The Original Vampire

Chapter 223: Uman

As the sun sets, the Uman family army begins to camp.

Piles of bonfires ignited, dispelling the darkness that gradually enveloped the earth.

After night fell, a convoy with the Tulip Chamber of Commerce's mark slowly entered the barracks.

Penny raised the curtain of the car and asked a knight who came up: "Where is the Lord Earl?"

The knight bowed slightly and replied, "Ms. Penny, please follow me."

Penny immediately got out of the carriage, led by the knight to a tent in the middle of the camp.

"Why are you here?" Count Uman looked at Penny who walked in, slightly surprised.

Penny smiled: "Why? Isn't it welcome?"

"That's not true. It's just that you are not sitting in Fallen Eagle City, I am always a little worried."

Penny took a few steps forward and gently added a cup of tea to Uman, saying: "Don't worry, there are still thirty thousand troops guarding the city. Besides, isn't Walla also there."

Count Uman nodded: "Well, how is Varla's injury?"

"I've seen it myself, it's not a big problem, it only takes a while to cultivate."

While the two were talking, they saw Viscount Lawrence walking in happily: "Father, I heard that the mother is here?"

Count Uman glared at his son, then yelled, "Speak down!"

Viscount Lawrence smiled carelessly: "Don't worry, father, the guards outside the account have been distracted by me, no one will hear."

Penny looked at her son dozingly, and said with a smile: "It won't be long before Lawrence can call my mother righteously."

Count Uman was a little helpless, but he couldn't touch his wife anymore. He nodded vaguely, and then turned to ask: "You are looking for me in the barracks this time, what's the matter?"

Penny gave the earl a white look and groaned, "I can't come to see you if I'm okay?"

After speaking, he picked up the freshly poured tea and delivered it to Earl Uman.

Earl Uman took the tea cup, but did not drink it immediately. Instead, he looked at his lover and smiled: "Of course not. I just think that with your personality, if it wasn't really something, I'm afraid I wouldn't have traveled so far to come to me. ."

Penny glanced at the earl, saw that he looked as usual, and said: "There is indeed something wrong. I just learned the details of the peace agreement signed between Viscount Anglia and the Troll Empire."

As she said, she handed a letter to the earl: “According to this agreement, in time, the Anglia family will inevitably rise up until it becomes the most powerful force in the northeast of the northern border. Therefore, my brother recommends you Plan as early as possible to eliminate the threat in the bud in advance."

Count Uman took the letter paper, frowned and looked at it.

How terrible did the troll lose?

To sign such a peace agreement?

Before he could completely digest the information, Penny spoke again, and said another even more explosive news: "Oh, yes, there is one more thing. Duke of St. Hild, dead."

"What? Who died?"

Count Uman widened his eyes and looked at his lover in disbelief.

At this moment, a silver light suddenly pierced the back of Count Uman's heart.


However, Earl Uman seemed to have eyes behind him, and instantly caught the attacker's wrist with his backhand and thunder.

The camp was quiet for an instant, only the letterhead slowly drifted down and fell into the bonfire, banging a ball of flames.

Count Uman slowly turned his head and looked at the sneak attacker behind him. The expression on his face was extremely complicated, and his tone was full of incredibly painful expressions: " want to kill me?"

Viscount Lawrence obviously hadn't expected that Earl Uman would be able to watch out for his back under such circumstances, and for a moment he didn't know what expression to put on his face.

"Are you my son?" Count Uman asked tremblingly.

At the same time, he overturned the tea cup in his left hand, allowing the tea in the cup to drip to the ground, making a harsh sizzle, and even bursts of blue smoke.

The water is poisonous.

Count Uman turned his head again and looked at Penny, but did not question her about the poisoning, but asked: "Is he my son?"

Penny's lips trembled rapidly, but instead of answering the question of Count Uman, she chanted the wizard spell quickly.

She is also a mage.

"You are looking for death!"

Count Uman roared, and kicked Viscount Lawrence away. At the same time, he approached Penny with a stride, reached out and strangled her throat, and interrupted the spell.

Viscount Lawrence fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up, and was about to draw his sword to rush again, but he heard a word from Penny's throat:


"Mother..." Viscount Lawrence looked tangled.

"Get out!" Count Uman glared back and roared.

Viscount Lawrence looked at the horror of the opponent choosing someone, and he was so scared that he ran out of the camp.

"Is he my son?" Count Uman was still struggling with this question, as if he would never give up without asking the question.

Penny patted Count Uman's steel-like hand that strangled her throat, indicating that she couldn't answer at all.

