The Original Vampire

Chapter 250: Withdrawal

"The lives of three hundred thousand civilians and an eye, are these the casting materials needed by the Judgment Eye?"


In the camp, Vera shrank in Colin's arms like a kitten, full of resistance to the casting scroll in Colin's hands, but still carefully explained the elves above.

"So, for the caster, he only needs to pay the price of one eye, and the true backlash of Forbidden Curse has been borne by those 300,000 civilians?"

"Yes." Vera's face was full of horror and anger, "This is simply the magic of the devil! I really can't imagine why the teacher would develop such a thing."

Colin patted Vera's head for comfort, but there were not many ups and downs in his heart.

He even believed that the production of this forbidden curse was inevitable.

It has always been an eternal pain for the wizards to fail to break through the sixth rank and enter the sanctuary, and having a forbidden curse comparable to the power of the sanctuary requires the life of the caster.

Such a price obviously will prompt the mages to constantly search for improved methods. Even if they cannot avoid the backlash of Forbidden Curse, they will definitely find ways to find "scapegoats" to help them share this backlash.

Now they succeeded.

This "eye of judgment" forbidden curse, putting aside the moral issues in it, can definitely be regarded as a genius creation.

Colin could even imagine what impact this forbidden curse would have on the current situation of the Glory Empire once it was spread.

The knights of the empire, especially the two paladins, would certainly not sit back and watch the Mages Council master such a terrible forbidden curse.

So, Mage Kusius so easily handed this forbidden spell casting scroll to Vera, did he want to pull people to share the hatred?

Or is it a disaster?

"What about the caster? This shouldn't be a spell that a low-level wizard can release, right?"

"Well, you must be a sixth-order mage."

Colin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least Vera was unable to release this forbidden curse, so she would not be the primary target of the Paladins for the time being.

"When Kusius gave you this scroll, didn't he say anything else?"

Vera thought for a while and said, "He said he would never hurt me."

Haha, Colin sneered secretly.

Of course he would not believe such words.

"Nothing else?"

"there is none left."

Colin frowned, he still couldn't tell the true intentions of Mage Kusius based on this little information.

However, he did not relax his vigilance. He had already sent the newly transformed blood slave, Tier 5 fighter Tumu, to stare at Kusius closely. Once the opponent had any changes, he would not hesitate to order the Dag kill.

"Colin, what about this scroll...?" Vera asked entangledly.

She wanted to destroy this **** spellcasting scroll, but she couldn't help but explore the mysterious magic recorded in it. You know, this is the first forbidden spell that can let the caster survive!

Even if the method it uses to transfer the forbidden spell and backlash is extremely inhumane, after all, it provides a valuable idea and has great value for reference.

"Keep it for now." Colin saw the entanglement in Vera's heart, and he enlightened, "It can be used as a reference, and there must be more than this scroll for spellcasting. You can't really cut off the trial if you destroy this scroll. The spread of the Forbidden Curse of the Eye."

After a while, I heard Vera muffled: "Okay."

Colin kissed Vera's forehead and said warmly: "Okay, don't think about it, rest early. Tomorrow we will withdraw to Winter City."

"Is it so urgent?"

"Well, the Menham family's army is only three or four days away from us. If we don't withdraw quickly, I am afraid that the enemy will cut off the way."

"it is good."

Early the next morning, the Golden Lion Corps camp on the southern bank of the River was busy.

The excitement here obviously alarmed the dwarven sentries on the other side. They thought that the Golden Lion Legion was preparing to cross the river to counterattack, and they were so scared that they hurried back to report.

At this time, the Marquis of Dawson had not completely relieved from yesterday's fiasco. Now he heard the news that the Golden Lion Army seemed to be preparing to counterattack, his face immediately became paler.

Therefore, the dwarf Marquis, who has become a frightened bird, immediately ordered-retreat!

At this moment, an extremely weird scene appeared on both sides of the rushing river, and the two sides of the war began to retreat almost at the same time, as if yesterday's life and death were just a dream.

Colin couldn't help smiling as he looked at the army of dwarves who were retreating faster than his own.

This Marquis Dawson was more timid than he thought.

The Camberin knight on the side suddenly suggested: "Viscount Lord, the Dawson family probably won't work anymore. Should we pursue the victory and kill the rushing river?"

Colin glanced at the opponent, thinking that the new commander of the Golden Lion Legion wanted to express himself deliberately, so he asked indifferently: "Are you sure to capture Ironforge City in a short time?"

Unexpectedly by Colin, the Cavalier Knight nodded heavily: "My Lord Viscount, you may not know that Ironforge City is not a strong city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as you give me full support and trust, I can take it in three days!"

Colin got serious now and turned to look at Bachelor Dawn.

Bachelor Dawn actually nodded and said: "Knight Cambenin is right, Ironforge City is indeed not a strong city.

When the Dawson family was loyal to the Lord of the North, in order to show their sincerity and to eliminate the fear of the dwarves of the North, the walls of Ironforge City were specially built very low, and the highest point was no more than three. Meter.

Such a city wall can also keep some thieves out of the city. If it is really facing the elite army, it is almost useless. "

Colin frowned and thought for a while, and found that if he could really capture Ironforge City in one battle and capture the Marquis Dawson, it would definitely help the situation in the North, so he asked: "So you also agree to cross the river and pursue the chase. ?"

But Bachelor Dawn shook his head and said, "No. I still insist on withdrawing to Winter City."

"Oh why?"

"First of all, there is still a risk to siege the city. If Ironforge City cannot be captured for a long time, we will face the risk of being outflanked by the Mennum family. Therefore, it is the safest to withdraw to Winter City.

And, Lord Viscount, don’t forget that there is also a Uman family. Although they have just experienced the camp scream, we don’t know how many troops Count Uman has gathered after the chaos, let alone, they go now. Where is it.

This is a risk factor that cannot be ignored, and it is best for us to act prudently in case of accidents. "

Colin nodded. Although the Golden Lion Army has just won a big battle, the current situation is really not optimistic. The proposal of the Cambenin Cavaliers is a bit too radical. If it is frustrated, the Golden Lion Army will fall into a dead end. The abyss.

Colin glanced across a group of senior officers of the Golden Lion Corps, and suddenly asked, "Everyone, what do you think?"

Most of the officers answered without hesitation: "We also think that withdrawal is the safest arrangement. Of course, the Golden Lion Corps will obey you and Miss Vera's orders on how to act!"

"En." Colin nodded in satisfaction, but then he noticed that among the officers in front of him, there was no figure of Knight Louis.

"Where is the Louis Knight?"

The Camberin knight hesitated for a moment and replied: "My lord, after the first battle yesterday, we did not see the Louis knight. UU reading"

Colin's brows suddenly wrinkled, and he continued to ask: "Did he lead the army into battle yesterday?"

"No." The Camberin Knight shook his head.

If you didn't step forward to kill the enemy, you wouldn't be able to die on the battlefield.

"Haha." Colin sneered, and immediately guessed that this Louis might have run away.

Bachelor Dawn leaned into Colin's ear and whispered: "Master Viscount, Louis Cavaliers once served as Master Joyce's riding teacher."

Hearing these words from Bachelor Dawn, Colin completely confirmed that Louis Cavaliers must have taken advantage of the chaos and ran away.

Since Knight Louise had a deep bond with Joyce, he would definitely not want to see Vera controlling the Golden Lion Legion and even ascending the Duke of the North, so he must have gone to the Winter City to report.

Thinking of this, Colin immediately made up his mind and ordered:

"Withdraw immediately! Winter City must not be lost."


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