The Original Vampire

Chapter 242: Seize Power (Part 2)

The night is deep and everything is quiet.

A figure in full armor was striding towards the tent of Knight Nelson.

"Stop! Who are you? Please report your identity!"

Before the camp, Nelson Knight's guards immediately stopped the unidentified armored man with vigilance.

The armored man took off his helmet calmly.

"Charles Hou... Your lord!"

As the direct legion of the St. Hild family, it is of course impossible not to recognize Charles St. Hild.

But the guards still couldn't believe their eyes, because there was news before that the eldest son of the Duke of St. Hild had died in the troll empire. Why did he appear here again?

Charles glanced blankly at the shocked guards, and then walked directly to the camp.

Of course the guards did not dare to stop.

In the camp, Knight Nelson also heard the movement outside. When he was surprised how the guards let them in without telling them, they saw Charles' familiar face appear in front of them.

"Master Charles..."

The Nelson Cavaliers were also completely stunned on the spot, apparently shocked by Charles's resurrection.

" are not already..."

"That's all the rumors I told Viscount Angele to let go."

Charles spoke, but his tone of voice had an unspeakable weirdness, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time and he was a little bit awkward.

"What's wrong with your throat?"

"Ahem, I hurt my throat a little bit earlier."

Colin is also very helpless. Although he can now manipulate the blood slave to speak, this manipulation is very laborious, and the tone of his speech is also very strange.

Fortunately, Knight Nelson did not pay attention to this at this time. After hearing Charles' explanation, he no longer struggled with this point, but hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute.

Although Charles has now been deprived of his knighthood, after all, he once represented the Duke of St. Hild in command of the Golden Lion Army for a period of time, so Knight Nelson is considered his old subordinate.

"I need you to immediately lead the army back to Winter City!" Charles said in a commanding tone.

Knight Nelson's expression condensed, and slowly raised his head, the respect on his face gradually disappeared.

"Master Charles, I don't know what Viscount Angley told you, but now, we obviously have the opportunity to fight the dwarves, why should we retreat to Winterfell?"

"Are you sure you will win?" Charles asked blankly.

The Nelson Knight shook his head and said: "The battlefield situation is ever-changing, and who dares to say that it will win?"

Charles pulled out a stiff sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Then if you lose, can you bear the responsibility?"

"If I lose, I apologize with death!" The Nelson Knight replied sonorously.

"Haha. If the Golden Lion Legion were killed in World War I, the Northern Territory would be completely under the control of the Saint Theon family. Even if you died thousands of times, it would be difficult to redeem your sins."

The Nelson Knight was silent for a moment, but his eyes became firmer, and he shook his head and said, "Sorry, Lord Charles. The order I received from Lord Duke is to guard the line of the running river and not let the Dawson family's army advance half a step!"

"Father is dead."

"Before I saw Lord Duke's body in person, please forgive me for not being able to admit the Duke's death."

Speaking of this, Colin also realized that this Knight Nelson was completely unable to persuade him.

Since you can't persuade with words, let's change another way.

The air in the camp gradually stagnated, and Charles said in a cold scumming tone: "Nelson, are you determined to fight me to the end?"

"Sorry, Lord Charles." The Nelson Knight bowed his head to apologize, but insisted that he did not let go.


In the next second, a cold light suddenly appeared.

Cavaliers shook his heart, and hurriedly leaned back, and then he dodged Charles' fatal sword dangerously and dangerously.

"Master Charles! What are you doing?" The Nelson Knight obviously did not expect Charles to kill if he didn't agree with him.

"I'm going to kill you, a traitor of the St. Hild family!"

Charles roared and approached again with his sword.

Seeing Charles' full-faced killing intent, Knight Nelson didn't dare to take it carelessly, and immediately drew out the saber around his waist, with a backhand piercing Charles' chest with a sword.

Knight Nelson's sword was intended to try to force Charles back, but he didn't expect that Charles seemed to ignore it and rushed forward regardless.

When the Nelson Knight realized that it was not good and was about to change his move, it was too late to take the sword.

"Master Charles! Retreat!"

Charles completely ignored the Nelson Knight's warning, as if he couldn't wait to rush to the gleaming sword tip.


The long sword pierced Charles' chest.

At the same time, the long sword in Charles's hand was also cut on Nelson's shoulder, almost cutting off his right arm.

But at this time, the Nelson Cavaliers had no intention of caring about his injuries. Looking at Charles, who was close at hand, his whole body was dumbfounded.

"Big, sir..." The guards who came to check when they heard the movement appeared in the camp. Seeing everything in front of them, they were dumbfounded.

Knight Nelson killed Charles St. Hild? !

The gurgling blood spring water usually flows from Charles's mouth, but there is a strange smile on his face.

"What's going on?" Cambenin Knight's voice just came from outside the camp.

Hearing this voice, Knight Nelson closed his eyes in pain.

He knew that he was finished.


"What happened?"

Count Uman walked out of the camp, looked at the noisy scene in the distance, and asked suspiciously.

The guards also shook their heads blankly.

"Go and see."

"Yes." A guard immediately took the order and ran quickly in the direction of the Nelson Knights' camp.

Count Uman was about to go back to wait for the news, but saw a figure in full armor walking towards him.

"Stop! Who is it?"

The guards immediately stepped forward to intercept.

The armor man took off his helmet decisively, revealing a beautiful face.

"Cynthia Sudor?" Count Uman recognized his niece at a glance, "Where did you go after you disappeared for so long?"

"Uncle, I have been hiding in Ice Rock City, and finally found out a big secret of the Anglia family!"

"What's the secret?" Although Earl Uman thought Cynthia's tone was a little strange, his attention was immediately drawn to him after hearing the word secret.

"I found that the reason why Viscount Angele's strength can improve so quickly is entirely because..."

Cynthia said as she kept getting closer to Count Uman.

When the distance between the two of them was less than three steps, she suddenly exerted her strength and rushed forward. The cold light flashed in her hand, and it was a dagger.


The dagger stabbed Count Uman in the lower abdomen, but was held tightly by a big hand, unable to go further.

"Why betray me?"

Count Uman's face was gloomy and terrible, and he looked at Cynthia's eyes and shouted angrily.

However, he didn't see any guilt or hesitation in the opponent's eyes, and some were just a deep and dead indifference, like a beast that had been dead for a long time.

Bang bang bang!

Just when Earl Uman was startled by Cynthia's eyes, there was a sudden sound of earth-shattering footsteps behind him.

A huge armored man rushed like a giant elephant.

The guards immediately drew their knives and stepped forward to stop them, but were slapped by the opponent as if they were swatting flies.

Count Uman immediately realized that this was a killing against himself.

Immediately roared, kicked Cynthia in front of him with one kick, and then turned around and blasted out a punch.

The golden light and flowing water generally spread forward, forming a physical barrier right in front of!

The golden barrier shattered in an instant, and Earl Uman could only feel the embarrassing crunch of his arms.

The wound in his lower abdomen also split instantly, and the sharp pain in his heart made him almost unsteady on his feet.


Count Uman couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out instantly with the terrifying impact of the opponent.

As soon as he landed, he ran back without hesitation while shouting:

"There are assassins!"

This shout seemed as if a little spark fell into the dry wood, and instantly ignited the entire barracks.

Countless Uman family soldiers took up their weapons and rushed over, trying to protect their Lord Earl.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the armored man and Cynthia stopped entanglement, and immediately turned and ran.

Soon, it disappeared into the dark night.

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