The Original Vampire

Chapter 224: Guard

The coffin of the Duke of St. Hilde stopped in the main hall of the church.

Who would have thought that just yesterday, the Duke of the North had presided over the wedding of Colin and Vera, but now he has closed his eyes forever.

The elusive fate is like the pollen of Brownian motion in the water. With the limited wisdom of mortals, it will never be able to predict its next trajectory.

The coffin was open, and a group of northern nobles took turns to express their condolences.

Colin held Vera by the hand and stood by the coffin, staring at the Duke's body in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The broken body of the Duke of St. Hild has been spliced ​​back together. The craftsmanship of the masons is quite good, except for the cracks that are difficult to erase, there is no difference at all from the original.

Anyone who has tried to put together a broken vase again will understand how difficult it is.

The death of the Duke of St. Hilde, in a sense, Colin can also be regarded as an accomplice.

If it weren't for the blood slave he controlled to stop at the most critical moment when Mr. Hooters cast the spell, I'm afraid this forbidden curse would not succeed at all.

If you do it again, Colin will still choose to stop and let the Duke of St. Hild die.

He will not forget the humiliation that the Duke of the North has brought to himself, and the harm he has done to Vera and Marquis Garcia.

Missing this opportunity, he really didn't know how to deal with this figure who stood at the pinnacle of the Northern Territory, regardless of force or intelligence.

I am afraid that from now on, Colin will only be at the mercy of the Duke of the North as he did at the Vera Bar Mitzvah.

Although the ruthless Duke of the North is currently standing on Colin's side, his presence will only bring endless pressure to Colin. Once he is in the North, Colin can only be a man with his tail between his tails.

And always worry about whether he will become a **** for the opponent to sacrifice.

Don't look at Colin now as the duke's son-in-law, but the duke is a ruthless character who even sells his own son. A son-in-law is a fart.

This can be regarded as a disguised form of revenge for Vera, and Marquis Garcia.

As for whether this would cause the situation in the North Territory to collapse, Colin was not too worried.

Chaos is a ladder.

Although the words of Marquis Dawson were uneasy and kind, they won Colin's heart.

For an ambitious man like Colin, a chaotic north may be more suitable for him.

Therefore, the Duke should be dead.

The only thing that made Colin feel pity was that after the Duke of St. Hild was petrified, the blood did not know where it went.

Otherwise, he can take the opportunity to taste the blood of the Paladin, how sweet it is.

After the nobles finished their mourning, the bishop of Perth stepped forward and poured holy water into the coffin, chanting prayers.

Finally, under the guidance of the bishop, everyone joined in a silent tribute to the Duke of St. Hild.

This is the end of the ceremony, but the Duke of St. Hild cannot be buried yet.

After all, it was the former Lord of the North. The body of the Duke of St. Hilde cannot be buried in a tomb in Ice Rock City like Charles, who has no title, but must be transported back to Wintery City for a grand funeral.

At that time, the imperial royal family will send people to participate.

At the same time, it will also decide who is the new Duke of the North.

"Colin, I will stay to watch the night, and you can go back."

After everyone left one after another, Vera turned her head and whispered to Colin.

Her face was a little pale, and there was an inconceivable sadness in her eyes, but more of it was worry and confusion.

Colin held the other's cold hand and said warmly: "I will stay and watch the night with you."

"Okay." Vera pursed her lips and smiled, put her arm around Colin's arm, leaned her head on his shoulder, and let out a long sigh of relief.

As the Bishop of Perth closed the door of the temple, only Colin and Vera remained in the entire hall.

The cold moonlight shines through the glass on the marble floor, blending with the brilliance of the magic crystal chandelier, forming strange patterns.

A slight breeze came in from nowhere, and brought the tranquility of the spring night into the hall.

"Colin..." Vera suddenly said, her voice seemed to come from a distant starry sky, deep and ethereal.

"What's the matter?" Colin turned his head and kissed Vera's hair.

"You said... should I hate him?"

"What do you think?"

Colin didn't give an answer, because he understood that at this time, Vera might not need an answer, but a confession.

