The Original Vampire

Chapter 249: reel

As night fell, the south bank of the rushing river was blazing into the sky.

That was the Golden Lion Corps burning the corpse.

The preliminary statistics of this battle have also come out. In this battle, the Golden Lion Corps suffered more than 4,000 casualties, annihilated nearly 10,000 dwarves, and captured more than 15,000 people. In addition, there were a large number of dwarves who jumped into the rushing river. Unable to count.

Such a result can be described as a complete victory, and the threat of the Marquis Dawson suddenly dropped by a large margin.

At least if the Golden Lion Army chooses to withdraw at this time, the dwarves on the other side will definitely not dare to pursue it.

This battle also gave Colin a more intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Golden Lion Army.

It is indeed the most elite unit of the Saint Hild family. If the Black Cavalry is the first cavalry in the North, then the Golden Lion Legion can be regarded as the first soldier in the North.

This also made Colin have a covetous heart for this army.

Although the cavalry is invincible in field encounters, there are still many restrictions. For example, siege warfare, or in poor terrain conditions, it is difficult to exert its strength. Therefore, Colin needs an elite infantry corps. add.

Originally, what Colin was considering was the half-elf Silver Moon Guard, but now it seems that the Golden Lion Legion's combat effectiveness is obviously higher than the Silver Moon Guard by a lot, so he put his idea on this army.

So, even though the night was dark, Colin followed Vera to sympathize with the wounded soldiers and gather people's hearts.

It has to be said that doing such a thing as Vera is indeed a multiplier with less effort. Coupled with her kindness and kindness, every soldier who has talked with her cordially has tears in his eyes, as if he would be willing to do it in the next second. She gave her life.

After Colin followed for a while, he was a little embarrassed to find that he himself actually seemed a little redundant. Vera's charm aura completely covered Colin's existence, and he soon became a small attendant...

Afterwards, Colin simply gave Vera the task of drawing people's hearts to complete it alone. Anyway, their husband and wife were one body, and allegiance to Vera was basically equivalent to loyalty to Colin.

After leaving the wounded barracks, Colin saw that the Knights of Cambenin had been waiting for a while, as if there was something to report.

"what happened?"

"Master Viscount, those dwarven captives have been placed properly, may I ask...what should I do?"

Hearing the captive, Colin frowned.

According to his practice in the two previous wars, there would be no way for the prisoners to survive.

However, the Eastern Territory was to avenge the Black Cavalry, and the Troll Empire was unable to place prisoners in the enemy country, so it had to kill them all.

But Colin also knew that if too much of killing prisoners was done, it would definitely be backlashed.

At least, once his notoriety has been identified and spread, and when he encounters an enemy in the future, he will definitely consider Colin's reputation for killing prisoners, and will not dare to surrender, and will only resist desperately.

Moreover, the dwarf captives this time were strictly speaking, they were also from the Northern Territory. They really wanted to kill all of them, and then Kelin's reputation would be stinky.

"Is there enough food for the Golden Lion Army?"

"It can last more than a month."

"That's OK, just keep these captives first, but control their food intake, eat one meal a day, and stay hungry."

"Yes, my lord!"

The Camberin knight nodded and said yes, and was about to leave, but he listened to Colin's order: "By the way, all the professionals among the prisoners are selected and sent to me."

"Yes!" Even though the Cavalier Knight didn't understand what Colin was going to do, he still took his orders to leave.

Obviously, Colin was preparing to convert the professionals among these captives into blood slaves and add them to the blood shadow guard.

The harvest this time made Ke Lin quite look forward to, because he knew there was a Tier 5 fighter among these captives.

You know, there are only two paladins in the entire Glory Empire, and there are no more than ten Tier 6 professionals. Therefore, Tier 5 professionals are definitely the top combat power.

Thinking of this, Colin walked briskly towards his camp.


As the night darkened, Vera finally ended her condolences to the wounded.

Rubbing her sore waist, Vera also walked out of the wounded camp, ready to return to the camp to rest.

On the way, she ran into Mage Kusius, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Teacher? It's so late, haven't you rested yet?" Vera's voice was a little hoarse, obviously because she talked too much when she was condoning.

"Can't sleep, so come out and walk." Kusius smiled and glanced at the guard behind Vera.

Vera immediately understood what the other person meant, and then turned around and said: "You go back first, I will walk with the teacher."

The guards hesitated, stepped back a certain distance, but did not go far.

"Teacher, if you have anything, just speak up."

Cusius looked at Vera for a moment, and suddenly said with emotion: "I haven't seen you for more than a year, you seem to have matured a lot."

Vera gently gathered the ends of her hair and smiled: "I'm going to grow up, I can't be a carefree child forever."

Kusius nodded, his eyes full of approval: "Indeed, if it was a year ago, you might have been eager to ask me, what is the forbidden curse that killed your father?"

Vera was silent.

In fact, on the day Kusius appeared, Vera was going to ask about this, but Colin stopped him.

Moreover, Colin also told her that the Mage Kuhusius, who took the initiative to come to the door, may not have good intentions.

Originally, with Vera's kind personality, she would not use such malice to guess her teacher, but after experiencing the betrayal of her adoptive father, the 19-year-old girl no longer trusts others as easily as before.

Seeing Vera not speaking, Kusius sighed and said solemnly: "Vera, I hope you know that the teacher will never hurt you."

Vera raised her head and glanced at her teacher, but immediately lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Well, I believe you."

Kusius didn't know whether Vera really believed in him or was just perfunctory, but he also knew that his student would not be easily moved by a few light words.

"To be honest, the teacher came to the North this time, indeed, for the Mr. Hooter of the Saint Theon family, and I know what he did in Fallen Eagle City.

Of course, I didn’t know that his goal was your father. If I knew this, I would definitely stop it..."

Vera suddenly raised her head, looked directly at her teacher, and asked: "So, what happened in Falling Eagle City? Did Mr. Wang really sacrifice a city of people to complete that forbidden curse?"

"That's right." Kusius nodded solemnly. "After discovering the forbidden spell of Eye of Petrification with Mr. Huo, it took nearly 20 years to modify and improve it, and finally developed a new one. Forbidden Curse-The Eye of Judgment!"

"The Eye of Judgment?"

" Kusius took out a scroll from the mage's robe and handed it to Vera. "That's it, you can take it and study it yourself. "

"I..." Facing the candid attitude of Mage Kusius, Vera was a little dazed for a while.

After a while, with a slightly trembling hand, he took the scroll of the terrible Forbidden Curse.

But she did not open it to watch.

Ivera's character is absolutely unwilling to study, or even to understand a spell that requires sacrifice to the citizens of a city, no matter how powerful it is.

However, her curiosity as a mage made her want to know exactly what this terrible forbidden curse existed.

Kusius looked at Vera who was struggling, and smiled slightly: "The scroll has been given to you, so you can study it carefully. However, remember to keep it secret. This forbidden spell is not only the hope of our mage's rise, but it may also become our life-giving charm. ."

After saying this, Kusius left in a hurry.

Vera was left standing on the spot, staring at the scroll in her hand in a daze.

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