Count Uman then let go and stared at his lover blankly.

Penny gasped quickly, and it took a long time to breathe.

Then, she did not panic, looked at Count Uman with a cold expression, and slowly uttered a word:


"Batch!" Count Uman's expression was instantly distorted, his eyes seemed to swallow the woman in front of him, "He is the **** of you and your brother, isn't it? Isn't it!"

Penny didn't answer, so she acquiesced.

Count Uman stretched out his hand again and strangled Penny's throat, as if he really wanted to strangle her alive.

Penny's eyes were fixed on Earl Uman, without begging for mercy, but a confident provocation was revealed in her eyes.

It seems to be saying-will you try to strangle me?

After a standoff, Earl Uman finally let go of his hands.

The arrogance in Penny's eyes was even worse. While rubbing her reddish neck, she said in a bewitching tone:

"Talos Uman, you should be honored to be a partner of the Saint Theon family. As long as you let me go, you will be the biggest hero when my brother becomes the new Lord of the North."

Count Uman looked at Penny blankly, and asked in a hoarse tone after a long while: "A couple of thirty years, it turns out that you have no feelings for me at all."

A trace of disdain flashed in Penny's eyes: "Well, Lord Earl, when did you become so sentimental?"

"Then why did you kill me this time? Could it be that your brother has made up his mind to adopt Lawrence as his adopted son?"

"Well, that's a reason. Are you not against it?" Penny observed Earl Uman's face, seeming to want to see something from it, "Don't you always feel that you owe Varla? After Lawrence changed his surname, you too Vallar can be formally established as the heir to the earl. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

The corners of Count Uman's mouth moved, and he pulled out a mocking smile: "Is there any other reason?"

Penny's eyes flashed, seeming to hesitate.

But in the face of Count Uman’s sharp gaze, and thinking that he should get news soon, he said frankly:

"Well, there is another reason. Didn't I just tell you that the Duke of St. Hilde is dead? It was not a deliberate lie to divert your attention."

"So, the Duke of St. Hild is really dead?" Count Uman's eyes seemed to relax a bit, and there was even a touch of joy that could not be concealed.

"Yes." Penny raised her head triumphantly, "So, the St. Hild family is over, and the St. Theon family will soon become the master of the North. Don’t make mistakes at this last moment. choose."

Count Uman looked unmoved and asked persistently: "The Duke of Saint Hild is dead, why are you killing me?"

Penny glared at the other party dissatisfiedly, as if she felt that she had regained control of the situation: "Killing a paladin must pay a price.

My brother gave an eye, and of course you Uman family also need to give something. "

Count Uman's eyes trembled, and he asked, "What price did our Uman family pay?"

"Falling Eagle City."

"Falcon Falling Eagle City?"

"Yes. Fallen Eagle City has been sacrificed." Penny looked at Count Uman whose eyes suddenly became violent, and quickly persuaded, "Talos, don't get excited! Although the Uman family has lost a city, but As long as you inherit allegiance to the family of Saint Theon, we will definitely compensate you, and double the compensation!"

"Compensation?" Count Uman suddenly quieted down, seeming to move.

Penny looked at the calm down, Earl Uman, suddenly relieved, and quickly said: "I will let my brother canonize you as a Marquis, how about?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Penny stuck her whole body, and stretched out her hand to draw circles on Count Uman's chest, winking like silk:

"If you don't want Varla's lowly illegitimate son to inherit the title, I can give birth to another child, how about?"

Count Uman looked at Penny in his arms blankly, and said lightly: "Walla is humble? Ha ha, he is the son of Mrs. Sudor and I! And Lawrence? He is just you and your brother ** An illegitimate child born!"

Penny's face changed slightly, but she still resisted her anger, and said with a charming smile: "What do you know? The blood flowing in Lawrence's body is the purest blood of Saint Theon!"

Count Uman's eyes became colder and colder: "Do you think that if you have a "sage" in your surname, you can take other people as dogs for granted?"

Penny’s charming smile instantly solidified on her face, UU reading www.'s tone also became tough: "Talos Uman, don't know how to lift..."


She was only half talking, and Count Uman broke her neck.

Count Uman looked at the body of the woman in his arms and mocked:

"It turns out that killing a descendant of a paladin family is no different from killing a mortal."


Throwing the corpse on the ground casually, Earl Uman shouted toward the outside of the tent: "Come here!"

After a while, a knight appeared in the tent and said respectfully:

"Master Earl, what do you have to say."

"Go get Lawrence Uman back, life or death!"


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