The Original Vampire

Chapter 243: Aftermath


The harsh bugle sounded through the camp of the Golden Lion Army, and the soldiers who had just awakened from their dreams roared out of the tent.

While putting on his armor indiscriminately, he was still looking for his weapon everywhere.

Cursing, shouting, and the screams of soldiers bumping into each other in the darkness were intertwined.

"Stand on the spot, don't run around! Cut off those who violate the order!"

The officers ran and shouted in the camp, maintaining order.

In fact, the current situation is very dangerous. If you are not careful, a scream will occur.

Even if there is no enemy invading at all, but with the panic spreading, and it is late at night, the officers can easily lose control of the soldiers, causing the unknown soldiers to kill each other.

Fortunately, this time Colin made preparations in advance. He had already sent black cavalry to run back and forth in the Golden Lion Army camp. Once he found that someone was taking the opportunity to make trouble, he was immediately arrested and severely punished.

It was a mess in the Uman family barracks.

In the middle of the night, the military order was not passed smoothly, and the soldiers had no idea what was going on.

Moreover, these soldiers were already immersed in the anger and sorrow of the burning down of Eagle City, and their spirits were on the verge of collapse, and they were always supported by the promise of Count Uman to vengeance for them.

But under this chaos, the suppressed anger in the soldiers' hearts burst out, and it immediately turned into hysterical madness.

Many soldiers don't care, slash when they see people, kill when they see them, and only realize that they are not enemies at all, but their own companions.

This kind of crazy emotions generally spread, and it can't be dealt with at all.

Count Uman was also injured at this time, still wondering why his niece Cynthia would betray her, and who was planning to assassinate herself, did not step up in time to stabilize the hearts of the people.

When he discovered something was wrong, the situation in the camp was completely out of control.

"Brother Charles!"

In the camp of Knight Nelson, Vera cried and pounced on Charles' corpse.

She never thought that her brother would come back from the dead and then died again...

"Nelson! How dare you murder Your Excellency Charles!" Colin reprimanded righteously.

At this time, the Nelson Knight had been restrained by the Camberin Knights, and he sat on the ground with his eyes blankly. After hearing Colin's questioning, he pulled out an ugly wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and said weakly:

"I said I didn't want to kill him at all, he hit the tip of my sword himself, believe it or not?"

Obviously, this kind of excuse made everyone look at Knight Nelson as if they were looking at a fool.

Knight Nelson also understood that under such circumstances, he couldn't make it clear at all, and the weirdness of the whole thing was beyond his understanding.

Bachelor Dawn's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When Colin told him that there was a way to deal with the Nelson Knights, he did not expect that the final situation would become like this.

Although I couldn't figure out what went wrong in this, Knight Nelson killed Charles by mistake, but the final result... is pretty good.

Nelson was over.

The Golden Lion Legion, as the direct legion of the St. Hild family, whether it is a middle-level officer or a low-level soldier, the loyalty to the St. Hild family must be ranked first in the North.

Knight Nelson killed the eldest son of the generation of the Saint Hild family. Such evil deeds doomed him to completely lose his appeal in this army.

Even at this time, many soldiers of the Golden Lion Army hated him and tried to find a chance to kill him and avenge Charles.

At this time, the turmoil in the Uman family barracks became more serious, and the screams and killings had even reached here.

Colin frowned and listened for a while, and said in doubt: "What's the matter?"

The assassination of Earl Uman failed, which disappointed Colin.

Count Uman's vigilance was too strong, even Cynthia could not succeed in a sneak attack, and the strength of this person was indeed formidable, and he was able to escape calmly from the ranks of the fifth-order warrior Prince Merluvi.

But after the assassination to no avail, the blood slaves have been withdrawn. Why is there more and more chaos over there now?

Bachelor Dawn listened for a while and judged: "It should be a camp scream."

"Ying Xiao?" Colin suddenly shuddered.

He has heard of the horror of Ying Xiao. Once it is not handled well, the casualties caused by Ying Xiao are not even less than a fiasco.

Therefore, Colin immediately ordered: "Knight Louis, please go and maintain order immediately, so that the panic of the Uman family army cannot spread to the Golden Lion Army!

Remember, your task is to guard the camp of the Golden Lion Corps. If Earl Uman asks for assistance, you must not send troops!

If there are insurgents rushing into our camp, please don't be merciless and kill them all! "

The Louis Knight hesitated for a moment, but under Colin's aggressive gaze, he nodded and said, "Yes!"

He also saw the situation clearly now, and the Nelson Knight was completely finished.

Obviously, the Knights of Cambenin should take over as the new legion commander, and the Golden Lion legion will also be controlled by Colin and Vera.

In this case, Louis must make a choice.

And his choice was not unexpected.

When Knight Louis led the way out of the camp, Knight Nelson finally raised his head and fixedly looked at Colin, his gaze seemed to recover a little.

Just listen to the dead-end knight said in a deep voice: "Viscount Angley, do you still insist on withdrawing the Golden Lion Legion to Wintery City?"


The Nelson Knight nodded when he heard the words, and seemed to finally recognize the reality, and said frankly: "Do you know? Before you arrived here, I received a mysterious letter saying that Lord Duke is not dead, please I must carefully examine the body of the duke you brought."

"Oh?" Colin asked with a change of expression, "Who sent that letter to you?"

Knight Nelson shook his head slowly: "There is no signature on the letter."

Colin tightened his brows, and just wanted to ask again, he heard Knight Nelson say again: "Master Viscount, can you tell me, Master Duke is really dead?"

"Yes." Colin nodded solemnly, "I can swear by the honor of the ancestors of the Anglia family. The Duke has passed away unfortunately."

Knight Nelson nodded, as if finally letting go. He turned to look at Vera, leaned over and saluted, and said, "Miss Vera, please believe that my loyalty to the St. Hild family has not changed from beginning to end. !"

After saying this, without waiting for Vera's reply, Knight Nelson stood up abruptly and rushed back.

The Camberin knight was holding a long sword against Nelson's back. At this moment, he was caught off guard and found that his long sword had pierced Nelson's chest.

Knight Nelson turned his head and gave a cruel sneer at his old opponent: "Cam Benin, you have been dreaming of this day for a long time."

After speaking, he turned around again and said to everyone in front of him; "Believe it or not, that's how Charles died!"


The Knight Cambenin drew his sword, and Nelson fell slowly to the ground, and soon there was no sound.

The blood was flowing in the camp, and the atmosphere was almost stagnant.

After a while, Colin opened his mouth to break the suffocating silence: "Since Knight Nelson has committed suicide, the most important thing is to choose a new legion commander, Vera. You, as the only Saint Hild here, think Who is most suitable for this responsibility?"

Although Vera is heartbroken by her brother, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but also knows that she needs to cheer up at this time.

He wiped away the tears on his face, looked around for a while, and finally said softly: "Knight Cambenin, please come in charge of the Golden Lion Army."

The Camberin knight decisively knelt on one knee and responded loudly:


Across the rushing river, a group of dwarf cavalry is looking at the chaotic Uman family camp.

"What's going on there?" The Marquis Dawson's expression was very solemn, with expectations and doubts.

"My lord, there was a sentry report this morning. A group of black cavalry crossed the rushing river and entered the camp of the Golden Lion Corps. I guess it was Viscount Angley and Count Uman who had a conflict."

The Marquis Dawson touched his beard for a moment, and finally ordered:

"Let the soldiers get ready to cross the river as soon as the sky is up!"


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