who has always caused headaches for the wizards, hehe, now there is a way to deal with it, so, Lord Osnet, it is time for you to put aside those stale dogmas and let the Mages Council be reborn from the ashes! "

"Rebirth from the ashes? I think you can only play with fire**!" Ernest looked cold, "Your target this time should be the Duke of St. Hild? Whether he died under this curse or not, Will cause an uproar in the Glorious Empire!

And Yevel, may not be able to survive such a huge wave as you expected!

No, I have to talk to Mr. Hooter in person. "

With that, Ernest walked to Fallen Eagle City.

But he didn't take a few steps, but Kusius blocked his way.

Ernest squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Khuhuus, you dare to stop me?"

Kusius shook his head firmly and said: "Sorry, Sir Ernest, I promised Mr. Hooter that I will guard him for one day. During this day, no one is allowed to approach the ruins of Fallen Eagle City!"

Ernest laughed suddenly, his tone scumming cold: "Khuhuus, do you really think I'm old?"

Cusius raised his staff and responded: "No, I just think it's time for you to give way."

"Hahaha!" Ernest laughed loudly, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, "Make way? Just because you want the chairperson of the Mage Council, okay, let me see, you are so What's the growth in the past few years!"

As he spoke, Ernest's eyes instantly became silvery white, and countless small electric lights fluttered around him like silver snakes. His expression became extremely cold, and his mouth was thinking of incomprehensible elves.

The opposite Kusius also entered a fighting state almost at the same time. His blond hair became completely white in an instant, and there were even faint frost on it, and the temperature around his body dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant. The ice crystals visible to the naked eye have also begun to condense in the air.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and the wind in the field seemed to stop.

At this time, Kusius and Ernest had become two distinct worlds.

On one side is the bitter freezing, on the other side is the lightning of the silver snake.

On one side is the dead silence of Winter, as if to freeze all vitality;

On the other side is endless mania, as if to destroy the world.

"Khuhuus, the last chance, let, or, not let?"

"Master Ernest, the world has changed, you are outdated!"


With a loud shout, countless giant snake-like electric snakes twisted their bodies and rushed towards Kusius at an indistinguishable speed.

Ding Ding Ding...

Layers of crystal clear ice shields instantly shattered and turned into tiny chips flying in the sky, reflecting colorful light under the sunlight.

There is a kind of weird beauty.

These beautiful and dangerous ice crystals congealed in the air without dispersing, and as Kusius' gestures kept changing their positions, they gradually formed a mysterious array in the air.


The deadly icy world suddenly became frenzied, and an extremely cold storm rushed towards Ernest, carrying fine ice crystals like a tornado.

A thick ice mark was blown out on the ground along the way, and all the animals and plants on the ice mark were frozen in this piece of ice at this moment.


The huge shock wave, carrying ice cold and lightning, quickly spread to the surroundings.

Although the coachman Mark had been hiding far away, he was still caught by Yu's body and fainted instantly with a shake.

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