No matter how bad the Duke of St. Hilde's behavior was, he still has 20 years of nurturing grace for Vera, which is indisputable.

What's more, he gave Vera what she needed most-identity.

Colin didn't know which beauty the Marquis Garcia gave birth to Vera, but without the Duke's adoption, she would only be a despised illegitimate daughter.

"I don't know..." Vera said quietly.

However, Colin did not hear a trace of hatred from it.

"If you don't know, just keep this question in your heart for the time being, maybe one day, when you look back at an experience, you will have the answer."

Colin decisively gave a piece of "chicken soup" to soothe the injured heart of the girl.

Vera tasted Colin's words, and her eyebrows stretched a lot: "I understand, thank you, Colin."

It's so coaxing...

Colin smiled and patted Vera's arm, motioning her not to think too much.

The hall fell into silence again, and Colin was bored and began to study the lines on the Duke of Saint Hilde in the coffin, as if there was some mystery hidden in it.

But it didn't take long for Vera to ask again: "Colin, what did you say that father was killed by?"

"I guess it should be a spell, but if it can kill the Paladin, I'm afraid it's a curse."

Having said this, Colin suddenly remembered the scene in Fallen Eagle City that he had seen through the eyes of the blood slave.

The terrifying sight of the burning city made Ke Lin feel bitterly cold.

"I guess it's a forbidden curse." Vera nodded, "Moreover, it's very similar to a forbidden curse I've seen."

"Oh?" Clin cheered up immediately. He suddenly remembered that his wife beside him was also a mage, and maybe he knew some useful information.

Then he asked: "Do you know this forbidden curse?"

Vera nodded and shook her head again: "I have seen a similar forbidden curse in the teacher's library. However, it is impossible to release that forbidden curse now, because the most important material for the spell is no longer available. turn up."

"Oh? What forbidden curse?"

"Petrochemical Eye."

"The Petrified Eye?" Colin looked at the Duke of St. Hilde, who became a stone statue in the coffin, a little surprised.

"Yes. However, this forbidden curse is not the same as the Eye of Petrified. I remember that the Forbidden Curse of Eye of Petrified uses the eyes of the caster as a release medium. Anyone who looks directly into the eyes of the caster will become a stone. .

However, on the day of my father's spell, no suspicious caster appeared in the Red Fort. Moreover, I looked up and saw the mysterious blue eyes in the sky, but they were not petrified.

Therefore, although the two are similar, they are definitely not the same forbidden spell. "

"It is estimated that it is a new spell modified from the Forbidden Curse of the Petrified Eye." Colin touched his chin, and then he noticed an important message in Vera's narration, "You said you are in the teacher's library Do you see the cast scroll of the Petrified Eye?"


"Your teacher?"

"It's the deputy speaker of the Yevil Magistrate Council-Lord Kusius."

"Cuhusius?" Colin certainly hadn't heard the name, he knew almost nothing about Yevil, the city of wizards.

"Then do you know Mr. Hooter?" Colin said the name of the real caster.

"Well, I've seen him a few times in Yeville. His origin is very mysterious, and his relationship with the teacher looks pretty good. He often exchanges research experience together."

Colin looked at Vera who was and said bluntly: "Actually, this Mr. Coquettish is a descendant of the Saint Theon family."

"Saint Theon?" Vera was taken aback as expected.

"Yes, and, I suspect, it was this Mr. Hooter who killed the Duke of St. Hild."

Vera frowned: "Then... Do you think that Mr. Xiang has researched the forbidden curse to kill his father based on the petrified eye in the teacher's collection?"


Vera pondered for a moment, and then said immediately: "Then I will write to the teacher after I go back and ask him about this matter."

"Well, it's best to ask him again, what are the conditions for the release of this forbidden curse, what is the price to pay, and is there a way to crack it?" Colin was a little worried that one day he would become the target of this forbidden curse.

This forbidden curse is really terrifying. Paladins can be directly petrified. He feels that if he becomes a target, the characteristics of the blood family may not be able to save him.


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